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Tactica Etiquette


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So, I'm writing a tactica that covers every unit and option in the Codex. However, it's very, very long, as can probably be expected; the section on special rules alone is probably at least the size of a normal post, and the HQ section is far longer. Is it acceptable to post this in multiple threads in order to make it easier on the reader?
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If you are posting it in threads, split it up into logical sections; I think there's a board post size limit anyway.


In any case, making a single humungous post makes it next to impossible to have any kind of meaningful discussion in the thread - the subject is too large.


Wait to stitch it together until you submit it to the Librarium maybe?

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The easiest method on the board's space is just to keep it in one thread and then either keep it in one piece in the top post (using the headers to help the reader cope with the wall o' text) or in several posts throughout the thread, with links to them in the first post.
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