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Help with Daemons

lucifer light bearer

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I've never played against a daemon army before but I'm trying for the first time next week. I know the guy I'm playing is pretty good, and I know he uses a lot of bloodletters, a bloodthirster, and a nurgle prince. apart from that I don't know much about what he fields. I play Salamanders and normally try to keep things fluffy(no or little fast attack) but I just got a deal on some bikes and want to use at least some of them. This is what I'm thinking of going with




Vulkan -190


Captain- bike, Thunder hammer -165




10 Tactical marines, flamer, multi-melta, powerfist, combi-flamer, drop pod - 240


10 Tactical marines, flamer, multi-melta, powerfist, combi-flamer, drop pod -240


5 Bike, 1 attack bike squad, flamer, melta gun, multi-melta power weapon -220


6 Bike squad, flamer, melta gun, power weapon -195




5 Assault termies TH/SS - 200


Dreadnought, multi-melta, heavy flamer, drop pod -150


Dreadnought, multi-melta, heavy flamer, drop pod -150




Land Raider Redeemer, multi-melta -250



TOTAL 2000pts



I was thinking about getting rid of the dreads since it seems to me the bigger daemons would tear them to into scrap pretty quick. Any thoughts on how to adjust this list or in general how best to deal with daemons would be a HUGE help.

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First off all daemons have invulnerable saves so power weapons need to go. Power fists are all-right as they help score wounds agains high T models. I'd get rid of a few of those M meltas un less ur expecting a lot of soul grinders. Concentrate on scoring as many wounds as possible. They may always get a save it's a rubbish one. :)
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Also, since all Daemons have invulnerable saves you really want to find a way to include a Librarian with Null Zone. Making them re-roll all their saves is just brutal.


Dreadnoughts are tricky to use against Daemons; they'll kill Bloodletters and such very effectively, but MCs like Daemon Princes and Bloodthirsts will crush them. Your best bet against those is TH/SS assault terminators, which are even better with Vulkan in the list.

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If he isn't likely to use flamers of tzeench - why go drop pod army? your essentially giving him the best chance to survive his first round with low casualties.


Force him to drop close to your setup marines in buildings/dangerous/difficult terrain so you can get close to him and but those nice flamer templates on the bunched up units of bloodletters, and get a charge in before him. I'd also use assault marines instead of termies to ensure you get the charge in.

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Combine a Libby with Nullzone with Sternguard and you pretty much insta-win if you use good target priority. That and if you want to really be mean, you could try to put LSSs near locations where you think he will try to do his initial drop and watch 2/3s of his guys scatter 4D6.
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Daemons will go through a raider very quickly if he takes a Bloodthirster

You can move 12", or you can just shoot the thirster till it dies.

Not that hard to deal with.

Moving 12" isn't a perfect defense against a Bloodthirster; since it has six attacks on the charge it's fairly likely at least one of those will hit, and between being a Monstrous Creature, Furious Charge, and the very common Unholy Might upgrade a Bloodthirster will roll 9+2d6 for armor penetration. In other words, if it hits, it almost always penetrates.


Shooting the Bloodthirster is a no brainer given that it's almost certainly the nastiest close combat model in the game, but also easier said than done.

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That's why you stay in transports for as long as you can.


The key thing do when fighting daemons is to stay focused. One of the daemon player's biggest weapons is the shock of seeing what look like an awful lot of stuff materialise right next to your army. A lot of players will panic and spread their fire out to try to kill everything at once. This is impossible. Deal with them like you would any other army and accept the fact that they'll always be right there. If yu are, for example, are still in your transport, they'll charge and kill t, but the infantry inside get another turn of shooting.

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SGV hit on 3's, wound everything on 2's, and if you throw a Null Zone in there whatever you hit is dead. They're just so much more killy than Tacticals it's not even funny. Use the Dreadnought to tarpit small demons while your SGVs/Assault Termies kill off the big things that might kill the Dreadnoughts or LRR. TBH, your list has the appropriate pieces already, if just change the Bike Captain for a Libby and probably change one Bike squad to a Rhino-mounted Tactical and the other to either MM Attack Bikes or MM/HF Landspeeders (Bloodletters don't like taking a crap ton of TL HF saves and Soul-grinders don't like eating MM shots). However, what you have already will probably work as long as you have good target priority.


As for the Thirster vs the LRR, even if it pens, it's still only a 1/3 chance of killing the LRR. At which point the TH/SS Termies eat it and move on.

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