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Hour of the Huscarls


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Just used that because there is such a thing as making a post and not offering anything to the OP that is either useful or helpful. Remember, people post on sites like this for help, not a history lesson.


Except that all you actually did was to continue to derail the conversation by posting something which was not untrue, but entirely misleading in that it only scratches the surface and paints a much grander picture than is historically accurate. You followed that with a personal jab and then went on to say essentially "these are nice models," which I suppose is the sort of helpful posting you're supporting if pats on the back are to be considered critique. Moreover, Apologist had settled the discussion several posts earlier (in that it's taken from the fluff and so, curious or not, it's GW canonical). You seem at least to my eyes to be creating and continuing a problem rather than solving it.


Since I've already corrected your summary on who they are and how they worked, I don't feel the need to discuss the history further.


As far as offering help, if this was an original name (as I mistakenly thought), it's always good for a person to get feedback about why something might not be working.


These latest pics are great. I had been a little worried that the shoulder pads were going to end up very much 2 bands with a seam, but it seems that you've shaved/joined/simply painted enough over that that they come together quite nicely. The leftover not-quite-faulds from the terminator legs are giving a very nice older feeling. Theres a few things that make me curious on these giant photos like the unblended yellows in places and the battle-damage, but i guess on the tabletop that sort of more graphic stuff may well present great. Forms start to get a little pillowy to my eyes but I am accustomed to incredibly sharp edges so that might be a taste thing. Either way keep it up hope to see more :).

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