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Shades of Grey: Grendelwulf's Grey Knights

CDR Grendelwulf

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Have you ever started a project for a model or army or whatever, only to have another project idea pop into your head to distract you? If so, then you share my pain. Although I am currently working on building a new space marine army, some comments were offered which makes me want to attempt a similar endeavor with a new army.


So, to "cast the daemon out", I am starting this thread. This way whenever the little voices start to distract me, I can just tinker abit and throw the results here.


Project: Grey Knight Battle Company


The principal idea which was given to me was to supplement the existing metal models of GKs with plastic ones. Now, I am aware of the ample tutorials available on GKT's, which I will make use of when I decide to tackle the terminator part of the army. For now, I want to manage the power armoured marines.


Here is a picture of a metal GK .....and my first & second test marines. 3rd one is coming soon!




My new revised bitz list is:

a Mark 2 (Emperor's champion-style helm) - from Command Squad sprue

a Mark 8 Dark Angel Ravenwing torso (sword w/ wings) - from Ravenwing sprue

OR a Black Templar robed torso (Justicar) - from Black Templar sprue

OR a Company Champion robed torso (Justicar) - from Command Squad sprue

a plastic Dark Angel single-sword shoulder pad - from DA Veteran sprue

a plastic Dark Angel Inquisitor-style shoulder pad - from DA Veteran sprue

a Dark Angel Terminator right arm w/ stormbolter - from DA Veteran sprue

a pair of non-knee pad legs (full greaves) - from SM Tactical sprue


For Nemesis Force weapons:

1. a Dark Angel Ravenwing left arm w/ Power Sword - from Ravenwing sprue

2. a Dark Angel Veteran left arm w/ Mace-Crozius - from DA Veteran sprue

3. a Space Marine Terminator left arm w/ Thunderhammer - from SM Terminator Assault sprue

4. a Chaos Terminator left arm w/ Power Axe - from Chaos Terminator sprue

5. still looking for bitz for a conversion for a Swordstaff (maybe the Standard Bearer's banner-pole?)

6. still looking for bitz for a nice conversion for a Warscythe

7. a Grey Knight Halberd


I want each squad to have its own unique force weapon.


Any comments or suggestions?



CDR Grendelwulf

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I play with metal paint jobs the same as any other paint job. I don't just slam on minthril and wash it badab black and call it a day. I take boltgun and mix/shade with added highlights of minthril. Use black mixed in with boltgun to create the darker areas and then black ink in the extreme recessess. Just keep the paints thinned down as metal paint builds up very quickly.
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@Master Toddius: Thank you for the advice. I will try it out and see how I do.


Here is my first test model:



I edited my first post with the metal GK picture for a comparison.


Again, all suggestions are welcome.



CDR Grendelwulf

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instead of using mk8 torsos try saving some money by drilling a hole in the neck part of the torso (centered) and putting in a wire piece then put a ring of wirle perpendicular to that to make a gorget skeleton the gs over it.

courtesy of this fantastic tutorial


I have been looking for a way to produce Mk 8 torsos rather than trying to amass them. This technique is so going into my collection of saved articles. Thank you very much Terminatorinehell for posting that link.


Now all I need it easy way to amass/make Inquistion/Deathwatch shoulder pads for my PAGK and GKT. That may take a while.


Oh, ya. "Please, sir. May I have some more?"

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Honestly, I can't make a comment yet. It needs to be a true full go at it for me to say anything.

@Master Toddius: Forgive me, I haven't painted the model at all yet. The plastic bitz were of two different shades. Add to that, my camera was acting up and that was the only pic it took before it died on me. I was looking to hear comments on how closely it appeared to be a GK. True, the paintjob will help and I will be using your advice when I begin it.


@SamaNagol: It may be more costly, but I have so many bitz around right now I want to see if I can use them in a new way. I was not looking to build my entire GK army this way, just supplement the squads.


@Sons of Horus: Thank you, sir. Thank you very much.


@Commander Remiel: Different force weapons hadn't occurred to me. That is a great idea, thank you.


@Skirax: It was short. It was simple. It wins! :(


@Terminatorinhell: I'm with Commander Remiel, this one is a keeper. I tortured myself with plasticard trying this long ago, but couldn't make them all look uniform and gave up. The wire method is something I am definitely going to try. Thank you.


I inventoried my bitz, and have 20 Mark 8 Vet Sgt torsos; great for the gorget but not Mark 8 enough with the cables on it. I do have 88 Dark Angel sword-wing torsos, so with the tutorial provided by Terminatorinhell, this will be my next way to go. Now, to round up some more champion helms...


As always, thank you all & keep the comments coming!



CDR Grendelwulf

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Only just stumbled across this. :P


I dislike the metal PAGK, so have been (trying to!) make my own.


I've been using;


Company Champion/BT Upgrade sprue Head

Mk8 Body/BT Tabards

Legs with no Knee Pads

GKT Metal left arm (with the SB)

PAGK Metal right arm (with the NFW)

2 x CC Terminator Groin Pads for thigh Plates


But it's quite expensive/a pain to get the bits (grr, bring back more bits ordering GW!), so I've sorta stalled.


Also, I want to get a Cloak to go on the back of my PAGK, to cover the usual backpack.


I'll see if I've got a test image to upload.


Edit: Old thread with a couple fo poor pic (from me!) here;



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@Commander Remiel: PM sent about spreadsheet.


@Gentlemanloser: Thanks for the link. I am trying (perhaps foolishly) to do without using the metal GK arms.


I am going to have another try with splicing bolters, or maybe even bolt pistols for the GK arm-bolter. Or, as younger initiates of the GK, maybe they will actually carry their stormbolters (one-handed, of course!). I also want to make a variety of nemesis force weapons, as suggested by Commander Remiel.


Another possible swap for the GK shoulder pad is the plastic raised-rim pad from the Dark Angel veteran sprue. It has the raised rim like the Inquisitor pad, but instead of the =I= symbol it has a hanging sword. It may look better than the single sword pad I used on my test model.



CDR Grendelwulf

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Instead of going the whole stormbolter route, maybe take some artistic license out on the bolters? Perhaps regular bolters with two barrels rather than a single and maybe a drum-mag? This would probably help to keep the model's wrist less "bulky" around his arm and also make things a lot easier conversion wise.
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  • 2 weeks later...

@Horus Aximand: I didn't get to customize new bolter designs yet, but I will. Thanks.


Fiddling with the gorget tutorial, I came up with this:




It is cheating abit, as I have used GK arms. But, I wanted the 'full' effect.


The experiments will continue...



CDR Grendelwulf

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@Horus Aximand: Mmm, it does kind of put me in mind of an ol' 50's sci fi space suit...all it needs is the bubble over the head. I will scavange some thinner wire and see how that works out. Failing that, maybe I can smooth it out to something more 'Imperial'.


@Commander Remiel: I am working as fast as I can, CR! :) As for the spreadsheet, yes I would be interested. I thought I had PM'd you back earlier, but I must have gotten sidetracked...I can't imagine how... I am only working on three Chambers Militant... :HQ:



CDR Grendelwulf

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@Commander Remiel: I am working as fast as I can, CR! :) As for the spreadsheet, yes I would be interested. I thought I had PM'd you back earlier, but I must have gotten sidetracked...I can't imagine how... I am only working on three Chambers Militant... :P

Not PM but I was not too worried. I figured you were busy with all three Chambers (and yes, I agree with the ;) ). When you get a chance, PM your email to me and I will send you a sample spreadsheet with various selected pages as examples (I have 6+ spreadsheets for various purposes, so......)


As for working on the three chambers, I envy your dedication and energy. I have long wanted to build forces from all three chambers. However, I was not looking at DIY for GKs or SOBs (until recently) so expense was one big obstacle. With the DIY option (GK a couple months ago and SoBs recently after seeing your project), if I get my s**t wired I will be getting to them along side my approx. 2 SM coys.


Good luck with the chambers and I eagerly await the results (but understand you are only one person). ;)

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