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Random Space Wolf Characters

Dexter Kong

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Originally I had intended him to be bracing his left foot against a wall, but there wasn't enough room on the base. I might take a second crack at it, I thought of a way to possibly make it work today using plasticard. In the meantime, here's the Wolf Lord's supermanly beard.



Since taking those pics I was able to smooth out the odd lump, and the model is almost ready for painting. I need to comb over it a few times to make sure I didn't miss any mold lines or anything.

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I agree that scout #5's pose seems a little unnatural. Instead of doing the Captain Morgan pose, I think leaning his torso and rear leg forward a tad more would make it more convincing that he's leaping over the bolder.
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It's obvious, he's using the board as a springboard to back flip whilst heroically firing! I think, however, that it is the only scout that isn't perfect. The rest are great, especially leaping axe man. But he just seems awkward, the leg is lifted to high. I hate to say it, but I think re-pose is neccesary. Easier said than done I know.
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I'm rebuilding the legs of the fifth scout, but in the meantime, here's a few pics of the Wolf Lord all put together and ready to prime.




Once I paint him I'll throw him next to some normal Marines for size comparison. He is very large.

Coming up in the next few days are a handful of Wolf Guard including a Wolf Guard battle leader (do those exist? they should) and the final pose of the fifth scout. I hope.

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The skulls are from a few different sources. Not sure where they're all from, as my bitz box has a "corpse" section devoted to any zombie, skeleton, and dead-stuff pieces. Some are from the older Skeleton Warrior regiment, and some are from the current Chaos Warriors.
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After a lot of work, and even more procrastination and neglect, I've finished the last scout. He didn't end up as I had originally envisioned him, but honestly I like this pose better.



Waiting on a few bitz to arrive in the mail, then these guys are getting undercoated. Wolf guard are also to follow, again when I get my stuff in the mail.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The scouts are built using torsos from Beastmen Gors and Chaos Marauders. Legs are made of Catachan legs cut at the knee, with Space Marine greaves. Heads are mostly from the Chaos Marauder sets. Arms (and some of the axes) are from Beastmen Gors, with hand swaps with various Space Marine bits here and there. The the extra bits and pieces are mixmatched from lots of different sets, with a fair bit taken out of the new Space Wolf sets.

The Wolf Lord is a big mess of pieces. Torso from the old Space Wolf set (still available through GW, but the new set is better), Terminator legs cut and repositioned, Terminator arms, Beastman shield, Space Marine power fist, Chaos Marine backpack with exhausts from the old Space Wolf set, Cloak from the Space Marine Commander set, ForgeWorld Space Wolf shoulder pads, Marauder Horsemen head and spears, giant wolf skull from the Chaos Marauder set, bits and pieces from the new and old Space Wolf set, and lots of green stuff and plasticard.

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Wolf Lord looks great.


The scouts, I don't agree with at all. Space Wolf scouts are true veterans, possibly higher ranked then Grey Hunters, below Wolf Guard. They are described as being cunning and a stealth force capable of extended recon behind enemy lines. The ones here are great on a modeling aspect, but do nothing for a force known for sneaking behind enemy lines and disrupting enemy forces undetected.

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