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Total Newb Getting Started.


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So I finally did it, I went into a hobby store and bought some a 40K box. I was gonna get the Assault on Black Reach starter set but decided to pony up $10 more bucks and get the Space Marine Battle Force Set.


So I get home and open the box and start clipping out Bits. I start to assemble my models when it hits me, I don't know which chapter to paint them as.

I mull it over for a few days and finally decide that I'll just copy every other Newb and paint the everpopuler Ultra Marines ;) .so I take out my Blue paint and go to town on my Rhino and a assault marine.


After I get Finished I realize that they are a touch to dark to be Smurfs, my eye catches sight of my red Paint and I have a flash of insight, I Can Paint Some of The Sons of Dorn :D .


I'd Post pictures I Can't figure out how to :P

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The way I post my pics everywhere is by putting them on imageshack and linking them around. I think B&C has the ability to host pictures, but many sites don't...and I always feel bad making sites that aren't built for it host my images.


I'd recommend going the imageshack route (or something like that) so you can link your pics to your heart's content.


Welcome to the hobby. =) Nothing wrong with Ultramarines except all the hate they get. According to my personal fluff, they once saved my DIY chapter from annihilation, so in remembrance my chapter's purity seals are blue instead of read.


Get creative. <3

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