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Seva's Blood Angels


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Here is the latest work I have been able to scratch out on my VAS. I have been experimenting more with the whole freehand stuff. This is a sort of a big update. I have to do some touch up stuff on the bits and all. Progress is coming slow but its still plodding along. Anyhow here are the latest additions to the VAS.


Here is the Power Fist guy.








Melta gun guy. I still have to do some work on the melta yet so that is still on the to-do list.








This guy is just a chainsword guy. I have to find a chainsword to glue to him. Anyone know if they make those that aren't attached to a hand?








Here is a group shot





Here are some more standard chainsword guys. I'm pretty proud of these guys as I had to do a ton of cutting (for me) to get the arms into position. I try to make my assault elements look dynamic.






















That last guy is one of my favorites. Let me know what you all think. I don't know how to feel about the new Blood Angel releases. On one hand I can't wait to see them, on the other I am hoping my latest painted guys don't become obsolete. Oh well I guess I should enjoy the process and just shut up.


Obey the Emperor.

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Jorre: I have seen your models and I think they are pretty damn good. I know what you mean about looking at the work of others and then looking at your own models with a harsh eye. I finished this same army about 2 years ago and then ironically I stopped playing. (I still haven't played yet come to think about it as I have been working on this project for little over a year. I still don't even own the new rule book!) Then I looked at the beautiful Blood Angels that Blind Hamster did and I just had to start over cause I thought my marines looked like crap. I'll have to post those old pictures up here sometime.


Iron Kobra: I start by painting the sword black. I use white or gray primer BTW. I'm pretty sure that guy was primed gray. Anyhow, after I paint the sword black I mix some of the darkest blue I have with black, about 60/40 black/blue. The blue was regal blue I think. It's whatever GW puts out as I use those colors. (I'm really interested in using those other colors but damn that's a whole chunk of change that I don't have right now.) Once you get the color right, it should be just a bit lighter than your black, then you paint the basic shape of the lightning. You want it to be kinda big since its mostly for shade and a sort of guide for the rest of your lightning/power or whatever it is that makes a power sword a power sword. Once you have the basic shape you just keep working the color up and keep making the shape smaller. You also want to try with each step up in the color to follow the shape but don't copy the shape if that makes any sense. If you stray from the guide then the effect looks more natural in my opinion. So you keep working the color up until you get to the space wolf gray. At this point the gray should be really really thin. After you hit the gray, the next step for me was to give it a light wash with asurman blue. Whatever the GW blue wash is, I think its Asurman Blue. Make sure that wash is diluted, and for that matter make sure all your paints are really diluted. I like to glaze so most of my paint is damn near all water anyhow. After you put that wash on the colors just kinda blend more together, at this point you want to get a little bit of white and paint some super thin lines here and there along the course of the gray. The white is the real kicker cause if you don't get it thin enough then the whole effect won't work as well. If you get it super thin then it looks good. I still struggle with this and I start the sword over a whole bunch. Practice makes perfect. I hope power swords are useful in the new codex cause I have a bunch of power sword guys. I hope that helps man. Those power swords on yer vets will look really good cause those models and your paint job on them is great.


Angel of the Emperor: They do look like Iron Man! I like the Iron Man armor so that's cool with me. I think it's the red and yellow together on the helmet. I guess the helmets look very Iron Man like. I wish GW would make helmet sprues with helmets from different marks. Would save a bunch of time.


Alexos: I used one of the bolter arms. (the kind that Tac marines use) I cut the arm down the middle of the elbow pad, then I cut a chainsword arm down the middle of the elbow pad, matched them up then slapped some Green Stuff in the gap and glued it all together. I also used some of the arms from attack bikers and just cut the hands off and slapped another hand on it. Those arms are like gold if you want to change up the poses of your marines. Interestingly posed marines are important to me for my army. I want them to look like they are furiously charging.


Thank you all for looking. More to come tonight.


Obey the Emperor.

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Here are some more members of the VAS.








I still have to finish the flamer on this guy. I'm thinking I will put alot of gold on the flamer since these guys are supposed to be all elite and what have you.


Here is another chainsword guy








Here is the Power axe guy. Have not decided what color I want to make his power weapon yet. I'm kind of partial to green. I was thinking of marine power weapons kinda like jedi lightsabers, the different colors mean different things but I don't know yet. Red looks cool on power weapons as well. I have found that painting the power weapon effect on axes is alot different than swords. I still haven't figured it out entirely yet. Anyone have any good power axe pictures? I' m a bit stumped on this guy.






Here is a group shot of these last three guys.




Here are two of my power weapon guys that are pretty much finished. I just have to base them.








There they are so far. I have a question for my fellow Frater. Does the red need highlighting? I try not to highlight red. I'm wondering what you all think. Thank you for looking.


Obey the Emperor.

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Jorre: I have seen your models and I think they are pretty damn good. I know what you mean about looking at the work of others and then looking at your own models with a harsh eye. I finished this same army about 2 years ago and then ironically I stopped playing. (I still haven't played yet come to think about it as I have been working on this project for little over a year. I still don't even own the new rule book!) Then I looked at the beautiful Blood Angels that Blind Hamster did and I just had to start over cause I thought my marines looked like crap. I'll have to post those old pictures up here sometime.


Iron Kobra: I start by painting the sword black. I use white or gray primer BTW. I'm pretty sure that guy was primed gray. Anyhow, after I paint the sword black I mix some of the darkest blue I have with black, about 60/40 black/blue. The blue was regal blue I think. It's whatever GW puts out as I use those colors. (I'm really interested in using those other colors but damn that's a whole chunk of change that I don't have right now.) Once you get the color right, it should be just a bit lighter than your black, then you paint the basic shape of the lightning. You want it to be kinda big since its mostly for shade and a sort of guide for the rest of your lightning/power or whatever it is that makes a power sword a power sword. Once you have the basic shape you just keep working the color up and keep making the shape smaller. You also want to try with each step up in the color to follow the shape but don't copy the shape if that makes any sense. If you stray from the guide then the effect looks more natural in my opinion. So you keep working the color up until you get to the space wolf gray. At this point the gray should be really really thin. After you hit the gray, the next step for me was to give it a light wash with asurman blue. Whatever the GW blue wash is, I think its Asurman Blue. Make sure that wash is diluted, and for that matter make sure all your paints are really diluted. I like to glaze so most of my paint is damn near all water anyhow. After you put that wash on the colors just kinda blend more together, at this point you want to get a little bit of white and paint some super thin lines here and there along the course of the gray. The white is the real kicker cause if you don't get it thin enough then the whole effect won't work as well. If you get it super thin then it looks good. I still struggle with this and I start the sword over a whole bunch. Practice makes perfect. I hope power swords are useful in the new codex cause I have a bunch of power sword guys. I hope that helps man. Those power swords on yer vets will look really good cause those models and your paint job on them is great.


Angel of the Emperor: They do look like Iron Man! I like the Iron Man armor so that's cool with me. I think it's the red and yellow together on the helmet. I guess the helmets look very Iron Man like. I wish GW would make helmet sprues with helmets from different marks. Would save a bunch of time.


Alexos: I used one of the bolter arms. (the kind that Tac marines use) I cut the arm down the middle of the elbow pad, then I cut a chainsword arm down the middle of the elbow pad, matched them up then slapped some Green Stuff in the gap and glued it all together. I also used some of the arms from attack bikers and just cut the hands off and slapped another hand on it. Those arms are like gold if you want to change up the poses of your marines. Interestingly posed marines are important to me for my army. I want them to look like they are furiously charging.


Thank you all for looking. More to come tonight.


Obey the Emperor.




Thanks Very much man! My painting isn't terrible as far as I'm aware, but i think a neat little effect like this will add a little something rather than chrome blades. I am sure I have a few blades to practice on. The effect you have done looks particularly cool with the blue gem stone in the handle too, kida looks like its part of the power source. Really Great marines bud!

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Thanks Midnight. There is a tutorial about free hand chapter badges in the librarium I think. Wherever it is, it was really helpful to me. I had to practice it quite a bit and they aren't 100% perfect yet but I hope to get there some day. I have a really hard time with decals or I would just use those as these badges take me forever and a day to do.


Iron Kobra: Your painting is very good and I await your power sword armed marines.


Obey the Emperor.

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Thanks Midnight. There is a tutorial about free hand chapter badges in the librarium I think. Wherever it is, it was really helpful to me. I had to practice it quite a bit and they aren't 100% perfect yet but I hope to get there some day. I have a really hard time with decals or I would just use those as these badges take me forever and a day to do.

Yep I'm using the tut and currently working through mine binning the transfers and free handing the chapter symbol, not up there with you're skills yet though but something to aspire too!


As far as you're red is concerned, I wouldn't highlight further as you may lose the mean and moody look you have got going on :tu: Also take a look at the p/axe on my Sergeant if you are looking for ideas for one in green, though I'm sure you could do a much better job:-

Take a look at me!

There is a how too in my thread (linky in my signiture).


Anyways, keep up the good work :)

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Son of Sanguinius: I will post a little tutorial with pictures this week but for now I will tell you some basic principals I try to go by to get the sense of motion.


Inspiration: I use football cards. Not European Football, I don't know if they have those cards over here, but those would work as well. Anything that is showing motion in a natural way. Watching Boxing or MMA is also helpful. You could also look at comics and the like but with Football cards those are real people doing real things. I find that helps.


Get some blutac or anything that will let you temporarily join your model together. This way you can change him/her/it up before you seal the deal and start going buck with glue. Nothing more frustrating than glueing wrong.


Use running legs and try and get them so the model is leaning forward. The further forward the more aggressive the model will look.


If the right knee is up, the left hand should be up "doing the action". Example: Firing a bolt-pistol, attacking with the chainsword etc. etc. Like this:




The left knee is up in this picture and the right hand is preforming the action. I hope this is making sense. While some pretty interesting pose can be had by doing the opposite, I generally tend to stick to this rule. Left knee up right hand up. I usually, but not always, have whatever hand is "up" be the outstretched hand. Like this:




I try to keep the horizontal lines parallel. They don't have to be perfectly parallel but they should be in the same ballpark. By horizontal lines I mean the line from the top of the bent leg should be "parallel" to the line created by the "action arm". Action arm being the one holding the bolt pistol. In this set up the other arm is usually going to be a bent arm holding a bolt pistol, grenade, chainsword. I think one straight arm and one bent arm looks pretty good and I will go with that about 7 out of 10 times. Two straight arms looks really good. Two straight arms, in my opinion, give the best sense of motion, but they are often in short supply. Unless you make your own. (More on that later. I need pictures for that that I don't have)


I really like the motion created by two straight arms in this picture:




You can see in that picture I didn't follow the up/down rule. I find that rule is easier to bend when you are using two straight arms.


The arm set up I use the least would have to be two bent arms. It doesn't appeal to me. When I am down to only those bits I will start cutting.


You want to make sure that you place the torso so that the action will be out doing the action and not behind it. The blutac will help you out here a great deal as you will be able to twist your guys around to see what looks best.


Be mindful of the head. Make sure it is looking at the action. Very subtle movements of the head will change the whole figure. I hope this helps. I'll get working on the tutorial here next week. Anyhow I am off to read the rumor thread again. No more VAS make Seva smash!


Obey the Emperor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are no rumors in this thread. The 19 DC is more of a fantasy. Anyhow, here is what I have painted so far.


Here is the fist of some group shots. This is the VAS, and RAS with a footslogging DC and Lemmy and Corbulo. I like to think of Corbulo as helmeted so he wears one in my army.



Here is the entire army so far, 10 more DC w/ Jp's and a footslogging VAS with all sorts of weapons.




Here are some closeups of the VAS that I have been working on lately.






Power Sword guy






Here is the blue powersword guy






More to come.


Obey the Emperor.

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Here are some more pics of the VAS with a group shot of them.


Powerfist guy





Chainsword guy





For Faust!



I have 6 more jump jets to paint and then 4 more bases and then the VAS will be finished. I think I will start painting TACs after the VAS is finished, though I do have 10 RAS ready to be painted, actually 20 RAS ready to be painted as I have footsloggers and jump guys to do.


I think I will do TACs next cause I know those will make it to the next dex.


Any CC welcome.


Obey the Emperor.

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