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Khorne Berzerker {ARTWORK}


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I'd love to see some more detailing on him, some battle damage maybe. I like the gore on the shoulderpad, it seems to kind of blend in on the arm making it hard to make out, also some shading would do wonders for him =) Otherwise I really like the style and the pose, very powerful looking.
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Hey, I think it is a good start.


What the piece is lacking is a source of lighting. Painting a night scene is hard, since as we know, night time is dark. Study the effects of how objects behave when they are lit from a direction. Especially at night, you may need to add a source in, like a flaming brazier or a street lamp; unless you want him lit by the moon, in which case you won't be needing many colours. Mostly deep dark blue and a few sharp whites.



This link has some nice things to consider for lighting objects, just an interesting read.


I'd also suggest having a think about what shape the thing is that you are colouring is. The forearms on the berserker look very flat, but if you think about what the shape is, it is a cylinder. That means that it should be shaded in a different way to a flat rectangle, if that makes sense. If you apply idea this to every shape on the picture, you'll have a much clearer idea of how to paint him up :huh:


Also, some of the most important advice I have garnered for digital painting is this . . . Don't be in a hurry to make perfectly blended transistions.



This is a great example, see how in a few well placed colours, a realistic apple takes shape? If you over-blend, then you'll end up with a fuzzy picture :D


Anyway, please post more. Hope that I was some help.

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Marines have at the end of their forearm, a wrist "ring" or a raised surface at the edge, it helps to separate the arm and hand more, which I think you need. Speaking of hands, his left hand doesn't seem to gripping the Chainaxe, it feels as though his hand is limp and his weapon is superglued to his fingertips.


Not bad though


He needs bigger elbows, in my opinion. Why have such a huge beastily arm and a mini midget elbow?


Also one little idea, have a couple of glowing green eyes in the helmet. I think if you did them just right and make them menacing enough you'll make people crap themselves!


Good Luck!

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I am going to try a Tzneetch piece of a Thousand Son, Nurgle piece and a Slaneesh Piece over the next couple of months. I shall try to use all the advice here on the next few. Thanks guys!


@Gafgarion: Great tuts. They'll come in real handy.

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