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Iron Hands Sternguard


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Been working on these for a while, all components are from the battleforce, with the exceptions of florists wire, guitar wire and greenstuff for the bionics. I hope these photos have turned out OK, I used daylight bulbs and I will be making a proper setup for taking photos soon. Also the fact I had to use my camera phone probably didnt help and whilst I tried to fix the colour balance it isn't perfect and some of the reds particularly look more pink. I am attempting to get some custom transfers sorted out and may touch up a couple of bits at a later date, other than that I consider them finished.


The whole squad:






Squad with rhino (almost finished)



Some Closeups of the sergeant




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They look mean, in a bad way (which is good because this is 40k :)), I wouldn't mess with them. Just a background note although I don't really care and I've done it some of my power weapons I think... but blood wouldn't get on the power fist unless the field was turned off/broken or that happened before and then no-one cleaned it and you turned the field on which would then protect the blood stains hurrah!



Anyway looks really cool and I'm all for kit bash sternguard!

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I'm not too sure on the blood now myself, the problem was the powerfist was a very large area of metallics and I wanted to break it up a bit. I do like the official sternguard models but I don't like having identical models and also they would need a fair bit of converting to look appropriate for Iron Hands and I'd rather chop up cheap plastic models than more expensive metals.
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Nice use of bitz (always good to see an AdMech torso slipped into a unit here and there) - but I do find the blood a bit distracting. I think too much attention was put into it so you notice the blood - but not the mini.


If you are concerned about too much metal on the powerfist - then don't paint it all metal. I had the same concern with my powerfists and I solved it by just painting the fingers in metalic colors while leaving the fist itself as either black or gray.


Other than that, I think they look good.

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Thanks for all the comments, the sergeants being put with the squad I'm currently painted so I can re-do his fist without interrupting what little painting I actually manage to get done :huh: I'm also planning on attempting to get these custom transfers to work this weekend. Will update pics when they are fully finished.
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