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The Blue hawks


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I've always looked at this section with great admiration because it gave me great ideas and tips.

I live in Italy and I do not know very well the English language. What I write is translated by Google Translator.

I hope you can understand.


I am a veteran player wh40K. game for over 15 years. Now I have started a new chapter of Space Marines.

the blue hawks.


The idea is to give the chapter a story with similar traditions to American Indians.


armors are covered with coats of wolf and helmets sergeants are adorned with feathers of a hawk.


here are the pictures

I'm also creating a squadron of jetbike.

soon if it can interest you will send more photos.


I hope I have given you new ideas


cloaks are those of the warriors of Chaos Warhammer Fantasy


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I like what you are doing here! I think the blue you have chosen works very well.


I also did a Native American themed Space Marine army - I don't feel right posting pics directly in to someone else's thread, but if you are interested in comparing ideas, here is a link...




I look forward to seeing more of your army!



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very beautiful! I like a lot especially the Scouts. but I'm not so good at sculpting:)

now I'm working on jetbike to use as a motorcycle.

I chose the basic model is the captain of the jetbike DarkAngel, but we reconstruct from the discharge gas (potholes) because in the original model are attached to the tunic of the captain.


on the battlefield 8 bikes and a jet flying jetbike assault, are very beautiful to see (and very expensive to buy than to paint):)



I just put the photo


Use the link for the photos because I did not understand how you put directly on the forum and I do not know English is difficult to understand the instructions to put them:)

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