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WIP:Chaos Reaver Titan (FINISHED! 9/21/09, post #22)


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Hey all,


So I'm kinda tired of getting destroyed over and over in apoc games, and I never have any real super heavies of my own, and to make matters worse, I'm a poor college student! :P


So anyway, finally I figure what the hell, I'll build my own titan. I got and buy two sheets of large 2ply mueseum board (Which is very flexible and doesn't sacrafice strength!), a bunch of glue sticks for my hot glue gun, and the assistance of Rory Evans Templates and my sisters artistic skills to make my own Chaos Reaver Titan.


This is just the bare bones right now. I'm going to add the chaos trim and symbols later and then give him a proper base before I prim this sucker and paint it up in the colors of the Legio Mortis. Finally after that I plan to add some banners and he will soon march to war along side my Iron Warriors Grand Company. Maybe sometime in the future, I plan to add two warhounds to have a small titan battle group, but at the moment it's jsut wishful thinking as I got my hands full with school and other life stuff (Dang that life and school thing, keeps getting in the way of important stuff like 40k! ;) )


So far, the total cost is less then $20, I'm expecting him to cost approximately $40 after spray paint, paint, and basing material and any other unforseen stuff that might crop up. Over all, I'm very impressed with it my self, especially since it cost almost nothing compared to the FW version! :D


P.S. I have yet to name him so far, anyone got any cool latin names that they don't mind sharing? ;)

Also, I still haven't figured out what to use for the missles on the AML, anyone got ideas?




Edit: I deeply apologize for the poor picture quality. I don't own a digital camera so I use my phone, and that's the only thing that keeps me from posting the rest of my army on here, while it is "acceptable" for something as big as a titan, it's horrible for capturing fine details of a mini.


Edit2: I forgot to mention, this beast stands approximately 16" high from the bottom of the base to the tippy top of the AML :P

Hey all,


It's been long over due for an update. So far I've got most of the trim down, and the base is done, I just need to do the symbols on the top of the carapace and I'm gonna put a skull against an eight pointed star ontop of the AML.


First off is a size comparison pic that was requested.



Second is another shot of the titan, hopefully you can see the Legio Mortis logo on the shoulder with the trim around it



Next is a shot of the Titanicus Logo on the other shoulder surrounded by trim.



And finally one of the legs with a chaotic face on the shin, similar to the FW version.




P.S. Again, I apologize for the poor picture quality, I couldn't take pics of the base since it didn't really capture the details very well.


Edit1: Forgot to set the links up as "Direct Images"

I also forgot to give due credit where it's due ;) . The Eye on the crotch plate, the Legio Mortis and Titanicus logo's and the face on the shin were all drawn up by my sister, and she's also doing the last two symbols for the AML and the Carapace plate, once those are done I'll hopefully have it primed by sunday.

Sorry for the lack of updates guys. I got the last of the symbols and trim on and got the beast primed black (darn thing nearly took up an entire can!). Can't really post any updated pics though since with the black primer non of the details come out with my poor camera phone, but I intend to pick up a pot of mechanite red tomorrow and begin the painting process.


I think as far as the painting goes, it'll be in Legio Mortis colors, so black and red with gold on the trim and symbols. For the red I think I'm gonna go mech red, blood red, and maybe a highlight of blazing orange. The black I think I'll just leave the original primer black and give that a light codex grey dry brush. The gold is probably just gonna be shinning gold with a wash of devlan mud. Should be quick and effective and hopefully will be done by sunday.


P.S. I still need a name for this thing!! :lol:

Thanks for all the comments guys, Hopefully I'll get this beast painted soon! :huh:


Do you have a tutorial on how to make one of those things? Since in my post beforehand i said it was awesome, i wouldnt mind making my own. Yeah, its hard cominh up with a name isnt it... i cant really help you there...


Sorry, I didn't take pics periodically like I should of, so I don't forsee a tutorial unfortunately, but I plan to start a warhound sometime in the future and maybe I can make a tutorial of that?

Thanks for all the comments guys, Hopefully I'll get this beast painted soon! :angry:


Do you have a tutorial on how to make one of those things? Since in my post beforehand i said it was awesome, i wouldnt mind making my own. Yeah, its hard cominh up with a name isnt it... i cant really help you there...


Sorry, I didn't take pics periodically like I should of, so I don't forsee a tutorial unfortunately, but I plan to start a warhound sometime in the future and maybe I can make a tutorial of that?


Well how bout the TEMPLATES?!!? lol

Just a quick mini update.


I'm almost done with the painting. Hopefully I'll have it done by sunday, though I'm unsure if my crappy camera will be able to capture the paint job that well... Actually on second thought... Maybe it's better that way lol.


I'm trying my hand at actually painting the whole model with highlights, and so far the Red is completely done, and the black needs to be highlighted, but honostly, for the first time in my life I actually got a shade of red I'm rather happy with lol.


Just a quick question though, what should I highlight black with? I was thinking Codex Grey, but is that too much of a grey or maybe I should mix some black in there....


P.S. Still can't figure out a name.... I've been working on this thing for about a month and a half and It's nearly done, I think naming it was harder then building/painting it lol

Update time! ;)


I got nearly the whole thing painted. I just need to paint the symbols/trim gold, then do the base, and finally add the banners and it's finished!!



It's finally done!


It all started with getting my butt handed to me in a series of apoc games, then like any true Legionaire, that hatred and anger shimmered into plotting, and from that plotting, I now bear fruit some two months and $20 later!


I present to you, the "Unnamed Chaos Reaver Titan" of the Legio Mortis


And before anyone says it, I have the best lighting in my kitchen, so I took pics on the countertop, and Yes I know there's an onion and other random food items in the background :HQ:














Thanks to Rory Evans for the Templates, my Sister for drawing up almost all of the chaos symbols, and the guys from BOLS for the special Legio Mortis banners


A special shout out to the guys over in the WIP section who kept encouraging me to finish this monster lol.


P.S. The finished product is also posted in the Hall of Honor http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=179116

Hey, man, awsome stuff you got out of my templatess there, and if anybody wants them please head over to the bwc archive and get yourselves signed up.


Also, im sorry incase you had any problems with building it as these were my first set of templates i made and they are rather bad. Looks like you managed fine however.


Oh, and thanks for the shout out.


- Rory

Hey, man, awsome stuff you got out of my templatess there, and if anybody wants them please head over to the bwc archive and get yourselves signed up.


Also, im sorry incase you had any problems with building it as these were my first set of templates i made and they are rather bad. Looks like you managed fine however.


Oh, and thanks for the shout out.


- Rory



Hey there!


Thanks for the comments! :P The templates were absolutely amazing! Alot of it I could figure out for my self using the pic you provided and a little tinkering. The only hard part I had trouble with was the upper torso, for some reason I couldn't figure that part out and I'm not sure if I did it completely right, but I'm happy with the result lol.



If I could offer any advice tho, I was checking out Lackofabetternames' templates for his Warhound and Reaver, and I liked how he proved step by step instructions within his templates, that might be really helpful.


Again, thanks for putting those templates up in the first place, they are absolutely amazing!

Hey there!


Thanks for the comments! :) The templates were absolutely amazing! Alot of it I could figure out for my self using the pic you provided and a little tinkering. The only hard part I had trouble with was the upper torso, for some reason I couldn't figure that part out and I'm not sure if I did it completely right, but I'm happy with the result lol.



If I could offer any advice tho, I was checking out Lackofabetternames' templates for his Warhound and Reaver, and I liked how he proved step by step instructions within his templates, that might be really helpful.


Again, thanks for putting those templates up in the first place, they are absolutely amazing!


Well, that was the problem you see, because whilst they should work if followed exactly, they dont tend to as i made the body of it far too complicated for what it was going to be used for I may re-do those templates sometime as a mars version.


And yes i do need step by step instructions it's just with my GCSE's at the moment i really dont have much time, and i think made these when i had sats. Oh so long ago. But yea, i will consider this if i make a new version.


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