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Disciples of Caliban


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Ok guys, hes finally here, my test mini for my Disciples of Caliban, Dark Angels succesors. I started with a Black Templars model I had bought on sale many years ago just filed the templar cross off, so here he is starting out and finished. Im kinda reluctant to post him after seeing some of the amazing work on this forum but my models are just for gaming anyway so here you go let me know what you think



and finished,





now any ideas on how to base this guy?

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i like the paint scheme for that chapter. the only thing that is a little wacky to me is the bolter position. the head and arm are looking straight but hand at the wrist is slightly pointing down givint the appearance to me that bolter isnt on target. is that just bent or pinned? seems like and easy fix if you were up to changin it...


as for basing im a fan of the half grass half medium gravel thats painted brownish like fresh dirt. i also like urban rubble lightly colored...i usually use ground up chunks of platic sprues to look like concrete blocks, also cork board chunks work well for that and some razorwire or some random trash like a canteen, bolter shells, helmet, knife


when choosing basing I go for 1 of 3 things. Easiest, contrast to models or goes with army fluff. i usually choose the second option.


a good idea a friend gave me a long time ago was to make basing samples. i have 11 or 12 now. when i paint up a model ill set it up on one of those an see which one works best.

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