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Space Hulk Librarian and more


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I pre-ordered too and mine didn't arrive early :huh: The english speaking world always gets the special treatment :D


I also thought about converting the SH terminators, but only some and it would be a shame to rip the squads apart. So I'll just wait how good the Space Wolves terminators will look like.

Well I pre-ordered mine only a couple of days after it came out and I live in england and still no box of goodies for me either. I collect Iron Hands and would just be such a waste to convert these models so I'm going just going to have some Blood Angels terminators, maybe one day I'll add to the army.

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I pre-ordered too and mine didn't arrive early :huh: The english speaking world always gets the special treatment :D


I also thought about converting the SH terminators, but only some and it would be a shame to rip the squads apart. So I'll just wait how good the Space Wolves terminators will look like.

Well I pre-ordered mine only a couple of days after it came out and I live in england and still no box of goodies for me either. I collect Iron Hands and would just be such a waste to convert these models so I'm going just going to have some Blood Angels terminators, maybe one day I'll add to the army.



america people get the box early because they ship it out alot earlier, they must of under-estimated how quickly the boxes would get there.



what are you going to do with the force axe ? (i hope its something awesome)

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twistinthunder @ not sure yet mate, but I don't want to do it just metal, some might do some preliminary work on paper of some ideas. I quite liked Lorenzos power sword in the White Dwarf so may have a look at that.

I did some more work on him last night. And as a result lost out on a nights sleep! But I worked on his robe a bit and painted up some more gold iconography. Today I will mostly be working on the Crux Terminatus as well as finishing the cloak.

I gotta say the shere enormity of this project makes me nervous. :lol: You want to do each one justice.


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Nice librarian. Looks damn imposing!


As for the 'why convert them' question. Why not? You get 11 terminators and a terminator librarian for £60, instead of about £75. If you have the patience, it is worth it. And some genestealers are the same, I think. When I did my store game there were some clones.


But, and burn me at the stake for this, I really didn't enjoy my game of Space hulk. It may be because I had to learn the rules and use them in 3 minute intervals, and my opponent was chewing I think 10 gums at once, but I was like 'that sucked'. Maybe if I knew the rules I would have enjoyed it better.

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Cheers, fortunately I'm a BA player any how so this was just great for me as is. But I can see the conversion potential for them, in the right hands these guys could look awesome converted. But be prepared for a lot of shaving and filing. There's no doubting these guys are Blood Angels.
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I was stupid and had it shipped to the LA Battle Bunker. They got the shipment in on Monday but those of us that pre-ordered can't pick ours up until the 5th when everyone else can buy theirs. What then was the point of pre-ordering... :lol: I'll never go that route again.


Nice paint job so far. I think the blue could be a little darker but thats just my tastes.

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Looks awsome mate love your blue. I picked up my copy from my LGS this morning so im knee high in sprue at the mo. The copy i preordered still hasnt shown up yet though!. I cant wait to see what you do with Brother Claudio or Brother Goriel they have to be the coolest looking Termis ive seen!
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Cheers Biohazard, these guys are so well done I don't wanna mess 'em up too much. <_<

Did some more work on him this afternoon. Painted up the scroll cases and painted up the right knee pad. I was considering some sort of cracked molten effect for the axe blade but I'm still not sure. I think I'll paint it last.


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In the OP, the positioning of that image in the background is either really clever or coincidentally awesome, cos it looks like there's shiny-purpley stuff going around it.


Also, looking good, mate! God, I can't wait for Space Hulk...

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yeah they are the same size :)





seriously how many times do i have to say this me, my stores staff, my friends and everyone else in my store have all checked, double checked and TRIPLE checked they are not the same size you CAN use them in 40k games since they are ALMOST the same size.



And the pointless post award goes to......... :Troops:


I am really liking the mini mate

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Cheers for the responses guys, been away on the weekend so haven't done much on him. But I'll get him finshed up soon. Oh and Skirax that purply stuff going on around it is a Ladytron promotional poster for 'Seventeen', I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out. :) Maybe neon for power weapons is the way forward? haha.
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yeah they are the same size :)





seriously how many times do i have to say this me, my stores staff, my friends and everyone else in my store have all checked, double checked and TRIPLE checked they are not the same size you CAN use them in 40k games since they are ALMOST the same size.



And the pointless post award goes to......... :Troops:


I am really liking the mini mate


actually you get it. its not pointless if your correcting someone when they've answered a question wrongly.

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Really great work on the librarian. The blue is spot on but I really like what you've done with the face.


Converting them is something I look forward to, like fine surgery. A few blood drops here and there are just awards or gems, but I think I can carefully get the rest. They are just too good not to use for both SH and 40k, and I already have 30 terminators.


Speaking of which, they are, for all intents and purposes, exactly the same size. The bases and poses lend them some differing qualities, but lined up it's clear many of the bits even started as masters from orginal terminators (as GW likes to build off existing models and bits, just look at Sgt. Harker's pouches). So yes, they are the same, just more active.

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I'm looking forward to painting mine in a successor chapter's colours - probably Angels Sanguine, I think, as I like the bipartite, red/black look. But the problem is that I'm enjoying playing the game too much to want to take time out to paint them! So I'll take a tip from Brother Duncs, here, and start with the Librarian, as I've not got to those missions, yet.



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Great looking model Brother Duncs! Your highlighting is awesome. I'm looking forward to more!


To all the questions about termie sizes and what not, it's all been answered before. Stop beating the proverbial horse! Search. Here is a lead http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...6131&st=250. Raafi, go see post #257.


Thanks again Brother Duncs for sharing your work, keep it coming!



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Hey cheers guys, yeah I did the librarian first cos I have no idea how I'm going to tackle the other models yet. I'm undecided as to whether to undercoat black or white. So I went straight for the Libby.

Ok so I've done a bit more work on him today, I've painted the detailing on the axe head gold and I'm working up some strange blue/grey blending on the axe head. Once I'm done with that I'll move on to the Storm Bolter casing and give it a deep red. Then aside from the base, he's pretty much done.




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