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Guns 'N Roses: Grendelwulf's Adepta Sororitas

CDR Grendelwulf

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The Rule of Three is a principle in English writing that suggests that things that come in threes are inherently funnier, more satisfying, or more effective than other numbers of things. From slogans ("Go, fight, win!") to films, many things are structured in threes. There were Three Musketeers, three little pigs, three billy goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the three bears (okay, maybe it's four, but Goldilocks was a thieving Heretic anyway!), and Three Stooges.


So, as I was looking over my recent model projects, I couldn't help but notice it was missing something.

There are three primary ordos of the Inquisition that have their own Chambers Militant.

Ordo Xenos: the Deathwatch

Ordo Malleus: the Grey Knights

Ordo Hereticus: the Adepta Sororitas, better known as the Sisters of Battle


I have already embarked on building a company of Deathwatch. I am also experimenting with making all-plastic Grey Knights. How could I miss doing something with the Daughters of the Emperor?!


Project: Adepta Sororitas Battle Company


I will continue my experiments into all-plastic models. It's not that I don't like the metal models, but I can't help but wonder if there aren't other possibilities.


Here is a picture of a standard metal SoB.....and my first newly revised test model for comparison.....




My 'revised' bitz list is:

a Mark 2 (Emperor's champion-style helm) too big!

a head from the Dark Eldar, Daemonette or Fantasy range (Wood Elves, most likely)

an Eldar torso w/ backpack shaved down

a SM backpack

a pair of arms from an Eldar

a SM bolter

a pair of dark eldar or Eldar legs, with blades & stones filed off

* alternately, a pair of Fantasy's Bretonnian men-at-arms legs

a Black Templar, or other Space Marine, tabard


Any comments or suggestions?




CDR Grendelwulf

That's an eclectic set of bitz. How do you plan to address the differences in sizes between the various races' bitz? The Mk2 helm looks like it'll be huge on that assembled body.

Also, to build a full force of Sisters that way, you must have some deep pockets! <_<

@ShinyRhino: Integrating the bitz shouldn't be too bad, I say noobishly. Not having the bitz in hand right now, it is difficult for me to judge. I am hoping cloaks, tabards and some greenstuff will suffice. Yeah, the helm would be too big. I may experiment cutting one in half...but it may just be better to go with naked heads.


@warp spider:As above, I am hoping some GS and cloaks will hide a multitude of sins. Thanks for pointing me to the Wood Elves. I hadn't thought of them.


How can you put a price on this hobby? Oh, yeah. There are prices, aren't there. :huh:


I do have a big bitz box (with a bunch of dark eldar bitz that I don't think I tossed away yet). that should help me put together a test figure. I will post a picture as soon as I can.


@Terrible_Trygon: Bless you! That is simply mah-velous! I would have thought the standard SM bitz would be off of my list of parts to use. I may have to make an attempt as you have shown. I do have a bunch of robed model bits from the Dark Angels veteran sprues. Perhaps, they may work if the Eldar legs don't. Hmm...



CDR Grendelwulf

I used modded Bretonnian Man-at-arms legs with Imperial Guard feet on my Sister. Dark Angel Robed legs are too big for Battle Sisters.


Full thread for the first attempt at the armour design is here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t=0&start=0

So now you are adding the final party to your triad of Ordos Militant. :) 100+ Deathwatch, god knows how many DIY Grey Knights and now DIY Sisters of Battle. You are a glutton for punishment.


Then, of course, I would not mind building a force of Sisters either but I already have too many projects with my DIY chapter, Legion of the Damned, Deathwatch, and DIY Grey Knights.


So which Order of Sisters are you planning to build? Given the title of this thread, I would presume it is one that has a rose in their name and/or insignia.


I look forward to how you do this DIY project as I might be interested in doing it myself (if I ever get rolling on my other projects).


PS Where did you find the Sisters banner??

The stagnant models are the only thing that has prevented me building an all SOB force. Good luck

Since they are bloody expensive in the long run without much flexibility in poses or kit are the reasons why I have not built a force of Sisters yet. Main reasons I am going DIY for my Grey Knights (and getting rid of my metal ones).

I went about designing my own interpretation of the Sisters of Battle purely because I think the current Battle Sisters have the worst power armour design known to the entire Imperium, and they all have the faces of transsexual street walkers.

Here are some pics of my first test subject (one is above for comparison to the regular model):




@Terrible_Trygon: Thanks for the tip and especially the link! Very helpful indeed.

True, the existing SoB's are abit static. Their hair style always puts me in mind of the Moon Base ladies from the ol' series UFO. Hmmm, purple hair? As nice as you have made your Sisters, I do not simply want to copy all you have done. Maybe if I can come up with a slightly altered theme as you did; i.e. English vs French analogy. Hmm, ponder, ponder...


@Commander Remiel: A glutton for punishment? Why, yes. Yes I am. :)

Ordinarily I get distracted by other ideas and my normal response is to overthink them and plan then over think them again...and nothing gets done! These other threads have allowed me to express my ideas and experiment abit while I carry on with my first project.


I was considering making them the Order of the Bloody Rose, only because I tire of always seeing the Sisters in predominantly black. Red would make a nice change, not to mention add some colour between my other black army of Deathwatch and aptly named Grey Knights. The Order of the Ebon Chalice with their all-white robed look might have been nice, but I do not think I could do it justice.


Order of the Bloody Rose:



My "Adepta Sororitas" banner is something I slapped together using a regular Fleur-de-Lis symbol.


@Commander Sha'son: My thoughts exactly. I felt I had to try something. Thanks.


@Beornling 3.1415: Sister Slash! :rolleyes: Hey, I think I had her as one of my ol' school teachers!!


Thank you all, and please keep the C&C coming!



CDR Grendelwulf

SM shoulder pads are too big- I would propose using small heraldic bretonian knights shields instead- some already have fleur-de-lis on them. Also I’m not sure why are you so bent on using scout arms- dark eldar arms with their weapons cut-off and substituted with bolters should work with dark eldar torsos just fine and they would look closer to the original metal models. I’ve done something similar converting two guardswomen for a friend of mine- they were armed with lasguns though.

@Keyoz Devastrius: Yes, I'm not too happy with the shoulder pads. I know I have another type, also chaos SM, that are like "half-pads". I just couldn't find them last night. I may have some Fantasy shields boxed away, so I will give them a try when I find them. Thanks for the advice.


The reason I was going with scout arms was because of the unarmoured, cloth look. They didn't seem as close-fitting as dark eldar/eldar arms. I will give the de/e arms a try and see how well the bolter will fit. As stated previously, robes/cloaks will undoubtedly add to the proper look.


Maybe the Ecclesiarchy could reflect a little Eastern-Orthodox influence in their garb, perhaps a little monkish-nun. I could give them an apostolnik. It is a type of veil that completely covers the head (except for the face), neck, and shoulders, similar to a hajib worn by muslim women. Hmm, I wonder if I could use any hooded heads from either the Dark Angel or Fantasy range of models...



CDR Grendelwulf

The shoulder pads and power plant are too big. I suggest a smaller power plant or converting the one you got. As for the shoulder pads, if you want to go the marine style paldrons look, I suggest Chaos Marauder shoulder pads. If you want to stick with classic Battle Sister style shoulder pads then look into Elf and Eldar models. The legs could do with straightening up before you bulk them up.

I like the idea but i agree with the previous posters on the point of shoulder pads and power plant


for the power plant you could just attach the exhaust vents to the back of the marine scout model. the scout bolter arms look good but I would go with no shoulder pads for ease. Lots of green stuff for the cloaks/ robes and to smooth the armour on the legs out., and if you go the demonette head rout you can give all the heads habits.


Order of the Bloody Rose is a beautiful scheme (I get tired of seeing all black armour sisters also). I paint mine with mechainte red, followed by Baal red wash then bahdab black

@Terrible_Trygon: Yes, they are too big. Looks more like a bizarre cartoon representation. I am going to be ordering some marauders and elf models this week to see where they take me.


@NemFX: Bretonnians & daemonettes are on my order list too!


@Commander Remiel: There is always the straight chop as seen on my example below. I would prbably add the fuel canister to the side. I haven't had the chance to chop some more flamers & bolters yet. Maybe a side-by-side version, similar to a stormbolter.


@war009: I was thing of adding a pair of extended vents from the back, possibly from the chaos backpack range. Thanks for the advice on the red painting. I will try that as soon as I get a chance.


Here is my latest variation. Pardon the glue on the hood; I got sloppy and will file it off later.




Please, keep the C&C's coming...



CDR Grendelwulf

The legs are killing every attempt :) Sooo skinny and frail.

I agree on that. The legs are definitely not working no giving the right feel nor do they convey the necessary strength we see in the torso, etc (if that makes any sense what so ever).


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