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Pre-Heresy Luna Wolves Color Test


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I've been playing with the idea of a Luna Wolves army for a while now. I've finally gotten my hands on enough MK4 bits to make an army (around 70 or so MK 4 red scorpion torsos and heads). I'm still debating about whether it's going to be a chaos or SM army. I'm leaning towards chaos right now because of the amazing Horus model I just got my hands on.


I painted up one model so far as a color test. Let me know what you guys think. I had a hard time deciding between white and light grey armor. in the end, now wanting to paint 5 layers of while made me choose grey.


I could also use some advice on the eyes. I don't know if I like the black eyes. Most of my marines have colored eye lenses but I don't know what colored eyes the Luna Wolves had.




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Very nice mate. Awesome in fact. I ike the tone you got on the armour. What was your recipie if you don't mind me asking. Oh and good job on the freehand too.


On the subject of eye lenses, I don't think you could go amiss with a dark red. It would give the model a bit more colour and make him seem more menacing. Have a look on the cover of Horus Rising I think their lenses are deep red.

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Very nice mate. Awesome in fact. I ike the tone you got on the armour. What was your recipie if you don't mind me asking. Oh and good job on the freehand too.


On the subject of eye lenses, I don't think you could go amiss with a dark red. It would give the model a bit more colour and make him seem more menacing. Have a look on the cover of Horus Rising I think their lenses are deep red.


The recipe I used was grey krylon primer, fortress grey for the armor plates and then pure skull white for the highlights


Thanks for letting meknow about the lense color. i was using False Gods as reference and you couldn't really see the eyes.


Are you able to keep it generic so you can have a "counts-as" army for both CSM and SM?

I'm hoping to, although it would involve a few more minis than i anticipated and I don't know what I'd use as a defiler...


Looks good. I will say that there appears to be a black smudge by the wolf ear on the chapter badge. Other than that, great job.




I do believe you are correct. i over did the ear and then went over it with fortress grey for correction but i guess i used too thin a layer.


on another note, when did you move to calgary???

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Awesome looking. I'm amazed at the subtle level of 'old skool' bits. I recognise the chest/head from the Forge World bits, but that's a 2nd edition backpack, and the bolter has hints of the old to it too. I think the 'grey' is refreshing since they are most often painted white (which it turns out was wrong). Good luck with the army.
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Awesome looking. I'm amazed at the subtle level of 'old skool' bits. I recognise the chest/head from the Forge World bits, but that's a 2nd edition backpack, and the bolter has hints of the old to it too. I think the 'grey' is refreshing since they are most often painted white (which it turns out was wrong). Good luck with the army.


So i WAS right in doing them in grey!


The backpack is actually just a regular 4th edition pack although i chose one with an extra vent to make it look more pre-heresy. The bolter however is an oldschool 2nd edition one.


I dig everything about him. The color scheme, bitz, and pose are cool. The only issue for me is the mold lines. But otherwise i think you're good to go for an army build.


Yes these moldlines continue to haunt me, i thought i'd gotten all of them.

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