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Ironjens' Slaanesh Marines


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Ok, so here's an aborted army project I've had these last weeks. After having painted this stuff I had some try out games with my list for an upcoming tournament and realized it sucked donkey bottom. So I put them away in disgust to focus on my loyalists instead (besides I realized that I wouldn't have time to paint an entire army in two weeks).


However I'm quite satisfied how they turned out so I offer them for your perusal. Notice the backpack speakers and the nice tiled bases especially :D C&C is always welcome.



The terminators of squad "XI". Why XI (the roman numeral for eleven) you ask? Because these boys go to eleven! (Spinal Tap reference...) Also notice that they sport the army badge which is surprisingly similar to the old German noise band Einstürzende Neubaten's logo ;) In this gang we find a couple of Rogue Trader Chaos termis, an even older exo suit with a new head, a 3rd ed. loyalist terminator and Abbadon's body with an insanely big inquisitor scale head. The lash power weapons are also inquisitor scale.



The two not-so-gentle men of obliterator squad "Ninja". Made out of 1ed. space hulk terminators.



Noise marine squad "Filth". Fitted out with sonic blasters, a Blastmaster and an icon. Having tried them out in an actual game I found that they were wasted possibilities when fielded with a rhino. Either they stand still firing the blastmaster leaving the sonic blasters unused or they move ahead and embarked in a rhino they can't shoot unless it moves snail pace. I should've made them just five with a blastmaster...



Squad "Wisdom". Se earlier comment.

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