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Heavy Support for a tournament army


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I'm looking to build a balanced force. Other than my HQ + 2 Tactical / 1 Scout choices, I have a Land Speeder squadron with multi meltas and heavy flamers, an Ironclad Dreadnought, and a Dreadnought with a multi melta. My decision right now is split on how to best use 2 heavy support choices with the three tank options I have.



Predator (dakka)



I play tested the Predator/Vindicator combo last week against Blood Angels and it did very well, obviously. I was able to move the Vindicator forward and do massive damage. The BA player didn't have Scouts, and didn't take too much advantage of cover. That is where the Whirlwind would shine and against non MEq armies.


To better keep the army balanced "for all comers" I was thinking of removing the Vindicator for the Whirlwind, and then adding a Lascannon to a tactical and 2 HKM's to the Ironclad with the extra points. Am I crazy giving up the Vindicator for the Whirlwind?

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I can't help you my 1,500pt list has a pred, vindicator and whirlwind :'( although my pred is often the now out-dated Tri-las :P


Do you have any ideas of the make up of the armies you might be facing. Lots of horde armies or lots of MEQ or what?


The other option is unless you intend to use the Autocannon for transport busting you could take a Whirlwind and a Vindicator :P fun times.

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2 Vindicators?

Win! :P


However, any two of those will be useful against different opponents. As a vindicator proponent historically, I have really come round to whirlwinds of late. They are soooo cheap for what they can do, and I would suggest the whirlwind/vinicator combo if you want two different choices. Between them, they really can take on just about anything and won't break the points bank either. Buy any vindicators a shield too...

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How does the TL-Las/HB predator stack against the AC/LC ones?


The TL-Las one has better firepower on the move (TL-Str9 vs 2xStr7/1xStr9) and when sitting still the HBs stack glances against Rhinos and can penetrate most other transports and light vehicles (Wave Serpents and Chimeras on the sides, War-Walker/Sentinel Squadrons, Raiders, Vypers, Land Speeders, stuff like that) so I wouldn't say it's totally unfocused either.

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