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Seva's Blood Angels


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Don't worry Demoulius I'm not a communist, I'm just in the camp of Faustus. :)


And Espada Azul, I like the maxmini steam knight heads as well, more for terminators though. To me they seem just a tad too big for regular power armor. When I say a tad I mean tad, it's really barely noticeable except to OCD guys like myself.


Thanks for the kind words Snorri. Posing the models to me is one of the things I really try to work on. I think it's why I like plastics better than metals.


More to come. I am finally getting around to doing my version of Lemartes. I am going to make him truescale and I just started him today. I am going to do that whole LPC thing with him so the VAS are going to be on hold for awhile.


Obey the Emperor.

For Faustus!

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Blood Spartan, thank you for the kind words. I'm not exactly sure which helmet you are talking about. Was it the winged one on the DC model, or is it these last yellow helmets I have been doing? If the helmet you are talking about was black, then I used the head from the chaos champion. I filed off the horns . I am thinking those are the helmets you are talking about. I always thought they looked like the Corinthian (I think those were the guys who made those helmets) helmets from the ancient times. I almost put crests on them but obviously I didn't go that route. I just bought the bit separate so I have no idea what box the helmet comes in.


Brothermoses and Blood Spartan: Regarding the yellow helmets, I used a tutorial from the B&C by a gentleman by the name of Apologist. Lots of good stuff in there to read. There is also another guy who did helmets that way and his name is Mortarion. He plays Flesh Tearers I believe. Basically you chop the grill off a marine and then jam some putty on his face and start sculpting until it comes out like you want it to.


Obey the Emperor.

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I really like what I'm seeing to this point. As others have said your helmets really make a difference for your VAS. I've used your glazing method in the past with excellent results, but it is so time consuming I don't have the patience for it. I am sure being OCD helps in that regard.


Thanks for your posing advice. Marine players are really spoiled for the options with all the plastic they have. I also like your desire for older style armor and the like. It is interesting how marine iconography and placement has changed over the years. I doubt many people will notice the terminator symbol.


I believe you said you had urban bases as well. I do like the mud I am seeing as I think your brown works very well with the red and yellow. I don't recall seeing the urban bases, but if they are like mine, they will weight the figure down. It will probably draw even more attention to the yellow helmets. In that regard I think the mud s best for your models.


Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing more.



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  • 9 months later...



I picked up the brushes and started painting again. I hope this works because my photo bucket thing is all messed up. I have some more chaplains to post and I finally finished all my Vets but I guess they are now regular assault guys? I don't know. I am the Rip VanWinkle of 40k it would seem. I can't wait to get some of the new kits out there.




The above is my powerfist Chaplain. I used a different way of getting to black on this guy than on the terminator chaplain. What do you think?


More to come soon.


Obey the Emperor.

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I must say I am very surprised that the chaplain's black is the more popular black, I would have thought the other way around for certain. The chaplain's black was a lot quicker to go on that's for certain. I think better pictures are in order as well. For some reason I have forgotten how to take and post good pics. Photobucket is acting up on me. I have 2 death companies and one is done in the gray black technique and the other has the hard edges. I just don't know which ones I like best. I guess I can have two favorites and just call it done.


Brother Tim definitely try it out! The technique isn't that hard and they always sell more heads than one can use so it's a win-win. The hardest thing about it for me was the eyes. To have a 10 man squad finished is something I really like.

Thanks for the kind words.


Obey the Emperor.

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  • 1 month later...

This is my LPC vow. I will post it there as well but I thought I'd post some stuff here as well. I am using a different style to my red this time than I have in the past. I hope you enjoy them. Comments and criticisms welcome. Especially the criticism part.

Here they are so far.....







I thought I'd throw this preist into this mix but he isn't really part of the vow as I started him a bit before the vow came about.






Obey the Emperor.

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Yellow is a fun color to paint. I think the crucial thing about it is to decide what color you want, warm or cold. I started these helmets with snakebite leather that was really thin. I then added some iyanden darksun to the mix, about 3:1 snakebite-darksun. Glaze that on a couple of times and then start adding bad moon yellow. Just use the same ratios until i start adding white. Its all a matter of where you want to stop. I think i could go further than I did with these guys and I might if I have the time. If you want a cold yellow use a gray for a base and then go from there. Hope that helps. I have added some more red to the Assault squad and took a more close up picture of the guys because you couldn't really get a good look at the eyes. Here they are.




Here is the priest. The sword is supposed to be a power sword but I don't know if it's working too well.



Here is an Inquisitor that I did for my son for Christmas.












More to come around the middle of the week. Thanks for the kind words as well.


Obey the Emperor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is some more progress on the Assault guys. I would like to know what you all think about the color on the robes. I don't know if it works, and if it doesn't, do you all have any suggestions on how to fix it. Enjoy!










Obey the Emperor.

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