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40k- The 881st Crusade


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++++ Inquistorial Report ++++

After the 13th Black Crusade the High Lords of Terra ordered the formation of The 881st Crusade for the purpose of bringing all the worlds that fell under chaos or xenos control during the 13th Black Crusade back into Imperial control or destroy them.


Chapter Master of the Ultramarines Marneus Calgar and Inquisitor Lord Pietro Ximenez were given the task given the task of marshalling the forces needed to carry out the will of the High Lords. To date several Chapters of Astartes have pledged support to the crusade.


To date several worlds have been liberated from the control of xenos, rebellious planetary governors and purged of the taint of chaos. The crusade is currently focused on liberating a a system under the control of Ork Warboss Grotgor Mekgob.

++++ End ++++


This is the rebirth of a previous diary, after reading through some old codeices i have rewritten the fluff behind the army and changed the way i want to play it.

Basically this will be a Space Marine force made using Codex Space Marines but cause i cant decide on a single chapter ive decided to use as many as i can.


Modelling wise each squad will be modelled/painted as a different space marine chapter, allowing me to indulge in some of the great conversions i got rattling around in my head and different marine/chapter models. I will also be adding the different special characters available to space marines ie sgt tellion, lysander, pedro ect to use in the army for a bit of difference

Another idea i want to use for this is characters in squads ie a librarian in training with smite as a counts as "marine with flamer", chaplain in traing, apothecary, techmarine or Deathwatch Vetran returned to his chapter ect ect


Game/playwise i want to have an army i can chop and change whenever i get bored with the current list or get throughly thrashed :) also im hoping to provide a challenge for regular opponents who will never quite be sure what there gonna face, so for now ive got a list of minitures currently in my possesion and the chapters i intend to model/paint them as.


Any feedback/suggestions you have for the background/ fluff / modelling ideas would be appreciated :huh:


Heres a of list of units i can assemble using what i have atm


Tactical Squads

Iron Hands- using the GW conversion Kit and my own scratch build bionics

Imperial Paladins- have modelled these guys in the Mk6 Corvus Armour

Sons of Orar

Iron Knights


Assault Squads

Flesh Tearers

Scythes of the Emperor will be armed with Chain Scythes


Devastator Squad

Mentor Legion


Scout Squads

Ultramarines Sniper Squad with Sgt Tellion

Howling Griffons CC squad w Land Speeder Storm


Landspeeder Squadron

Eagle Warrior magnetized to be able to upgrade to tornado variant


Bike Squad

White Scars 4 bikes 1 attack Bike


Scout Bike Squad

Exorcists Chapter


Vetran/Sterngaurd Squad




Aurora Marines


Terminator Shooty Squad

Imperial Fists


4 Dreadnoughts

Black Templars

Dark Angels

Angels Sanguine

Doom Eagles


I have tried pick squad chapter combinations that fit the background/fluff of that particular chapter


Heres a few shots of the Imperial Paladins Tactical Squad, I gave them all MK6 Corvus Armour and have mainly used the Black Templar Upgrade Sprue as

1 There Paladins and the tabards look good and i like the chained weapons

2 There chapter symbol is actually a templar cross with a skull on it which is on of the icons used on a lot of Black Templar minis

Ive gotta go back through and clean up mould lines and do bolter muzzles and add skulls to any plain crosses so they look more chapter specific :P

Link to Lexicanum Imperial Paladin Page







Next squad im wroking on will be a Sons of Orar Tactical Squad hope to have pics up on the weekend

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ok havent got much done lately started working on the Sons of Orar and Iron Knights Tactical yesterday. So here is a few Wip shots of the sergeants for both squads

First up Sons Of Orar Vetran Sergeant Brutus





Next is Vetran Sergeant Galahad of the Iron Knights




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