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Leman Russ Primarch Conversion.


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This year i decided to enter the Golden Daemon for the first time, and after some deliberation, settled on making a true scale Leman Russ conversion as both a personal challenge and as a centerpiece for my army.


this being said, i opted to paint him in post-heresy colours to make him a cohesive part of my force. the idea being that he has returned from the warp or that it is after the heresy, but before he left.

he was based off this artwork by Jes Goodwin from the 2nd Edition codex (and to some extent the RT-era Russ miniature)


for all of the above reasons he was sculpted in Mk6 Armour.


i'm not going to go into great detail about how i did the truescale conversion, as many of these tutorials are easy to find, i will however go into further detail about anything you guys ask about.


he's roughly 1/3 green stuff and took about a week and a half to sculpt and construct, and a further week to paint.


i'm still sculpting freki and geri.


This is the earliest photo i have, an early mock up, you can see alot of the green here.



Half time photo



Close up on purity seal/leg (base was only painted and not detailed at this stage)



Full size view



Size comparison



Close up on Arms



Back view



Close up of the banner



Close up on shoulder pad



Close up on face



After taking the above photos, it was pointed out to me that the chainsword was WRONG, and i had to agree. the runes were also bothering me, and after MANY repaints, i decided to wuss out and sculpt the damn things.



and after painting it looked like this, though i still need to blend the handle and the blade together.



i learned alot about using yellow while painting and repainting the sword, and applied it well (at least i think) when i finally got bothered by the shoulder pad enough to correct it.




oh, and here's the wolf helm.




as i said i'm still working on freki and geri. here's freki, but i'll probably resculpt the fur, as i'm not pleased with it.





progress on Freki and Geri, showing off the new style of fur i'm giving them.

here's how i start, by building up the area that's going to be "furred" with a few blobs and sausages of GS until the desired shape is acquired.



then i use a scalpel with a 45 degree angled tip, and hold it so that the flat of the blade is against the putty, with the back of the blade facing in the direction of the fur (generally away from the head/spine) and "pull" the putty to a point, so it looks like tufts of fur rather than short hair. compare the leg fur areas with the new technique to the "mane" and body with the hair technique and you'll see what i mean.












1x Assault Terminator legs

1x Space Marine torso, carefully remove the aquilla and throw the rest away.

1x Space Wolves Mk6 torso with wolf tooth necklace

1x Space Wolves torso back with wolf pelt

1x Mk6 shoulder pad (from the assault marines sprue)

1x Terminator shoulder pad with nameplate

2x Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield arms (left and right, hands removed)

2x Chaos Terminator arms (the gauntlets, gotta love em)

1x Terminator double Purity Seal

1x Scout Sniper with Camo Cloak body

1x Space Wolves head with topknot (topknot removed)

1x Goblin head with topknot (head removed)

1x 2nd ed. Bolter

1x Space Wolves Backpack

1x Banner pole from a chaos horseman

1x Banner top from a chaos horseman (with top removed)

1x Aquilla from a Rhino kit

1x Mk6 Helmet

1x large wolf skull bundled with Logan Grimnar

1x Chainsword from the Wolf Guard model with the wolf helmet (blade removed)

2x Chainswords (blades only)

1x Wolf tail talisman

2x Wolves from Goblin wolf riders box

some sprue

LOTS of greenstuff

some plasticard (i actually cut up the square bases that came with the marauders to use as spacers but if i had plasticard i would have used that)

and some silver chain


comments, questions, constructive criticism, advice and suggestions all encouraged and appreciated.

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He looked fat and like Sumo in the greens! All that beer has to go somewhere doesn't it? But once the paint was on I didn't see it as much!


I liked all of your different swords ideas, all were awesome in my eyes!


Yeah, that Wolf needs way less fur around his Neck, he's a predator! Not a poodle! ;)


Is the backpack the standard Wolf head one? And will it be changed? Altered? or Oldified?

meh, seems editing the main article doesn't bump the thread, so i have to do it manually.


bumping for update.


also, thanks for your comments guys, keep em coming!


sgtNACHO, yes, he did look rather stout in that photo, and because of it i added extra spacers to his neck, legs and arms to fix his proportions.


actually all those different sword ideas were one idea, just over a lot of time. it started out way too long so i shortened the handle and blade, and sculpted the runes to add some subtle width as well as making the painting easier on myself.


and as for the fur around the neck, it's by design. i'm in the process of further bulking out the main body to make it subtler, but that's about how big i want them at the shoulder. it's not fur, it's BEEFCAKE! tonight's update should hopefully show that a bit more.


yes, the backpack is the standard wolf one. it has been changed and altered by the addition of an oversized banner. i might attach the wolf helm here. i was going to use a space crusade backpack, but they look like crap. then i considered a 2nd ed backpack, but it and the current ones look tiny on him. the current wolf head ones though, are (imho) somewhat oversized for a standard marine, but PERFECT for Russ. so the decision was made.

not allowed to add any more images to the opening post, so i guess i gotta do updates the old fashioned way.


dood515, i'm not much of a fan of truescale myself, but as i was making a primarch i kinda had to make him taller than a standard marine, and the best way i could see to do that was with a truescale conversion. glad you like it! ;)


blackblade68, yes they should. and now they do.




more pics of freki and geri. they are now 90% sculpted and almost ready to paint.

they also have tails.







oh and here's the backpack just for sgtnacho.


the tails are a bit like, dinosaur? they should start thin and fluff out before pointing...but you've got them fat at the base and tepering across the whole way...


the rest is totally ace. TOTALLY ace. Great work :). One of my favorite Russ models.









and so it is done.


Freki and Geri are painted with a Fenris grey basecoat, then a heavy drybrush of darkdark grey (1:2 codex grey:chaos black) then a light drybrush with codex grey, heavier in certain areas like the hind legs and the tails and then some badab black along the length of the spine, with more at the top and less at the bottom, and a second coat on the heads.


i still don't know where to attach the wolf helm. i might just put it on leman's base.


let me know what you think.

I dunno man.. The marine is great. No question there, but the wolves..


They look like they are wearing fake fur coats or something. Real fur naturally flattens at the top and the sides to a certain extent.. These wolves look.. Kinda like they've been blowdried and styled, to be honest. Also, the tails are really disproportionate..


I think it's honestly a case of overdoing it. Which happens. If you can, just smooth down the top and sides a little then redo the tails. That's my suggestion anyway.

In my opinion it looks absolutely fabulous and I love the bulked up wolves. Maybe not to some peoples taste but it really fits the more recent artwork and it deffinitely does make them look more imposing. Excelent job, a Primarch model to be proud of!


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