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Most point effective units in the SM Codex?


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For 30 points more then a generic captain with thunder hammer, storm shield and terminator armour you get:


* A master-crafted strength 10 thunder hammer that gets +1 on all damage charts for vehicles

* One more wound

* Eternal Warrior

* Bolster defences

* Bolter drill


For 30 points?


Yes please!

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Most of the Special Characters are worth their points. Same with some of the HQs. Here's what I find to be the best and why:


Cassius - He's a T6 Chaplain with FNP and a 4+ invul. Comes with a MC Combi-flamer Boltgun with Hellfire rounds for 25 more points than a regular Chaplain. Enough said.

Pedro Kantor - Makes Sternguard count as scoring, amazing +1 attack aura and comes with Orbital Bombardment.

Vulkan He'stan - Amazing universal rule that makes Thunderhammers MC, flamer and melta weapons twin-linked. Has a 2+/3++ save, a Heavy Flamer and a MC Relic Blade w/ Digital Weapons.

Lysander - W4, Eternal Warrior, 2+/3++ with a S10 Hammer that's +1 on the VDC. Has Bolster Defenses and makes all bolter weapons in his unit re-roll hits. Amazing with Sternguard in a Drop Pod.

Shrike - Makes the entire army Fleet (via Combat tactics). Makes the unit he's in Infiltrated. Has a pair of MC Lightning Claws with Rending.

Captain - You don't have Orbital Bombardment, but you're the same statline as a Chapter Master, which automatically means you're a beast in combat. You can take a Command squad on all bikes.

Librarian - Psychic defense and offense for 100 points. You can take Termie armor + SS for 40 more points.. something Tigerius haven't figured out how to do yet.


The rest of the HQ choices aren't as great in point cost effectiveness as these.

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I think the Blood Angels HQ Brother Corbulo is pretty good for 100 pts. FC within 12" Invulnerable save and can heal a guy and control the Death Company. Never thought I'd classify any Blood Angel unit as cost efficient but I think Corbulo has to be up there somewhere.
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Sternguard + Kantor = awesome.


A versatile, scoring unit that can be anti-armor or anti-infantry with special ammo is just plain awesome. The fact that Kantor can add +1 attacks if he is close enough just makes them more lethal if they end up in hth.


I have not tried Lysander yet, but the possibilities seem pretty sick.

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For 30 points more then a generic captain with thunder hammer, storm shield and terminator armour you get:


* A master-crafted strength 10 thunder hammer that gets +1 on all damage charts for vehicles

* One more wound

* Eternal Warrior

* Bolster defences

* Bolter drill


For 30 points?


Yes please!

You forgot army-wide stubborn. :)

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For 30 points more then a generic captain with thunder hammer, storm shield and terminator armour you get:


* A master-crafted strength 10 thunder hammer that gets +1 on all damage charts for vehicles

* One more wound

* Eternal Warrior

* Bolster defences

* Bolter drill


For 30 points?


Yes please!

You forgot army-wide stubborn. :P


Which is actually quite terrible vs. Nids or Orks.

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I would go for the humble Rhino.


Tactical Squad + Rhino. I already said Tactical Squad but noone really cared.


Tactical Squad, Flamer, Missile Launcher (or Multi-Melta), Rhino.


You can't really beat that for effectiveness and versatility. I wonder how well an all Tactical/Rhino army would do, actually.

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I would go for the humble Rhino.


Tactical Squad + Rhino. I already said Tactical Squad but noone really cared.


Tactical Squad, Flamer, Missile Launcher (or Multi-Melta), Rhino.


You can't really beat that for effectiveness and versatility. I wonder how well an all Tactical/Rhino army would do, actually.


Ofcourse with the Tac squad in it you can never go wrong :P

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I have to disagree on the tactical squad choice. I take them because C:SM has only 2 (sort of 3) options for troops, which must be taken thanks to the FOC minimums. Scout squads can't take dedicated transports so their survivability is questionable at best and Bike Squads are expensive and (I feel) must be the focus of your army to be effective. Tactical Squads, however, are very available, but they just suck. They don't do anything well except sit there and hold objectives, where as troops choices in other armies can be some of their most effective. Look at Genestealers, Khorn Berzerkers or even the lowly ork boy. In high points games you can even run low on the rather abundant troops choice slots when playing those armies. As for tactical squads; combat squadding CAN help, but it reduces their survivability immensely. Since that is their only real quality anyway, removing it to create an OK at best anything else squad is rarely worth it. That they can solidly hold objectives is their only redeeming quality. Admittedly, that is pretty important, I just dont like their lack of ability to hurt the enemy effectively.


That said, I like Kantor, Shrike, Sternguard, Ironclad+HF+DP and I usually find my triple-lascannon predator to pay for itself. Whirlwinds are great for their cost as well. I also agree with the Dev squad + 4 MLs (only 150 points!). TH/SS terminators are really good situationally (such as vs MCs and ICs) but against squads with lots of attacks they just have to roll too many armour saves and eventually the 1s stat popping up.


Against nids and orks I recommend the double-HF speeder. Its 60 points, and firing both flamers once will usually allow the speeder to pay for itself. If not, it's less than the price of a naked scout squad, just hope you haven't given them a spring-board for charging!

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IMO 5th ed. is all about control of mid-table. Most objectives will be in and around this area and most weaponry has ranges of 12" to 36". If you can dominate this zone you will control the battle and dictate what happens on your terms.


Therefore the tactical squad with a flamer and multi-melta in a rhino (as others have already mentioned) is a very useful unit to have. It can threaten tanks, infantry and the multi-melta can fire from within the rhino until it is popped open.


However that said, the tactical squad requires support from other units and should not be left isolated. Basically the entire marine army needs to be in close(ish) proximity to each other to remain effective and doing this in the midfield area is key.


At 205pts a 10 marine tactical squad with multi-melta, flamer and a rhino is certainly point effective. (But it NEEDS support to stay effective)

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I have to disagree on the tactical squad choice. Tactical Squads, however, are very available, but they just suck.

I used to have this problem until I realised I needed Tac squads for 2/3 mission types. When I figured out a little better how to use them they have survived much longer. My main opponent is CSM's so in hand to hand they get minced. A 35pt Rhino did more good than anything else I bought. Forget the free missile launcher and flamer and get something better. At 10pts the Lascannon is really cheap and you can fire it out of the top hatch of the Rhino.


Land Speeders with 2 Multi-melta's (80pts). Unbelievably good. Took out a Chaos LR in one turn and survived the return fire of his entire army. Lucky but awesome! :D


My Redeemer makes my Chaos opponent terrified and its never even been scratched.


It does depend on which opponent you're facing. Both my opponents are CSM which is annoying cos I want to take out some hordes! :P

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At low point values, Librarian-no upgrades. Fits in any transport, has template powers, and a deadly CC weapon all for the base cost of any HQ.


LS HF/MM, one of the prime choices for our anti-horde+Armor needs


An Librarian is certainly deadly with his Avenger and Might of the Ancients.


That's why mine's always upgraded to an Epistolary, because you can flame, assault, become S6 and rawrrrrr!


Although.. it pains me that they don't have access to Artificer Armor or Iron Halo.

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Although I hate Bikes, I must say that they are quite good.


As for Tactical Squads, always take a Heavy Weapon and Power Fist. Their cost goes up.. but so does their effectiveness. The Heavy Weapon depends on your personal preference, but the Power Fist is a must because it offers IC protection and is the only thing in your entire squad that can stand up to tough targets like MCs or Plague Marines.

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As for Tactical Squads, always take a Heavy Weapon and Power Fist.


I'd put an * on that comment.


If you are going to combat squad the unit, I don't think a Power Fist is mandatory (or even good).

Hidden Power Fists only work because you're able to take 2-3 loses a turn and still swing that weapon. If the other player only has to burn through 4 bodyguard Marines before they get to the Fist, you're going to find it taken out alot sooner, possibly before you even get to swing once.

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what about sniper scouts + telion?

are they not points effective?

maybe not against horde, unless armed with a heavy bolter (wound on 2+!!! with telion's aim!!!)

but against other armies, they cause pinning, rend and telion gets to sellect targets!

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As for Tactical Squads, always take a Heavy Weapon and Power Fist.


I'd put an * on that comment.


If you are going to combat squad the unit, I don't think a Power Fist is mandatory (or even good).

Hidden Power Fists only work because you're able to take 2-3 loses a turn and still swing that weapon. If the other player only has to burn through 4 bodyguard Marines before they get to the Fist, you're going to find it taken out alot sooner, possibly before you even get to swing once.


Yes, of course.


I take my guys in squads of 10s and never combat squad them with a Fist.

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Just so no one is confused:

A land speeder can NOT move 12" and fire both hvy bolters.


As for Telion + scouts:

They are pretty fragile for the points. 2+ cover sounds good, but there have been intrduced many more cover ignoring weapons.... and the simple fast moving/podding hvy flamers basically says bye bye to them.


My 7 Cents.

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