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Seva's Blood Angels


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I have been experimenting for quite awhile now with a different way for me to paint red. Here is one of my latest VAS guys wielding a power sword. I hope you enjoy it. Comments a criticism welcome!








Does the red work? I would like to know if I should pursue this technique or go back to edge highlighting.

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I think the helmet is a bit to lemony. Did you use a straight yellow ink? The red is nice but I'm concerned that it might look too similar to Blood Ravens.


What makes this technique different from your other technique?

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Its several layers of bad moon yellow. I am starting with the brightest color and then blending my way down to the shadows. The helmet will have shadows but it wont get much brighter. I might throw on some white here and there though. The red is dark because I like the darker red than the brighter kind.


The new technique was what I mentioned above. Believe it or not, that marine stared out as dwarf flesh, then slowly blended him down to the dark red. I guess I should be happy for the concern about the dark red cause that's what I was going for.

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*irony on* Can you maybe post some smaller Pictures? My eyes hurt when i have to look at such big details to give you an advice :) *irony off*


pssst - thats "sarcasm"


Since you're German we'll forgive you :D

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Here are some bigger pictures...I hope!



















Alright. There is the start of my VAS/RAS. Any comments or criticisms would be greatly appreciated!

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I finished up some more guys for you all to look at. This time the pictures are bigger. I hope you all like them!















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@ Picster : What would you think about a tiny bit of dwarf flesh mixed with blood red for some very selective highlights on the red? I have read before that the less you do to red the better it looks. I'll try it out on my power sword guy and post the picture up here soon to see what you all think. I have 2 more VAS to finish and then I am going to start work on...oh man I don't know what I'll do next. I am busy re-painting my entire army. So maybe I'll start with some tacticals so I can actually PLAY warhammer should the urge strike me. Anyhow more to come soon!
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@Demoulius : Yes they are berserker helmets. Most of my "elite" units have different helmets than regular marines. Couple of reasons for this: I want to make them stand out more and secondly, I like the standard marine helmets but I like the heavily modified chaos helmets better. My DC use chaos champion helmets with the horns filed off. I don't know, I'm trying to give my Blood Angels a more ancient look to them if that makes any sense. I hope that's coming across in how they look. In anycase they are berserker helmets with the bunny ears cut off. Enjoy!
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Dwarf Flesh is the Way to Go if you don't want a too "glowing" look.


I mostly use Orange but D-Flesh is also a good way to make some highlights.


For Competitions i would use:

Bright Look:

Chaos Black - Blood Red - Blazing Orange(Edges and small Highlights) - Badmoon Yellow(VERY SMALL areas) - White (Tiny Dots)


Dark Look:

Chaos Black - Blood Red + little Grey - Dwarf Flesh(edges and small hightlights) - D-Flesh+White (SMALL areas) - white (tiny dots)


Tabletop Bright Look:

Mechrite Red - Blood Red - Blazing Orange (for selective Edges)


Tabletop Dark Look:

Chaos Black - Blood Red - Dwarf Flesh (for selective Edges)




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@Brother Danl: Thank you for the kind words but, I didn't give the melta gun guy a power sword. Perhaps you are thinking of the guy with the banner and a power axe? The pistol, while it looks bigger is just a scout style bolter with a silencer on it, because its important for an 8' tall walking tank to shoot quietly. I think he just waxes nostalgic for his days as a scout.


@ Ferocious Beast: Could you elaborate? I am trying to get my red really dark if it is coming off as too bright then I need to re-evaluate my technique. Thank you all for the nice words of encouragement! It really keeps a body painting.

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Latest update. Been working on this guy and I am thinking aside from basing, he is finished. It's my first time doing a freehand chapter badge and I am pleased with the results, sort-of. Now I am going to have to go back and do this to all vets and DC I have already painted and that is going to be a drag. Anyhow, here is the latest footslogging VAS/Sergeant.








Here are the last two guys for this 10 man VAS. I hope to finish them buy next week and then I can base the whole unit. I am probably going to go simple with a sandy type base since thats what the DC are based on.





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the blood angel icon is a free hand? amazing work m8 ;)


the powersword also came out as a simply gorgious detail brother. i try to go for the same effects on my power weapons and find the effect to be quite hard to get right. but when done right it looks simply awesome as you demonstrate here ;)


il finish with a question. are the heads you use for alot of the VAS (including the sargeant) filed down khorne beserker helmets or are they something else? they look so cool im thiniking of picking a few up ;)

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@ Demoulius: The heads for the VAS are primarily Berserker helmets with the bunny ears filed off yes. I'm trying to make my army look older/different so I used different helmets for the elites. I use a great deal of Chaos bits for my marines actually, codex and haters be damned. I hope the older look is coming across in the models. I don't have access to true mark IV armor so I try and make do with what comes in the boxes. I guess that mark IV stuff comes from someplace called 'Forgeworld' but I haven't seen a forgeworld anywhere near where I live...


Anyhow I'm going to keep adding to this thread when I have something new to add. Anyone have any suggestions as far as basing goes?


Obey the Emperor.

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