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Seva's Blood Angels


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well i have 2 kinds of bases between my armies. mud and soil bases and urban bases.


both are easy to do and add a really nice touch to your minis. do you have any fluff for your army? perhaps they have been fighting over a specific world/system? you can do bases to represent just about anything you want. swamps, deserts, urban, forests, fields etc etc.


imho get an effect that you like and amplifies the look on your marines if your going for looks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are my latest two additions to the footslogging VAS. I have a thread up on the WIP section as to how I did these guys pretty much from start to finish if you are curious. Here they are. I still haven't finished the bases yet and I might throw on some dirt and such to give them more character. All chapter badges are freehand and I went back and put them on most of the VAS in the above thread, well all of them where I could put a symbol on in any case.




Here is another view where you can see his name better. Does the red work on the Thunderhammer?




And here is a chainsword guy.






Hope you like them.


Obey the Emperor.

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I really like the red you have on these guys, its very inspiring for a fledgling Blood Angel player like my self. I did intend to do a DIY BA successor, but after reading the PDF dex and seeing your Blood Angels I'm starting to think BA would be better. Keep the troops coming.
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  • 1 month later...

Here are my latest VAS guys. I hope you all like them.












I was thinking about doing some conversion work on this guy to make him into a Mephiston or something but I'm not sure really how to do it or for that matter what to do.




I might try and find a way to get this guy into my army somehow as well.




Interesting thing about this guy was that I used mostly turquoise and dark green to get the black.


Comments and criticism welcome.


Obey the Emperor.

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I might try and find a way to get this guy into my army somehow as well.




Easiest way to get him in a Blood Angels list would be to go cheap on a Inquisitor Lord with Familiar Retuine. Thing is while it'll only cost you 63 points for that its really not doing anything to help bolster your list. I'd suggest a Inquisitor Lord (from the Witch Hunters Codex) with some shooty elements.


Something along these lines:


Inquisitor Lord

Boltgun w/ Psycannon Bolts, Inferno Pistol, Rosarius

2x Acolytes w/ Bolters or Hellguns; Power Armour, Frag Grenades, Bolt Pistols

3x Heavy Weapon Thralls (or Veteran Guardsmen with Special Weapons)

2x Sages

2x Sisters Hospitaller



Then you can go buck wild with that BEA-utiful Vidicare that you've got. ;)

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@ Punkfish Do you mean how did I do the yellow on the helmets or the helmets themselves Punkfish? I will assume you meant how I did the helmets themselves. There is a guy named Apologist who I got the idea from. I think they are from some 40k artwork or something like that. You basically cut the grill part of the helmet off and then slap some green stuff on the face and then start smoothing away with sculpting tool. If I had more time I'd go through the whole process but I don't right now so when I get back tonight I will post the link to his tutorial. He has some amazing stuff and its quite a good read. Thanks to Apologist once again.


Obey the Emperor.

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@Punkfish For the yellow I start out with the brightest color which is bad moon yellow for me. I prime my models using gray primer so the yellow goes on pretty easily. I'll glaze the yellow on for about 4-5 glazes until I'm happy with it. From there I will progressively darken the yellow by adding darker shades of yellow ending with sunburst yellow when its all said and done. I can't really give you an exact number of glazes but I go until it looks right to me. Once all the paint is on then I will add washes of gryphonne sepia followed by devlan mud in the darkest recesses. If this has darkened the model too much for my liking then I will add some more bad moon yellow to the highlight parts and maybe even add a little skull white to the mix. I don't usually highlight in the traditional sense as I tend to work down from the bright colors to the darker ones. It seems to work alright for me as the highlights seem (to me) more blended when I do this as opposed to working from dark to light. I know I had something where I explained it in more detail but I forgot which post I put it in. I'm kinda dumb that way. Anyhow I hope that helps and thanks for looking! If anyone is interested I could get all my techniques in one place for easier viewing but to be honest I just rip off what I have read from so many skilled painters here that none of these techniques could truely be called mine. Lots of knowledge on these boards and this place is a great resource for painters. Now if I could just figure out how to win with these guys all would be great! Good luck on your painting and......


Obey the Emperor.

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Here are my latest VAS guys. I hope you all like them.












I was thinking about doing some conversion work on this guy to make him into a Mephiston or something but I'm not sure really how to do it or for that matter what to do.




I might try and find a way to get this guy into my army somehow as well.




Interesting thing about this guy was that I used mostly turquoise and dark green to get the black.


Comments and criticism welcome.


Obey the Emperor.

omg, that middle model...sort of middle ish...the one that is total badassery, not the assassin or the regular marines, but the one that out badasses the rest of your already badass models...i can only say wow...sexy model. ^_^

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Damn! I don't want to be new school. Hell I even hate cell phones that's how old school I am. Oh well I was looking at some of my metal guys and that's where they had the skull thing so I thought that's where it went. I should have asked here first. I do have a question though, how would you all go about highlighting the freehand chapter symbol? I am lost as to how it should be done. Thanks for all the kind words. I am going to post tonight once I finish the jump jet.


Obey the Emperor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are the latest versions of the VAS with some paint on them and a jump jet actually on a guy as well. I hope you all enjoy them!












I almost smashed these guys as I locked my keys in my truck tonight. I like to eat paste.


Obey the Emperor.

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you sir have a gift. do you always layer/glaze from light to dark ? Apologist, he is the one who did the true scale pre heresy ultras ? i can not find a link but there was a guide to those helmets. can you possibly post it. thank you for your work examples, that is the kind of red i was looking for the blood angels i want to paint.
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Rodf= Yeah pretty much I always glaze and layer when I do the red. When I do the big parts of the marines I will glaze. I always work from light to dark because I am a sloppy painter and this way it sort of hides that. However, when I paint the smaller bits I will paint like normal. I try and blend as much as I can but sometimes the smaller stuff it's just easier for me to use more "traditional" painting techniques.



I'm pretty sure I put the link up on one of these forums. I'll look for it. It isn't really that hard. (The technique)

Here is the link http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...showarticle=500


1. You take your standard marine helmet, I didn't use the one with the 2 tube things though, I think they might get in the way of the GS but I'm not completely sure. Shoot, that helmet might look better when it's all said and done, but anyway you take your standard marine helmet.


B. You then cut the grill off the front of the helmet. I think Apologist cut the entire grill off but I didn't. I just cut the edges of it off and then filed it down to where the grill is.


3rdly. You then slap some greenstuff on the helmet and make it sort of like a cross.


Once you have the cross in place you then start to shape it the way you want it to look. The trick is to pay attention to it so you have symmetry on both sides of the helm. (I struggle with this greatly, might be my OCD)


It takes awhile for me to do as I try and get the GS as smooth as I can get it and I end up using a metric ton of Vaseline on the shaping tool. Be mindful of this, you will have to wash it off before you prime cause the paint doesn't stick too well to a helmet that is coated in vaseline.


Apologist has this down pat and his guys are the ones that inspired me to do the helmets in this way so all the credit goes to him. Thanks again Apologist!


I hope that helps and I'll look for that link once I get home. Thanks for the comments btw. I have been painting so much lately that I am getting painter's burn out but the comments really keep me going. I hope to have more of these guys finished by this weekend and I will post what I have then. Thanks again and as always......


Obey the Emperor.

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@ Demoulius I don't rightly know for certain. I am going for an older look to my army. Being that the Blood Angels are so long lived the boys could have some pretty ancient armor. I guess the look I am going for would be pre-heresy/heresy/post heresy maybe M35? I don't know does that sound right? I am really into the whole heresy era stuff but I still like the DC. I don't know, what do you all think? I guess the short answer would be that I just liked the helmets and I wanted to set the VAS apart from the rank and file.
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