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space hulk


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Having pre ordered space hulk as a present for myself i figured i'd better actually paint them before playing the game, so with out further ado here's the termies



and the 2 extra guys


still pip but the basics are done :thumbup:

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Whoa Lavaman, are you on a :D spree?

Change that attitude or you might just "leave" as you told someone in your own thread.

Trolling is not very popular here.


Treadhead: That's a nice start!

Some highlights and shading with washes will make the models "pop" so to speak.

Have you considered dipping?

I don't use the technique myself, but it's great for people who just want to get their minis on the table asap.

It adds instant shading and can look quite good if done right.

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@ben rolls: These are just the base coats for the colours, I'll be working them on them some more when i have the time free, then going back and doing the inking and washes before the final highlights.


@Machinepriest: I'm not much of a painter (usually only go to the gaming standard level) but these are such nice models i figure its time to get the detail brushes out :P


@lavaman: lol :)


will be updating this some time soon with better shots of these guys and adding in the stealers (as soon as my mate paints them that is) now all i have to do is find my painting hat ;)

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