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Most point effective units in the SM Codex?


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Everyone has their favorites.. but there are just some things out there that you don't want to leave home without!


What are the best point effective units in the SM Codex? Feel free to remark on any HQ, unit, wargear or upgrade. Any combination is fine!

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Everyone has their favorites.. but there are just some things out there that you don't want to leave home without!


What are the best point effective units in the SM Codex? Feel free to remark on any HQ, unit, wargear or upgrade. Any combination is fine!



I am the most tactically flexable, all around capable, and seriously threatening part of the army my opponent will be facing.


On a good day I may be the most terrifying opponent in the entire war, and once in a while Im the most devastating weapon my opponent will ever see in the Grimdark of the 41rst millenia.


That being said, a Pack of Grey Hunters, or in your case a tactical Squad, is a very good start.

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A Rhino. I makes your 200 point Tactical squad much better. It is a force modifier without parallel. I can think of nothing else in the Codex which does so much for the whole force for such a minimum cost expense (possibly Drop pods but to be honest thats only for dreadnoughts).



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Like the rhino call, and if Vulkan weren't as unbalanced I'd agree there...


But may I offer up the Dakka Pred? AV 13 front armor, 2 twin linked autocannon shots and 6 HB shots for a VERY reasonable price. Note I don't add the stormbolter as I don't think it is priced in line with the rest of the preds (i.e. if I take three preds and don't add the SBs I'm 5 pts shy of a MM attack bike)

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Like the rhino call, and if Vulkan weren't as unbalanced I'd agree there...


But may I offer up the Dakka Pred? AV 13 front armor, 2 twin linked autocannon shots and 6 HB shots for a VERY reasonable price. Note I don't add the stormbolter as I don't think it is priced in line with the rest of the preds (i.e. if I take three preds and don't add the SBs I'm 5 pts shy of a MM attack bike)


The predator's autocannon is not twin-linked.

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Against light infantry and hordes, whirlwinds. They can take out as much (or more) as the aforementioned dakka predator for the same cost, while completely ignoring cover and LOS.


Sternguard can be a bit pricey, but are incredibly effective. Cheap combiweapons and special/heavy weapons, plus special issue ammunition, and with Pedro they're even scoring units.

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Pointwise this is the most effective stuff, in no particular order;


- Vulkan He'Stan

- Pedro Cantor

- TH/SS Terminators

- MM/HF Land Speeders

- Multimelta attack bikes

- Command squads (for ~200 pts you get a 5 men unit with FNP and 3-4 special weapons)

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Vanguard! (*ducks*)


Sorry, I couldn't resist.


But seriously, don't worry about maxing your army out with the most "cost effective" units. Frankly it comes down to how you use your units. I use a 300pt flying vanguard and in it's few games I've used it to devestating effect (both times killing several costly units before it went down, more than earning back it's price). Meanwhile, Annoying Kid at my club unloads his five unpainted assault terminators on me and I bring them down with massed gunfire, watching him roll more ones than I've ever seen in my life.


Statistics won't always save you in this game. Field what you think looks or feels awesome and do your best to make it work. If you field what everyone else fields, they will know how to beat you. If you field something people seldom field, people will not have some canned method of Win, and you will not be at a disadvantage. Based on that, I advise you consider using:


- Dreadnoughts with a Techmarine best friend.

- Non-jump vanguard with a LRC/R.

- A small team of sniper scouts.

- Melee scouts!

- Razorbacks! and Rhinos!


...okay, everybody uses Rhinos, but transports are awesome. They protect what rides in them and provide a mobile block to LOS for your troops to advance behind. And frankly my little razorback's twin-linked assault cannon has killed a LOT of heretics.

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Standard un-upgraded Predators @ 60pts

7 marines 4x plasma cannon devastator squad @ 222

Standard dreadnought @ 105

Multi-tasking landspeeder w/ heavy flamer and multi-melta @ 70

Cassius @ 125

Razorbacks w/ twin-linked lascannons @75


Assault terminators @ 200 would be BUT these will require some means of getting them effectively into combat thus costing more and thus making them too much of a points sink

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Assault terminators @ 200 would be BUT these will require some means of getting them effectively into combat thus costing more and thus making them too much of a points sink


I've actually seen a unit of footslogging Hammernators march across the board, accompanied by Vulkan and a Marine Captain, and survive to tell the tale. A guy at our last monthly tourney used them like this and rocked the house. No one was able to put enough fire on them to kill them off. Anytime he took a hit that was sure to kill a Terminator (power weapons, etc), he'd shove it over onto Vulkan or the Captain to save against and keep rolling.

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Time for me to add to the thread :lol:


Here are the things I find most cost effective, in no order:


Captain with Artificer Armor (or Storm Shield) and Relic Blade

Pedro Kantor

Vulkan He'stan


5x Devs with 4x ML

Razorback with TLHB

5x Sternguard with 2x PC

Ironclad Dreadnought w/ HF in a Pod

Sternguard in Pods or Rhinos.

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Assault terminators @ 200 would be BUT these will require some means of getting them effectively into combat thus costing more and thus making them too much of a points sink


I've actually seen a unit of footslogging Hammernators march across the board, accompanied by Vulkan and a Marine Captain, and survive to tell the tale. A guy at our last monthly tourney used them like this and rocked the house. No one was able to put enough fire on them to kill them off. Anytime he took a hit that was sure to kill a Terminator (power weapons, etc), he'd shove it over onto Vulkan or the Captain to save against and keep rolling.


Fair enough, footslogging them does keep the cost low. Though adding Vulkan and a Captain to hammernators does skyrocket the price somewhat LOL!

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Assault terminators @ 200 would be BUT these will require some means of getting them effectively into combat thus costing more and thus making them too much of a points sink


I've actually seen a unit of footslogging Hammernators march across the board, accompanied by Vulkan and a Marine Captain, and survive to tell the tale. A guy at our last monthly tourney used them like this and rocked the house. No one was able to put enough fire on them to kill them off. Anytime he took a hit that was sure to kill a Terminator (power weapons, etc), he'd shove it over onto Vulkan or the Captain to save against and keep rolling.


Fair enough, footslogging them does keep the cost low. Though adding Vulkan and a Captain to hammernators does skyrocket the price somewhat LOL!


Which I promptly realized once I posted it. I was hoping it would go unnoticed! :(

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Assault terminators @ 200 would be BUT these will require some means of getting them effectively into combat thus costing more and thus making them too much of a points sink


I've actually seen a unit of footslogging Hammernators march across the board, accompanied by Vulkan and a Marine Captain, and survive to tell the tale. A guy at our last monthly tourney used them like this and rocked the house. No one was able to put enough fire on them to kill them off. Anytime he took a hit that was sure to kill a Terminator (power weapons, etc), he'd shove it over onto Vulkan or the Captain to save against and keep rolling.


That can be considered in the realm of insane or brave.. but since it worked I guess it classifies itself as brave.

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Assault terminators @ 200 would be BUT these will require some means of getting them effectively into combat thus costing more and thus making them too much of a points sink


I've actually seen a unit of footslogging Hammernators march across the board, accompanied by Vulkan and a Marine Captain, and survive to tell the tale. A guy at our last monthly tourney used them like this and rocked the house. No one was able to put enough fire on them to kill them off. Anytime he took a hit that was sure to kill a Terminator (power weapons, etc), he'd shove it over onto Vulkan or the Captain to save against and keep rolling.


That can be considered in the realm of insane or brave.. but since it worked I guess it classifies itself as brave.


Now that I think about it I've seen a similar thing done with Space Wolf assault terminators, although it wasn't nearly as successful as the Vulkan march. The Space Wolf terminators spent the entire game trudging around chasing targets that just kept getting away and keeping them at arms reach. They didn't take many if any casualties but they were totally nullified nonetheless. I guess all I'm getting at is if footslogging them to keep the cost down works then its all gravy, but on the other hand if it fails then that brown stuff they be walking thru ain't gravy! :P

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In no particular order:


Captain on a Bike w/relic blade


Vulkan (in larger armies, he's far less efficient under 1500 points where he's 1/7th your total force)

Thunderfire cannon - I've never EVER been not satisfied when I've used one.

Land Speeder Typhoon


But above all, the humble Rhino or Razorback.

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7 marines 4x plasma cannon devastator squad @ 222

Why 7? I think 10 would be better for maximum durability.


Most points effective unit: TH/SS terminators.


Why most point effective? They're 5 Marines that can get wound saturated through volume of fire like regular Marines.


I think 5x TH/SS + LRC w/ MM and EA are the only way to go.

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