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Ork Killa's


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What I use against Orks with good results:

DP w/ Lash. Summoned Daemon assault specialist. 2-10 man squad w/flamers, Icons. 10 Man squad Berserkers-do the math for assault HTH, insane!. Thousand Sons-Slow and Purposeful w/ AP 3, Inferno Bolts. PM squad (10)-T5, Feel No Pain anyone? w/flamers(2). 2 Rhinos w/combi flamers, Berserkers and 1 BL squad. 2 Defilers, 1 standard loadout the other w/ TL Heavy Flamer and TL Heavy Bolter. Either an 8 man Havoc squad (4 flamers) or OB's (3) Deep Strikers, or Vindicator S-10 pie plate, rather short ranged though.

This is an Ork Killa specific army, against SM I've come out very badly each time. Flamers and Berserkers are the bomb. I plan to develope another Berserker squad and knock off my PM squad. Berserkers have taken out 20 slugga boyz in 1 round and caught them fleeing. I use the DP w/ Lash to round up mobs for assault by 2d Bl Squad w/Summoned Daemon, or pull units off of objective(s). Defilers are the bane to large side by side Ork mobs. Stray round=collateral damage.

Watch out for those Bikers, Storm Boyz, Commandos and Killa Kan mobs. And lastly, Gretchin are a pain in the _ss, 2-10 man mobs w/runtherders can hold up an Uber Killa Squad. Makes for a fun game though. Warning: I have not played against Nids yet.....

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Tip when assaulting orks with enough attacks: It's really up to the dice but killing less is sometimes better, let me explain. Mob rule is 11+ for ork models in the squad (Not wounds) kill 19 and you can basically guarantee they die from fearless wounds. One another note PM's may not be a bad choice against orks. Deny them the charge and the will need 6's to wound and you still go first (Initiative 2 on boys) but the PK could ruin their day.
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For an Ork hunting list I dont understand why the Thousand Sons are in there.


They are slow, have no additional CC weapon or bolt pistol and their AP3 bolters are completely overkill for an enemy who boasts 6+Sv the majority of the time. Ok they will deny Nobs their 4+ but they will likely still have a 5+ invul and FNP (Personally never take 4+ on my Ork Nobs because the 5+ Invul and 4+ FNP is usually cheaper and good enough). They will do nothing to Nob bikers whatsoever.


Their 4+ invul seems good unit you realise that the unit is Slow and Purposeful and the only Ork unit which will be charging this will likely be a throwaway unit.


For all their uses (and I conceed the point that they can be useful) I dont see them adding that much value to combatting Orks. Much better to include more Plague marines or Noise marines. Hell even Flamer toting Veterans would do a better job at killing hoard orks.


It also depends on the Ork army being a largely hoardy one. There are a number of crazy builds which the Orks can muster that are likely to challenge you. In your area there might not be those imaganative Ork lists though so you might be alright, just dont go to a tournament and expect the Ork army to be a preditable list as there are a number of different ones which do quite well.



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How do grots hold up a killer squad? Berzerkers should be slaughtering them. They can only have 1 runtherd per 10 grotz and each runtherd can only subtract 1 attack from an opponent and even then only ones that are in base to base contact. Any one of your squads, even the T-sons would completely wipe out a grotz mob that small. You definitely shouldn't be throwing your daemon prince of greater daemon at them.


T-sons are definitely useless. And really Greater daemons and daemon princes aren't as great against orks, most of the time a prince or greater daemon will only kill about 18 points worth of orks per turn and all those hidden powerfists and the load of regular attacks just demolish them. It's the zerkers, plagues, and csm's that slaughter orks. The greater daemons are only good for tying up large mobs long enough to get your marine squads in position to charge.

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I'm going to be nice, since you seem new to the hobby.

First, I dislike the idea of crafting specific army lists to deal with specific armies. Building a take-all-comers list takes far more skill and is a much better judge of how good you are.

Secondly, while some of your tips are good, others don't hold up, specifically the T-sons as mentioned above.

Thirdly, as also mentioned above, your build relies on the orks being horde-y and you somehow getting the charge off against Waagh! from what appears to be a mostly footslogging build.

Fourth, if this list ever fights anything other than horde orks, you'll get chewed up.

Fifth, as mentioned above, 10 berzerkers will go through a 10-strong grot mob like a light cavalry battalion attacking a Cub Scout troop.

Sixth, If you want anyone to take you seriously, never use the words "Uber Killer Squad" again.

Finally, tactics advice is knowledge, which flows best from those who have it to those who don't. That being the case, ending a post by saying that you have no idea how your tactics work in different circumstances make them seem one-dimensional and provincial and makes you seem like you don't know what you are talking about.


I would recommend playing some different Ork builds before you give further advice.

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