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Anti Necron List


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I am currently at the top of a challenge ladder and have been challenged by a Necron Player. I have not seen him play but he has been on the second rung for a long time. From what I understand, he is pretty tactically sound. Anyway, all I know is that he has a Nightbringer and has been known to take it. He will also sometimes try to squeeze a 3rd Monolith in 2000 point games. I am going to try to persuade him into a 1750 point game as that is tournament standard and it eliminates the potential for a 3rd Monolith.


My proposed list is as such:


Sternguard x 10 with 2 meltas & 2 combi meltas and powerfist (willing to drop meltas)

-Drop Pod

Tactical Squad x 10 with melta & missile launcher and powerfist


Tactical Squad x 10 with melta & missile launcher and powerfist

Tactical Squad x 5 with melta and powerfist

Terminator Assault Squad x5 with lightning claws

Terminator Squad x 5 with cyclone missile launcher

Assault Squad x10 with Jump packs, 3x plasma pistol and powerfist


My plan is to drop the sternguard near a C'tan or Destroyers whichever he has and try to knock it/them out first turn. The rhino squad will scream up and attempt to screen the Assault element. From there I hope to be in assault rather quickly and force the leadership check and run them down. The other two tactical squads are to hold objectives and counter assault if scarabs or something show up. If it is an objective scenario, all 10 man squads will break into 5

man (unless it looks to be a bad idea) and they will remain full strength for kill point scenario.


I am concerned with the following items. First, my terminators are footslogging. I don't know if I should deep strike and have them hanging in the wind for a turn. Second, I really have nothing to deal with the monoliths. I intend to ignore them and go for the phase out but if he deepstrikes into the right place I could be in for a lot of fire.


So with all that in mind, please provide me some input as to whether this is a viable army or not. It seems well rounded enough. My own criticism would be to possibly remove the regular terminator squad and get razorbacks with lascannons to provide both mobility and strength 9. Any advice will help. Thanks in advance.

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Rule 1 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Ignore the monolith

Rule 2 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Tarpit the C'Tan (they aren't Necrons either)

Rule 3 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Thou shalt engage in hand to hand with just about everything.

Rule 4 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Avoid footslogging towards large warrior squads.


The biggest problem that I see is that your termies are footslogging. Assault terminators are almost pure overkill against anything but a C'Tan. It takes 12 of their attacks to kill a Marine, and they go after you do. If you charge a 12 strong squad, you're only going to average 1 death, but you'll have inflicted more than that if sarge has a power weapon of some kind. If they lose by 2, Ld 8 fails 1/6 of the time. If they lose by 3, Ld 7 fails 1/4 of the time. And if you destroy them with sweeping advance (easy against I2), they get no WBB roll.


You can keep the regular terminators and deep strike them, if you use them well, without much of an issue. But I'd use the 200 points from the assault termies for something else.

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In general assult is good vs necrons, no WBB for models removed by sweeeping. In a pinch melta /can/ take a monlith (+1 from ap1 lets it destroy a vehicle on a glance, but its a 1/36 chance per hit or 1/56 per shot) but its not advised. You may (read likely) want to add some hammer/sheild's to the assult terms, this will let you assighn guass pseudo rending hits to your sheilds, and if the monolith is too much of a hassle you can just stun it with hammers for the rest of the game. The best shot vs a monolith is orbital bombardment (ap1 ordinance), followed by siesmic ironclads (efectivly ap1), and then demolishers (ordance), remember Kantor has Orbital bombardment


On the side of your list though, why all the meltas? They are short-ranged and The only vehicles necrons have is the monlith, against witch the meltas dont work to well, yeah ID to deny WBB is nice in theory, but what are the chances their wont be an orb nearby, and your sporting Krak missles for str8 with range, also imortals and destroyers are T5, so no ID to deny WBB their (admitidly there will likely be lots of wariors and it does work vs them) I kinda think the extra range and rapid fire ability of plasma will give you more benifit


Also a 5x tac squad cannot use special weapons.


Though your Elite slots are curently full You may want to consider a dreadnaught, few things will ruin a lords day like a str10 DCCW in their face, especialy with IC rules and the necrons lack of retinue.


If your sternguard Are trying to hunt C'tan definatly drop the meltas, hellfire are better at it than the meltas are.


Please note I personaly have not played against necrons so grain of salt and all that

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Rule 1 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Ignore the monolith

Rule 2 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Tarpit the C'Tan (they aren't Necrons either)

Rule 3 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Thou shalt engage in hand to hand with just about everything.

Rule 4 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Avoid footslogging towards large warrior squads.

Rule 5 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Plasma, plasma and more plasma.


Plasma weapons ignore their first save and can hit multiple targets. They will typically take out more than their WBB rolls can recover from compared to melta and krak weaponry hitting one at a time.

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Rule 1 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Ignore the monolith

Rule 2 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Tarpit the C'Tan (they aren't Necrons either)

Rule 3 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Thou shalt engage in hand to hand with just about everything.

Rule 4 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Avoid footslogging towards large warrior squads.

Rule 5 of fighting Necrons in 5th: Plasma, plasma and more plasma.


Plasma weapons ignore their first save and can hit multiple targets. They will typically take out more than their WBB rolls can recover from compared to melta and krak weaponry hitting one at a time.

I'm in agreement with these guys, multiple Monoliths and a C'tan in a 1750-2000 point match is a prime target to go for a Phase Out against; at most only about half of his army is going to be actual Necron units, and that's likely to mostly be Warriors for objective-based games. Unless my math is off investing much in scarabs or Destroyers would leave him with too few troops for objective-based games, plus any experienced Necron player would desperately want to bump their Necron count up with relatively cheap models after sinking so many points into C'tan and Monoliths.


Sternguard with Hellfire rounds are definately your best bet for killing C'tan; C'tan only have a 4++ save and mainly depend on their high toughness to survive. A round of rapid-fire from 10 Sternguard should average just over 11 wounds, and a 4++ will save half of those, resulting in an average of a bit more than five and half unsaved wounds, AKA one dead C'tan.

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If he uses scrabs and turbo boosts them (they act like jetbikes) waste no fire on them other than Flamers, Heavy Flamers and other things which ignore cover saves. Reason being that they get a 2+ to their cover save so are essentially saveing normal rounds on a 2+. Dont let them get you into combat either, they will tarpit you good and propper for very little expense.


The more big and nasty things he takes the easier it will be to kill enough of the Necron uinits to make him phase out.


Otherwise see above for decent advice. Treat like well armoured Guard - dont try to outshoot them!


General comment for those that will follow later Dont take expensive armoured tanks like Landraiders, Gauss weapons glance everything on a 6+ so if you get them too close to rapid firing warriors essentially say goodbye to anything, the number of glances you will get are likely to immobilise and rip off weapons to the point where it is a useless armoured shell.



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Sternguard+Pedro take out the C'tan.


And for anti-nec warrior, may I suggest LC assaul termies? They rip necs apart by the dozens, five and a termi chap/libby will roll his troops.


A LSS with scouts can take out small warrior squads quite well also, put a heavy flamer on the thing, shotguns on the scouts and a PW/PF on sarge, with the help of the cerberus launcher you should have them running for the tombs, and remember, WBB needs a 6" to a similar unit and necs don't benefit from any special regrouping rules. Very easy to run them off the table.

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Actually I think this is one of the few times a CC scout party is better than a shotgun party. Simply because you want to do the maximum damage in CC rather than the maximum damage overall. Leveraging your CC skills increases the chances of a Sweeping advance whereas killing Necrons in shooting results in 50% getting back up.


Ok you might be able to argue that there are less attacks coming back but statistically there are going to be the same number put down because their initiative is so poor.


Math Hammer is only relatively helpful here but based on my calculations 10 Shot gunners will kill exactly the same as 10 CC scouts before the necrons get to strike back (3.333) however 2.5 of those kills are in combat and have added to the combat res for the CC scouts whilst the Shotgunners have only contributed 1.66.


You also get the chance to do more damage in consecutive rounds if they are not teleported out :lol: There is also the question of them running before you get a chance to engage them in CC, something I would really not want to do. Fair enough the LD10 makes it difficult for them to run via shooting damage alone but I have seen it happen.



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Just a thought, if you drop the 5 man Tactical Squad and the Terminator Assault Squad, you can fit another Assault Squad with pretty much any upgrade you want in there. And you still have 3 scoring units courtesy of Pedro.


Other than that, I echo what everyone else here says, drop the meltas on the Sternguard, hellfires will rip a C'tan apart.


Combat against Necrons is a good idea, they don't tend to stand up too well in combat thanks to a low initiative. In a recent game against Necrons I managed to take out a Necron Warrior unit in combat with half a Tactical Squad (I had shot it before hand though admittingly).


Plasma is also a good choice. I wouldn't worry too much on plasma guns, and your Sternguard have Vengeance rounds for when they take out ther C'tan. However, remember that plasma cannons in Tactical Squads are dirt cheap and very effective against Necrons. Consider putting a couple in a firing out the top hatch, has worked for me in the past.


Don't be intimidated by the C'tan and Monoliths. Leave the Monoliths alone, as others have said hellfire rounds should take care of the C'tan, and go for the phase out. It's why I mentioned the other Assault Squad, faster than your Terminators, and still better than Necron Warriors in assault, especially if you get them in range of Pedro.


O and good luck.

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How about a libraRIAN WITH null-zone I think it is to go with the sternguard that will really ruin the C'tans day and will give you a bit of extar punch in CC vs warriors and so on and you can give him another power such as avenger that will take down warriors in droves just before you charge into CC and finish em off ;)
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In my game aganst necrons my scouts did reasonably well (ok i crushed him, leaving a single wounded lord at the end of turn 4).

Scout bikes, LSS teams, outflanking cc scouts are all great against crons, they all have the potential to get in CC very quickly where the real hurting is to be had.


Snipers took out all the tomb spyders in turn one, leaving his WBB rolls as his only fallback.



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First I would like to say thank you for all of your input so far.


OK, I have convinced him to go 1750. After some intel. gathering, I have found he will most likely take 1 mono, 1 C'tan, 2 Squads of Destroyers with the possibility of lord on destroyer body, 4+ Squads of Necrons and 2nd lord if possible. No word on scarabs however. With that being said and based on the advice already given, here is my revised list.



Tac Squad (10)- Flamer, Missile Launcher, Powerfist, Teleport Homer

Tac Squad (10)- Flamer, Missile Launcher, Powerfist

Tac Squad (10)- Flamer, Missile Launcher, Powerfist

Sternguard (10)- 2xCombiMelta, Powerfist

Termi Squad (6)- Heavy Flamer

Assault Squad (10)- 3xPlasma Pistol, Powerfist

Drop Pod



Razorback- Twin Linked Lascannon


I dropped the meltas and went with flamers to template scarabs if he has them, and to potentially inflict a few wounds before assault.


I liked the comment about dropping a tactical squad and bringing another assault squad. If I drop a tac squad and rhino, I can take a ten man assault squad with 2 flamers and a powerfist. Is that a better option?

I play him tonight at 6 pm so if you have any more/better advice please get it to me quick.

Thanks again

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I'd drop the unmounted Tactical Squad, you want your Rhinos, a Terminator and the teleport homer to try and get the 2nd Assault Squad.


Either way replace the Tactical Squad's missile launchers with plasma cannons. They will be vital if you're up against 4 squads of Warriors. If you need to get more points, look to dropping the Razorback's TL-lascannon first. In fact, consider dropping it anyway and get a Cyclone Missile Launcher or Assault Cannon on the Terminator Squad instead of a heavy flamer.


Otherwise, looks good. Remember, go for the phase out.

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Victory is Mine!!!

Final army was as follows:

Pedro Kantor

Tactical Squad (10)- Flamer, Plasma Cannon, Power Fist


Tactical Squad (10)- Flamer, Plasma Cannon, Power Fist


Sternguard (10)- CombiMelta (2), Power Fist

Drop Pod

Terminators (6)- Cyclone Missile Launcher

Assault Squad (10)- Flamer (2), Power Fist

Assault Squad (10)- Plasma Pistol (2), Power Fist


Quick Run down- Annihilation w/ Dawn of War

He set up first and i did not siege initiative


He had 1 Mono, 3 large necron squads (I assume disruptor fields), lord with res orb and Gaze of Flame, 4 Destroyers

Set up 2 necron squads at 24". One had Lord in it

I set up 2 Rhinos butt to butt behind a rock formation with Pedro Behind.


First turn he can't see anything because of dawn of war. Necron squad with lord moves backward. I move Rhinos up for shield wall. Pedro moves and runs behind them (11" total). Drop pod drops in near his destroyers and inflicts no wounds with sternguard (very disheartening). Assault squads move up behind woods and rocks where rhinos were.


Second turn he particle whips the sternguard but scatters and only kills 1 (hurray). Destroyers fire at them killing 4 but they pass leadership. 1 squad shoots at rhino and immobilizes it twice effectively eliminating it. 2nd squad shoots at other rhino and shakes it twice. My Termis come in near destroyers and shoot them up with aid from stern guard. 3 of the four go down but 1 remains and 2 pass WBB. Rhinos disembark and everything shoots and charges. Two necron squads are ran off the board. I took a few casualties, but a solid victory.


3rd turn he ports the last squad of necrons to fire at one of my assault squads. Two were left alive. Destroyers shot at sternguard killing another. Gauss cannons killed 2 marines. Sternguard and termis finally killed the last three destroyers. I shot and charged and chased down the last squad so he phased out with only a mono on the table in turn 3.


Thanks for all your help! It paid off. Now only 2 more victories and I win a gift certificate!!!!!

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Well done on the win mk6marine, looks like you played very well.


One other note, I'm sure that that army you played with could be effective against many other armies as well, the only thing you're lacking is melta.


But well done, and good luck with the next two games.

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