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Halo Warriors

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Finally started a project log for my Space Marine Chapter, the Halo Warriors. Hopefully this plog will give me motivation to keep painting and updating at least once a week. Note that the pics in this opening post are still WIPs.

This is the color scheme of my chapter. Sorry for the blurriness of the picture.


This is my Tactical Squad with Rhino that will be used in my 1000 and 1500 point lists. The squad name will be aptly named once I have more games under my belt. I also still have to make a combi-flamer for the sarge.


Close-up on the Rhino. Yes I know the smoke launchers are on backwards. :P


These models are on the backburner, or are the lowest priority because they won't seeing any tabletop time anytime soon. There are 13 Marines; four Terminators; a Dreadnought; a captain and five Assault Marines.


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Is the rhino named Sheila?


Obvious RvB reference here. Whats next: 'Whys it called a rhino? it looks more like a puma'


Poor humour aside the models so far look not too bad as far as quality of pics allow, keep at it.


Edit: ninja'ed by wileythenord. and no they don't look like tusks!!! it looks more like a puma!

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