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The Birth of a new Marine Chapter


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Brother and Sisters


i have decided to return and begin a space marine army

the idea being that it is an Iron hands seccessor chapter(fluff to follow)

here is my colour ideas


let me know what you all think.


The Captain






Tactical marine


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I like the base Black and Blue color scheme (would be fitting for my own chapter, considering the beatings I take), though I find the gold (or yellow) belt on the captain to be a bit distracting.


I am also guessing that the Blue powerfist on the Termy is because it is a weapon rather then a standard gauntlet? Because I saw you also used Blue on the plasma pistol - but, then, why is the bolter Black? Just curious.

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@ Justin Kase powerfist is blue as its a weapon

the captains plasma pistol is blue just because he is an ic and gets the best looking items :)

i liked the idea of my tactical marines havin black bolters i thought i looked good.

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