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Grey Knights WIPs


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I started this off in the Inquisition forum as a blog towards the GT building my 2 1500pt lists, and forgot to put the WIPs up in here, so excuse the large dump of photos, but this is about 2 weeks worth. One of the problems with running a pure GK army aesthetically is the fact all the models are identical being one or two piece metals. I wanted to try and give my force a bit of character.


First couple of models I put together were simple weapon and head swaps for Justicars:




Then I went at the GKT Brother Captain in order to make an all purpose GM/BC model with Psycannon/Storm Bolter options:




Special weapons are going to be pretty abundant. I have 4 incinerators in Power Armour in the list and they would otherwise all be the same model. Simple headswaps gives them each character but can also change the pose. Here's the first one I tried:



GKT Retinue needed a Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield model. Chopping up plastic kits is boring. And the parts look wrong on the Grey Knights. In my cupboard I had a Lysander model I had never opened since I bought it early at Games Day. Hector Rex also arrived and I realised I was never going to actually use him as is. So I got out the saw and quickly slapped this together for some test games:



The list I was mainly playtesting was Grand Master, 3 man GKT retinue, 2 units of 6 PAGK with Incinerators and 3 Land Raiders.


Here's the first PAGK squad:



And here's the second:



The Taxi Rank:



After looking at a few games and staring at my silver legion I felt like I could do some more work to them to make them stand out a bit more. I revisited the Thunder Hammer Terminator with a Marauder Horseman head filed down bald:



I also felt that even though it looked neat, the model I had looked far too plain for a Captain let alone a Grand Master. I took it upon myself to make something a bit more special, so my original Brother Captain got busted down to the retinue and kept the Storm Bolter, my local store had one Stern on the rack so I picked that up and went about making a Brother Captain worthy of leading a full 20 of the finest of the Emperor's Finest. Right arm removed under the shoulder and replaced, head dremmeled out and replaced with the Chaos Terminator Lord head. He also inherited the Psycannon from his predecessor:





When using the Brother Captain, I run him with a mini purgation squad:



Here's the other two PAGK squads finished, based and primed ready to hold a lick of paint:




And finally Brother Captain and selection of friends:



I'm building a Grand Master from various scavenged bits but that's still laying in parts on my worktop. Will update when it looks semi-finished. Also putting together a MK2 Heresy Era Land Raider for the BC and mini Purg squad over the Crusader which is for the terminators if I take the Grand Master. So i will have 2 fully functioning pure GK 1500pt lists when I am done.

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Just took my time with the dremmel and they come out perfectly with almost no superficial damage to the surrounding areas. Just takes a bit of patience.


I'm really impressed with the GW saws though. They are really good for doing intricate work. Much better than a hack saw.


Thanks for the kind words.


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