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Iron Snakes and deathwatch (sternguard)

Phal Brannon

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I've built this army up as my main gaming force so I've tried to complete them fairly quickly, wanting to achieve a good table top standard, I'm happy with the result, hopefully you guys like them too!












Terminator Squad.



Deathwatch (Sternguard).






Tac Squad 1.



Tac Squad 2.



Assault Squad.



Group Shot.



Cheers Phal.

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Really nice looking army - I love the Captain (Lance is no way too long, these guys are space marines eh?)


I love the sternguard 'deathwatch' - exactly what I'm planning for my eagle warriors - right down to the razorback with assault cannons! (ordered the landraider crusader sprue today :lol:). Think I'll go heavy flamer in the squad though :D


Nice one

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Thanks for the comments guy's


marine: your spot on in regards Iron Snakes info, although the lance is'nt really a lance so to speak, from the disriptions in brothers of the snake its a cross between a pike/spear and a harpoon used to hunt wyvern's which are like giant sea snakes.


The guy with the lightning claw is indeed Priad, I'm going to change the colour of the lightning claw though, not happy with the yellow.


Deathwatch from left to right are, Marines Errant, Imperial Fist, Black Talon (Before turning renegade), Raven Guard and Blood Drinker.


Terrible_Trygon: LOL, I'll be sure to take a pic the next time I beat some Orks or Dark Eldar, with their corpses in the background.


T0MMY: Thanks, I've got a heavy flamer guy planned using the termi heavy flamer, I think I'll make him an Eagle Warrior :lol:

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No worries,


Head was made from a khorne berzerker helm with the bunny ears and face plate removed, the skull was from the chaos tank accesory sprue cut in half then attached to the helm with a bit of GS.


Legs are also khorne berzerkers, the right leg that would normally be bent backwards in a running pose has been straightend, the soft armour behind the knee, parchment round the thigh and feet are sculpted from GS.


Torso is from the black templar upgrade sprue.


Left arm holding the Plas-pistol is from the metal libby with the power axe above his head.


Right arm is plastic from the shoulder to the elbow then sculpted from GS from elbow to wrist, the crozius shaft is a beastman spear and the head is a banner top from the space marine command squad sprue.


Right shoulder pad is from the khorne berzerker sprue.


Cheers Phal.

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