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Veteran Assault Blood Angels


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Couple of different views of one of my assault marines. Still very WIP. Any comments or criticism would be welcome and appreciated.

I am going for a sort-of 300 years after the heresy look to these guys. What do you all think?

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Lets leave the yellow/gold helmet debate out of this one (especially as its only Honour Guard who wear gold helmets :tu: ...).


Looks interseting, but I'd have to agree, its a little ahrd to see the detail i suspect has gone into it at the moment. Any chance of bigger pictures?

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I think they look really good. Sorta Dark and scary blood angels versus B R I G H T R E D blood angels. Good helmet choice as well. Maybe one more highlight to define the edges a little more and paint on some emblems/icons and you're good to go :)


Thanks for cropping them :P

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