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Provost Marshal Tayen

Commander Sha'son

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So I got some minor painting done. I have been wanting to do a Vulkan model but felt like everyone was doing it, with the same conversions for the Gauntlet: powerfist/lighting claw with flamer nozzles. Literal translation. So I set up out to make my own. At a lost, it came to me yesterday, as I was watching some old episodes of Mobile Fighter G Gundam. Needless to say after about 3 mins of "what if...?" I converted and painted up this guy. He is a prototype, and will be done again once I am done with training. The Provost Marshal is the police, if you will, of my Chapter. After having an entire Company go "bye bye we like what priracy pays" under a Chaplain and his entire core of Initiates, I saw the need. The Spear was the easiest to make. Although I plan on redoing it with the AOBR Captain's sword. I thought about the Mantle...then decided the armor is the Mantle much like Sicarius. Nothing extravagant on him... with the exception of his badge. Took some careful sawng to get it. Overall, I am happy with the effect and the new color scheme. Some minor tweeking will be done later on with the new model. Anyhoo here he is... Fire at Will...




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I love the pose and paintjob, although i am unclear on what is supposed to be the heavy flamer?


Ah...you dont watch Gundam, I see. The flamer is part of the fist. Much like that Red Corsairs guy... Huron, I think.


I.. still don't get it. :o Can you explain?

like vulkan's model, the flamer is more in the fist, than a nozzle attached to the fist, i think is what he's saying.

most people have been making their vulkan, or vulkan stand ins by just attaching a flamer to a power fist/lighting claw, but their are little holes in the fist (probably just behind the knuckles) that has the flames spurt out. or possibly, the silver part on the fist (is a sword sculpted on the fist?) could be a good place for the flame to come out.

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I love the pose and paintjob, although i am unclear on what is supposed to be the heavy flamer?


Ah...you dont watch Gundam, I see. The flamer is part of the fist. Much like that Red Corsairs guy... Huron, I think.


I.. still don't get it. ^_^ Can you explain?

like vulkan's model, the flamer is more in the fist, than a nozzle attached to the fist, i think is what he's saying.

most people have been making their vulkan, or vulkan stand ins by just attaching a flamer to a power fist/lighting claw, but their are little holes in the fist (probably just behind the knuckles) that has the flames spurt out. or possibly, the silver part on the fist (is a sword sculpted on the fist?) could be a good place for the flame to come out.


That guy gets it. Yes that was the idea.

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thanks. it took alot of filing and patience holding into place while the cement cured. I found some little tidbits I want to add. Like drilling some holes into the knuckles. I want to keep the eagle back pack, but I may convert a Multimelta backpack into one. Unfortunately to build this army will cost a small fortune. Just the badges alone from the AOBR captain will run me 300. For that price... I might as well use the swords for spears and make them into Grey Knight Stand Ins, not to mention all the assault legs I need. <_< . We'll see if they get nerfed in their next Codex...
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Ah...you dont watch Gundam, I see. The flamer is part of the fist. Much like that Red Corsairs guy... Huron, I think.


Perhaps to make it clearer you could model some smoke from the holes in the fist?


I want to keep the eagle back pack, but I may convert a Multimelta backpack into one.


That would look cool, and help with the whole flamer thing.

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Not that I often lavish people with compliments on here, but I like this model. It's a nice conversion with some good ideas and some really nice painting. Based on the above statements, I take it Tayen's opponents fear him giving them the (Flaming) finger? But yes. Some smoke would define it as a H.Flamer better if you can do a decent enough job, otherwise you're gonna have some nitwit going "WYSIWYG!!!! WYSIWYG!!!!!!!1" until he's blue in the face. BUT I'd honestly rather not potentially risk hurting such a lovely model. The decision is yours, as I honestly think it's good enough as is.
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I thought about the modelling some about the fist... Then I got to thinking of adding holes to the knuckles and fingers. Fist closed it comes from the knuckle nozzles. Fist open, flames come from the palm like Huron. That way I wont have to fiddle with it too much... I hate fiddling. Love diddling, hate fiddling.


Thanks again for the support. The second model is looking 100 times better already. I found some inspiration from Lamenter's home page. Namely his Blood Raven Vulkan stand in. So I stole his AOBR captain collar idea... The Spear is longer by 1/8 inch. due to the different blade used. But it looks cooler IMO. The fist I am having trouble finding bits for. I wanted to use the DA halo sword fist... but I am out of that bit. So I am at the crossroads of pack it away now or make a new fist... using a Terminator PF

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Maybe have some Wolverine esque Flamer nozzles? Maybe take the little igniters off of some flamers and put them in the webbings of the fist? or something.


Oh, if you do Smoke that's okay I guess. But Rarely have I seen it done in a way that doesn't look cheesy or fake. Perhaps instead add scorch marks around where the nozzles are? So if you look you see the burns from the molten death?


Overall a very cool mini, is that NMM gold? or Orange? I can't tell but it looks cool anyway.

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I really like the model and pose as everyone else has mentioned, and the blue is beautifully handeled, however the orange/yellow overwhelms the model for me. I don't know if the pic got a little over saturated but it seems like you want to soften the orange a bit with some bubonic brown and white highlights or something similar. But other than that you now have 2 commanders that look great.
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I really like the model and pose as everyone else has mentioned, and the blue is beautifully handeled, however the orange/yellow overwhelms the model for me. I don't know if the pic got a little over saturated but it seems like you want to soften the orange a bit with some bubonic brown and white highlights or something similar. But other than that you now have 2 commanders that look great.


Thanx. The yellow is actually metallic gold. I think the pic is over saturated. Any ideas how to fix that?

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