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Luna Wolves

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Since, after reading the HH books, i was completly enthralled by Loken, Tarik and Co i decided to reproduce them on our beloved Tabletop game. I havent been able to find much examples of good Luna Wolves armies on the net, so if any of you know of any, please, i am open to any link. Not knowing exaclty how my marines would look, especially my commanders, which i intend to build based on the new special characters, Cato Sicarius for Garviel Loken, He'stan Vulkan for Tarik Torgaddon and Pedro Kantor for Aximand, i decided to start with a photoshop colored version first. Notice i didnt mention Abaddon, simple i dont like him. :D


This is done quickly, for it is only meant to give a basic idea of how they will look. So here is Aximand/Kantor, tell me what you think, enough details, by the way, just to confirm the powerfist is adorned with a howling wolf head. Tell me if it is too hard to see and ill do something else.




C&C appreciated!! :)


Brother Mordeus

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The issues with using this model are minor and really up to you if you want to address them.


You can just make out the Aquila on the chest plate but it’s clearly visible on the right shoulder. I hear this debated but I understand that this privilege was reserved solely to the Emperor’s Children prior to the Heresy. I’m not enough of a fluff expert to know when this convention spread to other Chapters but Mark VII armor is called Aquila/Eagle armor for some reason.


Also the helmet is more Mark V (maybe even Mark VII) so not sure how much use it saw in Loken’s day. Arguably, 10th Company marines would be more “Heresy Era” as opposed to “Pre-Heresy” so there could have been a mix of Mark IV & Mark V variants being used.


Have fun with the army. Working your way through the whole Heresy representation is a real challenge. Well worth the reward when you get it worked out.


Cheers, -OMG

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Thanks guys, sorry for the signature, noticed only later that it was that big, changing it soon. The Eagle is one of my issues on the special character models, as they are most of time quit big and obstrusive. The plastic models will obviously be easier to play with. My intention as of know is to keep the a semi-modern semi-heresy look, to enable me to build the army a bit faster. I know the Luna Wolves are more of a romanesque influenced, but i thought that introducing minor celtic designs would help give it a more distinct look, the roman look being quit present in other legions.


New photoshop deigns coming in and will post my first conversion work when i get a camera which should be soon.


Thanks, Brother Mordeus

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Just as OwlandMoonGuy points out, the helmet is indeed mark VII, and this armour type wasnt being distrubuted untill the fall of Mars. By that time the Luna Wolves had already long ago been renamed the Sons of Horus and betrayed the Imperium of Man (meaning no Luna Wolf ever wore a mark VII armour at all).


When it comes to the Aquilla I do have a tip; keep in mind that even though the Aquilla pre-Istvann III was reserved only to the Emperors Children, this does not apply to the "winged skulls" or the "wings" wich is found on quite alot Space Marine armours (buying a Tactical Box you actually only get 1 type of torso with the Aquilla, while there are others with "wannabe Aquillas", a skull with aquilla-wings for example). So you could always GS away the eagle-heads into something else, still keeping it fluff-wise correct.


As a Heresy-era Sons of Horus player I would never use the Mk VII helmets myself though, but its totally up to you! I'd always prefer seing a post-Heresy army painted like a pre-heresy army anyday, rather than not seeing any pre-heresy army at all :)

Another tip is to try sculpt his helmet into a Mark IV of Mark III helmet, I dont think that requires to much effort.


Your Kantor picture looks great by the way, and besides the helmet I do think he would make a great Aximand (but as most people who wrote here I do have a issue with the celtic stuff aswell xD).

The Luna Wolf insignia on the leg is perfect where it is, I do hope you will paint it there :>


Iam hoping I contribute with something with this said, but keep in mind, its your army in the end, and you should do it exactly how it pleases you the most!


For Lupercal! Glory to the Warmaster!


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Thanks Morthin, I fully agree with you on the helmet issue, though i think that for know i will try to keep it simple, i really love the MK VII helmet, and will include some older versions on plastic troops, the issue being i dont really want to risk ruining a metal model just to change a helmet, dont think it is worth that much risk, unless of course the head is a seperate piece in which case ill give it a go.


I'd always prefer seing a post-Heresy army painted like a pre-heresy army anyday, rather than not seeing any pre-heresy army at all


Exactly what im thinking, which is why i might include some more recent armor, rather then being perfectly historicaly correct.


Anyway here is a quick one of what Tarik Torgaddon will look like, took out any celtic motifs and symbols.



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Love this! I was planning on doing the same thing. My current project is being thrown together at a fair pace so I think taking this on as a nice, modeling project without a time pressure would excellent.


I love the pictures you've photoshopped so far so I hope you done mind me subbing this for inspiration and motivation :blink:

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Hehe not at all, though, those are still based on Eavy' Metal paintjobs, :blink: :P I just hope i can do something close to that. OF course it is easier to convert a picture than the actual model, like taking off those scales on the cloak... Me, im just thinking of greenstuffing some fur on top of it, more in tune with a wolf iconography.


Brother Mordeus

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And here is the Loken Sicarius version 1.0, this is a very rough draft, and a temporary solution for Loken, since i have already bought the mini and started work on it, he will get when time permits a much nicer and converted version. Cheers,


Brother Mordeus



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Thanks Morthin, I fully agree with you on the helmet issue, though i think that for know i will try to keep it simple, i really love the MK VII helmet, and will include some older versions on plastic troops, the issue being i dont really want to risk ruining a metal model just to change a helmet, dont think it is worth that much risk

Though it can be a bit tedious, the right tool can go a long way to removing bits from metal models. For head removal, a pair of flat wire cutters will take the top of the head off while the right Dremel bit will hollow the neck in a way that will easily accommodate a new head bit (though fairly hideous when you think about it that way).


Take this for what it’s worth but Pre-Heresy projects tend to have the most impact when you can keep things as “historically accurate” as possible. Now that’s no easy trick considering that the fluff is not absolutely consistent in all cases. As for my little LW army, I chose to use the cover art of the HH novels as the basis for the conversions. Even then, small compromises had to be made based on parts availability.


I think you’ll find the project more gratifying if you take a few extra steps along those lines. Just my 2¢.



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Thanks OMG, ill give it a try, i love that cover art, and i did spend some time wondering how i could reproduce those helmets, how did you do that do you have any pics?

Lots of them.










There are more in my blog starting about here. More tanks & jetbikes if you’re interested.


You should check out many of the other Pre-Heresy efforts about the forum. A little research for a project like this always pays off.



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Thanks OMG, you know the moment i sent the reply i noticed your blog link, which i followed and found a lot of your marines, thanks for posting the pics, i have found a new source of motivation with this, as i will cast some pre-heresy helmets in resin, should make it easier to get loads of them.


Ya, Morthin, sicarius is quit good, think i will add that cresst to the other two, this should bind them together as part of a single brother hood.

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Hehe cool ideas there mate ;) Love the Lunar Wolf´s too :D and seriusly considering some myself.... :o and btw the ones you have there from photoshop all have there heads separate.... ;) so shouldent be any probs with them atleast... and then heads heresy style you can find from example the FW " Red scorpions" pack and some of the berserker heads and templar heads too.. :)


cheers and waiting eagerly for more progress :)

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