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Bug trouble!


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Hi guys

Really need help agains tyranids...

Im taking part in a 1000p 3 game tourny this weekend and just had 3 games against one of the Tyranid players that will be attending...


Is it just me or will 1000p of SM fail every time agains his 2 Hive Tyrants and 3 Carni, he also has 4 troop choises, Gaunts perhaps they are called... if I kill all of the small ones they just come back.


THe problem is that ALL his big guys have a 2+ save, and shoot like crazy, one with 12 shots, reroll hits and wounds, and the other str 8 big template x2...

:D, I dunno how to kill them...??

Ive found that terminators do the best job, but in a 1000p point game those 200 points, 450 if they take a LR is just insane...



Im lost here and cant figure out wth to do about those big bugs!!

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I'd imagine that his Without Number Gaunts are possibly Spine Gaunts while his MCs have a low amount of upgrades to fit everything in. I am of the opinion (through experience) that Tyranids suffer at lower points levels due to being forced to play expensive troops like Marines (stealers) or having to try and get a good balance between Gaunts and synapse.


And I feel that may be the key to victory here. Are his Hive Tyrants the only synapse creatures on the board? If so, if they go down those Gaunts are useless, even if they came back they will just hang around on the board edge and possibly fall back.


Remember also that his Carnifexes and Tyrants are slow (unless a Tyrant has Wings), so you get plenty of time to shoot at them. With a 2+ save, thing about lascannons, perhaps multi-meltas (though these are short range), and maybe plasma cannons. Plasma cannons can deal with the horde as well, always handy. Try and take things like heavy bolters, flamers for the hordes. In fact, a 10 man Assault Squad with 2 flamers jumping onto a Gaunt unit will do damage.


Also, for the MCs, consider Sternguard. Those hellfire rounds are made to take MCs down. If you include Pedro they are scoring as well, also very good. Couple of lascannons in the unit and you should be able to deal with the MCs for a while.


Theoritically TH/SS Terminators should do well against MCs. Against Carnifexes chances are they will strike the same time, and you will be getting saves against it.


How are the MCs set up? Dakka fexes (2x TL-devourers)? Close combat, both?


One other things that could help here are Vindicators. 250pts for two (round about), but very handy against MCs and can splatter the hordes.


Remember, the Gaunts are easy to handle, its the MCs you've gotta take down.


Also, ask to see his army list. I'm not saying he may be cheating, but it's very easy to get carried away with upgrades in Nids. But remember, more upgrades means less numbers.


Focus your AP2 firepower (lascannons, demolisher cannons) at the Tyrants to take them down early. Gaunts should fall apart, leaving you to deal with the Carnifexes. Power fists in Tactical Squads, etc are also a must.


Sorry about the sporadic nature of this post, but I hope some of the ideas help.


Basically, shoot the big ones first.

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Personally I would roll with something like this:




Libby - 100

Smite, Gate of Infinity


-- Basically goes with a squad and keeps blasting away at the big bugs. Ideally with the Sternguard though his survival prospects will drop dramatically. Smite is there to provide some AP 2 shots. Avenger might be a better choice to mob up the gaunts though as you will be needing 6's to wound the big bugs.




5 Sternguard - 160

2 combi plasma, Drop pod or Rhino


-- These are here to help kill the MC. They will put a fair number of wounds onto those big bugs and the combi plasmas will ensuer that some of the wounds are AP2. Rhino if you want them to stay in play longer and Drop pod if you want to suicide them.




2 x 10 Tacticals - 410

Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon, Power Fist, Rhino


-- These are here for both crowd and big bug control. Combat squad to ensure that the Plasma cannons can keep shooting and use the Rhino as fire bunkers, tough as the nid shooting is they suck at dealing with vehicles at range.




2 Landspeeders - 140

Heavy Flamer, Multi Melta


-- These are your primary fast units. Capable of puting a major hurt on big bugs and little bugs in equal measure your only problem will be keeping them alive.


Heavy Support


Thunderfire cannon - 100


-- Its high rate of fire and high strength will kill his troops off fairly quickly and effectively. You will then be able to change to shooting subterrainian rounds to slowing down those big bugs. Though it is high strength and capable of hurting the big bugs it only does so one wound per template so they are likely to save those frequently so slowing them down is better than attempting to kill them.


As was said before get as much AP2 as you can. Keep the majority of fire penned on the bigger bugs as the smaller ones are just cannon fodder and only capable of hurting your marines in large numbers. The above list if far from perfect but the key is slowing their advance and dealing with the big bugs from afar.


Despite the shootyness of the carnifexes and the high strength they have nothing in their army with an AP above 4 from the choices you have described so you will get your armour saves until they get close.


Nidzilla is a nasty list type to face however if they were all conquering there would be a lot more nid players out there. Just dont lose your head and concentrate on killing those Tyrants, without them their gaunts are next to useless (cant score unless they pass a LD of 5) and you are left to deal with those slow Carnifexes.



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Command Squad, 4 Plasma Guns, job's a good 'un.


The Godhammer Land Raider will serve you better than any of the variants - use its Lascanon to strike down the MCs at range. Back that up with a few other Heavy Weapons.


Multi-Melta Attack bikes are also good for a giggle - they can move around sufficiently that the Tyranids will have trouble closing with them, while they will reliably take 2 wounds off almost anything.


Remember that Without Number gaunts return from their table edge, which can put them out of Synapse range.


Shoot the Synapse guys ASAP to effetively neutralise the gaunts.


Above all else, make him come to you.

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How about Iron clads? drop pod or otherwise to tarpit small units in CC if they get attacked by big-uns they go before fexs I think but ideally you would want to have wounded them first :S Also remember if gaunts totally surround you then the big things can't charge you ;) and then you need to get your terminators into them...


I also like plasma cannons as they will wound big bugs ignore 2+ and give you templates against the gribble


What strength are the gaunts and can they (with shooting at least, although combat is worth considering) hurt land speeders if not it might be worth keeping 1 or 2 of them back either to cull little ones once the big-uns are gone or to contest objectives but don't expose them to fire from big things...


As has been mentioned combi-plasma(or melta) sternguard should be able to kill a big-un with shooting and give the sarg a fist ;) and they might even survive being attacked by a mob of little things.


Also a count as Khârn could help you get terminators where you want them (TH+SS) and outflank in the land raider of your choice (redeemer, crusader?) although keep it away from the big things. On that note once the tyrants are down a lucky 6 from Moonfang can instant kill a big-bug :D


TBH there is a lot you can do but you need to make sure your list isn't to focused otherwise you may have trouble in your other matches :D

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Actually, Land Speeders are a really good idea. While a 'fex would eat a stationary one for breakfast, it'll only hit a fast moving one on 6s - making it a risky waste of a 'fex to charge them.
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Actually, Land Speeders are a really good idea. While a 'fex would eat a stationary one for breakfast, it'll only hit a fast moving one on 6s - making it a risky waste of a 'fex to charge them.


The problem is shooty bugs :<

Shooty bugs are either short ranged, can only glance, or have only blast templates and rubish BS.


Or some combination of the above.

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Really appreciate your replies! Thank you!


Ill give it a go, close my eyes and wish for the best :rolleyes:


The tyrants are the only synaps on the board, so only 2 of those, so I guess your right, they should fall fairly easy to las and plasma fire, even Multi. Come to think of it, he has 2 guars only, and they are on the cc variant he has, so I should take the shooty tyrant asap and just ignore/run circles around the carnifexes untill they are down... :D


Again thank you! :P

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Just so you know he cannot have 2 shots with the barbed strangler (the one that has the str8 pinning pie plate). If a fex has 2 of them they count as a single twinlinked shot, which is relitivly useless for the cost.


Outside of that its a simple case of plasma spam to win. Also without synapse controll the guants are only scorring the turn they come in from reserves, well not quite true, they can pass an IB test at LD 5 and be scoring but thats risky and aa half.

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Just so you know he cannot have 2 shots with the barbed strangler (the one that has the str8 pinning pie plate). If a fex has 2 of them they count as a single twinlinked shot, which is relitivly useless for the cost.


Outside of that its a simple case of plasma spam to win. Also without synapse controll the guants are only scorring the turn they come in from reserves, well not quite true, they can pass an IB test at LD 5 and be scoring but thats risky and aa half.




Damn, your right! Just double checked in the errata, and it IS one shot thats twinlinked!!

Thank you!


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Just so you know he cannot have 2 shots with the barbed strangler (the one that has the str8 pinning pie plate). If a fex has 2 of them they count as a single twinlinked shot, which is relitivly useless for the cost.


Outside of that its a simple case of plasma spam to win. Also without synapse controll the guants are only scorring the turn they come in from reserves, well not quite true, they can pass an IB test at LD 5 and be scoring but thats risky and aa half.




Damn, your right! Just double checked in the errata, and it IS one shot thats twinlinked!!

Thank you!



print it just in case he dosen't know.

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