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it's not exactly a clever scheme, so why argue? It's essentially the same as a hundred ruinous schemes except painted to a loyalist. many, many tasteful schemes have been done. Most have been done more than once.


These guys do look a bit standard to me. at least some veteran insignia would not be amiss. I do tend to over-adorn my guys but i think when people see these they'll go "oh, red DA tacticals" like I do.

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Well they look just like normal men too me. Sternguards usually have special equipment not just robes.



When resources are low (and i am reffering to bitz, not money) the basic thing to remember about sterngaud is that they are just veterens with boltguns, and maybe boltgun varients, so robes say "look!, i'm a veteren"



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by codex standard all veterans in a veteran squad should wear a Saltire in the color matching their chapter's other insignia (white or black generally) as well as a veteran's cross (the cross that used to represent terminator honors but is now worn by all veterans regardless of squad). Beyond that, a chapter badge would help a great deal. With those proper markings I think they will begin to come together.


I also suggest very strongly blending the robes to a softer and more even finish. the thick and slightly sloppy application of white just isn't bringing out the forms properly.


Do these things and you will have a very sexy unit :P


cheers :(

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by codex standard all veterans in a veteran squad should wear a Saltire in the color matching their chapter's other insignia (white or black generally) as well as a veteran's cross (the cross that used to represent terminator honors but is now worn by all veterans regardless of squad). Beyond that, a chapter badge would help a great deal. With those proper markings I think they will begin to come together.


I also suggest very strongly blending the robes to a softer and more even finish. the thick and slightly sloppy application of white just isn't bringing out the forms properly.


Do these things and you will have a very sexy unit :)


cheers :)


Thanks for the advice. I think I will look into it :)


Inspiration by Steelmage99 is here:


Sternguards by Steelmage99

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by codex standard all veterans in a veteran squad should wear a Saltire in the color matching their chapter's other insignia (white or black generally) as well as a veteran's cross (the cross that used to represent terminator honors but is now worn by all veterans regardless of squad). Beyond that, a chapter badge would help a great deal. With those proper markings I think they will begin to come together.


I also suggest very strongly blending the robes to a softer and more even finish. the thick and slightly sloppy application of white just isn't bringing out the forms properly.


Do these things and you will have a very sexy unit ;)


cheers <_<


Thanks for the advice. I think I will look into it :RTBBB:


Inspiration by Steelmage99 is here:


Sternguards by Steelmage99





Oh yeah, i remember thoses guys, i always prefer to make plastic models instead of metal ones so all my veterens are plastic.(but i can't resist old metal models, they look soo cool!).

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