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Space Hulk, My Way


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First, let me just warn you all, that any and all pictures i link here won't be the best quality since my actual digital camera is busted, im stuck with my mobile.


Second, thankyou for clicking this thread, you're time is much appreciated, i'll try not to bore you too much



about 3 years ago, i started painting again, i cant play to save my life, but i love painting.


my main scheme is black bodies and legs, golden arms and helmet detailing with bone trims and highlights


this worked fine, up untill yesterday when i picked up space hulk


given the unique nature of the terminators in the kit, i decided to rethink they way i paint them. so far they are the same scheme as the rest of my army, which if it wasnt for their size next to standard power armor, they would just blend in.


that was unacceptable.


so i looked to chapters like the Luna Wolves (pre-heresy might i add), where they had white armor with black terminators, so i flipped it


black chapter, white terminators.






the picture doesnt really do it justice, and i have had to change a few more things than i planned to, such as using grey for the crux and some skulls instead of the usual bone colours


the claws are a change for me as well, instead of painting their mounting silver, i used fortress grey, and instead of silver blades, dark red - light red highlighting to give them the appearance of being active, or covered in blood depending how you look at it.


not all BA iconography has been removed, as you might be able to see there are still numerous blood drops on there, on the back of the claws for example, i removed the droplet, but left the wings.


just because its a drop of blood doesnt mean it HAS to be BA iconography, im looking at the ones i leave as... awards, something to make them stand out from the rest of the terminators.



comments and suggestions welcome, more pictures to follow tomorrow after i finish the second in the line up.



thanks for reading



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Yea, ofcourse the droplets could be awards or such ;D Maybe for escpecially bloodthirsty terminators? (Do not tell the Emperor though, he don´t approve of Khorne being satisfied xD) Or it could always be some kind of Squad/Chapter insignia of some sort.


The Scheme looks awesome btw :rolleyes:


And for the carebear-patrol, its just the First Company Luna Wolves that had Black Terminators (aswell as Raptors/Assault Marines).

But you can ofc always have Dark Angels in mind aswell, as there are both the Deathwing and Ravenwing companies coloured diffrently from the rest of the Chapter :>

ok, a few hours later and a very sore wrist later, here's the second :)


again, i apologise for the pictures


more Brother Giza Hug:




not the best since im now using artificial light (to paint in as well), will retake them tomorrow



Dead Marine:








more C&C is welcome :Troops:

oh that one means effort :tu:


i tried taking some better pictures, but the limitations of my phone kinda wel... yeah, terrible, direct sunlight is just terrible for it, so im gonna see about a proper digi cam with a macro mode in it.


finished the third earlier today (the guy tearing up deck plates)


was an absolute pain, the moulding for him is terrible, his left foot, has no toes, it just warps out to the plates he's tearing up, and the fitting for the right arm is unusable, so i resorted to clipping it down and pinning it


left the foot as is, just painted the bits that should be white, left the rest black, cant notice it really at a glance ;)


pics when i can take some decent ones


tomorrow i start on the sarge with the power sword, quickly followed by my army of librarians (3 in power armor, 2 terminators (one space hulk))




im a sucker for a psyker :P

librarian is about 3/4 done now, just the left arm and base to do


he's a first for me, for starters he's blue this time XD


all my previous libbys have been red


its also my first time highlighting armor, so its been a bit of an adventure


so far i personally think its paid off


pics to follow when theres good lighting, or i get a new camera, whichever comes first :P



also, how would this mix for libby blue be rated


chaos black - necron abyss - 1:1 ultramarine blue / enchanted blue - highlighted with 2:1 ice blue / ultramarine blue


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