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Which TACTICA POSTERS do you follow most


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So which posters have been the most beneficial in your understanding of TACTICS or the game in general?


Who do you follow the most?


Who would you like to give a shout out to?


Who is always there to help the newbies with wisdom, guidance and patience?


Who would you like to thank?


I will start.


In the short time i have been around there have been quite a few people who have really stood out and offered up some knowledge. There are many actually. But to start off:


Chapter Master 454 and Warp Angel have been very good, interesting and informative reads...thanks!

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Well I'm the best at everything so no one can help me :unsure:


However even if his manner is very blunt and he may not always seem very friendly if you don't know him the Jeske can always be counted on to say what he thinks :huh: when it comes to units and there uses and list structures as a whole :rolleyes:

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Grey mage has some great insight, especially with eldar.. his thread on dead eldar is a must for all tactics enthusiasts.


Warp angel, despite my misgivings about the mathematical elements to killhammer is also a man who knows his stuff! i always give his suggestions the weight they deserve.


The Jeske is a hardcore tourney player and veteran of the game, whilst he knows his stuff, i find him to be very one dimensional... its a fact of the game that different army builds work for different people..

The Jeske always presents his opinions from the stand point that he plays the best list and knows what the best units are... problem is 40k is not black and white, it just doesnt work that way.

Still he is a veteran and you should at least listen to his experiences and take what you can from them.


By far the best tactician that has helped me is Brother Taul, he wrote the reaction and control tactica a while ago, and its solid gold.. based loosely on 'water' tactics.

until recently he was an active player in OZ tourney scene and always did well for himself, even using units and army builds other guys write off as useless. He is proof that tactics has to come first, army build second.


I dislike the current "win at all cost" attitude to army building. 40k should be fun aswell as competative.



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The fierce debates between Jeske and GC08 invariably throw up valid points on both sides of any argument, and I benefit from both of them.


WarpAngel's articles are my first call when I want to try a new unit.


Silber is a beacon of considerate iconoclasm.


Melissa walks a purist line that I find both admirable and cautionary.


Doc Thunder has given me the confidence to believe in my own opinions in a flame-rich environment.


454 reminds me to enjoy myself, usually by lead, though occasionally by avoidance.


But the huge, amorphous multitude that is B&C supplies so many different opinions that a cheerful cynic such as myself can benefit from many.


Thanks to the mods for their effort, and to everyone for their contributions.




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Warp Angel's articles helped quite a bit. Personally, I find his "start first, widen the killgap early on" approach to 40k to be both the most entertaining and the most effective way to play. Got all his articles saved on my harddrive. :D
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I like what GC08 has to say on all matter scout but other than that I use my own judgment, experience and what I like the looks of (appearance, not rules) dictate my battles.


EG: If there is a model I like that fits with my army themes i'm more likely to take it than an average unit that technically performs better.


For me, Fluff before mechanics.

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I get inspiration and ideas from just about everyone on the list. There's no one person that I follow, but I tend to read a lot of army lists and strategy articles for inspiration and insight. Differing opinions to my own strategry articles are often the most useful things for me.
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For Chaos, I usually look toward Redbaron998, Chillin, Jeske, Drudge Dreadnought, Cale and Prot as well as Brother Nihm when he pops in.

In other areas I have alot of respect for Jeffersonian000, Brother Tual, number6, Warp Angel, Koremu and Bannus.


Of course there are others as well, thats just off the top of my head. Alot of good people here. ;)

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Well my opinion on this is that everyone is worth listening to. I do actually mean anyone. You never know when someones opinion will challenge you in such a way to improve.


What is "right" now is just a collective average of peoples opinions. Just take a look at some of the closed threads and you will see that there are a number of closed books out there who are unwilling to change or let things go. Conflict is one of the best melting pots for progress and improvement and reading some o fthe heated debates really gives you a glimpse into what people are like and how their opinions form.


I therefore read as much as possible, challenge when I dont understand or agree but overall I use others experiences and try them out for myself. Preaching what someone else has learnt is one thing, standing on the shoulders of giants in order to achieve something greater than those who came before you is a goal that I aspire to.


Some might call it fickle to change opinions in the face of experience.


However some names for you to look out for:


The Jeske - If only for the conflict that his opinions cause. I dont agree with him much and listen more to the people who argue with him than what he says.

Grey Mage - Seems to always Batman in and provide some well earned knowledge

Vel'conna - Completely spelt incorrectly I am sure but he has some interesting things to say

Captain Idaho - He is not "maintream" and that makes what he says and does that much more interesting (read his tactica on Uber units and see what I mean)

GC08 - He is the underdog but listen to what he says. You will certainly do worse than try out what he suggests. Surprises lurk around each corner and a lot of my non board friends are migrating to some of the things he has been suggesting for a while.

Brother Taul - I consider his tactica on Reaction and Control to be required reading for anyone wanting to take their game to a new level. Next level is understanding by the way, not winning. You only win more when you understand why you are winning.



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Most of my 5th edition ideas and considerations have come from Warp Angel's ingenious documents. He has a keen grasp of Sun Tzu-like strategic concepts while still being able to look past his own Mathhammer ideals and accept that some things can't simply be explained by numbers. In particular, I am a fan of any document by said author that starts with the title "Killhammer."


GreatCrusade008 is literally the go-to guy for anything involving Scouts, and by reflection nonlinear army design concepts. I like that he seems to actually read out the army lists at hand and make observations as opposed to generic critiques (which is one of my biggest faults, sin of pride and all that).


Personally, I take the Jeske's comments as exactly what they are: WAAC and frag the rest. That said, I think every board needs someone like this to provide that extreme of the spectrum; to give us a sounding board for the "effective vs. characterful" argument. This comment should be taken as a compliment to the Jeske; his views really do contain the full breadth of gaming knowledge and competitive edge.


I think that's what I love about this forum beyond all the others (I don't post on any others, but I follow them closely); we all have something to add and the flame free environment allows our newer posters significant opportunity to feel safe in joining a friendly-yet-competitive environment. :P

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Well my opinion on this is that everyone is worth listening to. I do actually mean anyone. You never know when someones opinion will challenge you in such a way to improve.




I'll give special shout-outs to Waaaan, Grey Mage, and greatcrusade for steering me well on more than a few occassions. And as my army is a bunch of crazy, over-priced, possibly inept but AWESOME flying melee maniacs, my talks with Koremu have been absolutely invaluable.


I love this board, frankly. I owe virtually all of you a beer and a game, as this is where I learned the art of Warhammer. <3

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For Chaos, I usually look toward Redbaron998, Chillin, Jeske, Drudge Dreadnought, Cale and Prot as well as Brother Nihm when he pops in.

In other areas I have alot of respect for Jeffersonian000, Brother Tual, number6, Warp Angel, Koremu and Bannus.


Of course there are others as well, thats just off the top of my head. Alot of good people here. :)

Add yourself to that list minigun. I find if I'm here in search of an answer on something, you've asked the question a day or so before. Seriously, I can think of three or four times that's happened in the last couple of months. Drudge is good for that too.


I've only been painting a year, and playing for a couple months, and it's thanks to you all here, and some folks on 40konline, that I'm doing as well as I am.

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