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Random Space Wolf Characters

Dexter Kong

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The scouts are built using torsos from Beastmen Gors and Chaos Marauders. Legs are made of Catachan legs cut at the knee, with Space Marine greaves. Heads are mostly from the Chaos Marauder sets. Arms (and some of the axes) are from Beastmen Gors, with hand swaps with various Space Marine bits here and there. The the extra bits and pieces are mixmatched from lots of different sets, with a fair bit taken out of the new Space Wolf sets.

The Wolf Lord is a big mess of pieces. Torso from the old Space Wolf set (still available through GW, but the new set is better), Terminator legs cut and repositioned, Terminator arms, Beastman shield, Space Marine power fist, Chaos Marine backpack with exhausts from the old Space Wolf set, Cloak from the Space Marine Commander set, ForgeWorld Space Wolf shoulder pads, Marauder Horsemen head and spears, giant wolf skull from the Chaos Marauder set, bits and pieces from the new and old Space Wolf set, and lots of green stuff and plasticard.


Thanks man, I appreciate it. Keep up the fine work, hope to see them painted.

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These are simply jawdropping. Inspirational to say the least. I particularly like the lord.


I might steal a few of these ideas for my Chaos army... Not completely copy of course just use the inspiration ;)


Regardless, keep up the excellent work and I can't wait to see more of them painted.

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The scouts, I don't agree with at all. Space Wolf scouts are true veterans, possibly higher ranked then Grey Hunters, below Wolf Guard. They are described as being cunning and a stealth force capable of extended recon behind enemy lines. The ones here are great on a modeling aspect, but do nothing for a force known for sneaking behind enemy lines and disrupting enemy forces undetected.


I am of the opinion, as is the person I'm making these models for, that the unarmored upper bodies make them appear more agile, and thus more capable of being stealthy. Personally I'm really pleased with the results, and think it's a good spin on scouts. I feel that scouts tend to get left by the wayside when it comes to thinking outside of the box in terms of modeling, and I'm really happy with the concept I came up with.



Not to toot my own horn or anything...

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  • 1 month later...
After a lot of work, and even more procrastination and neglect, I've finished the last scout. He didn't end up as I had originally envisioned him, but honestly I like this pose better.



Waiting on a few bitz to arrive in the mail, then these guys are getting undercoated. Wolf guard are also to follow, again when I get my stuff in the mail.

Ive just got a small problem with this... it looks sorta like hes hovering. I would suggest either putting something under his stragiht leg to fill in the gap a bit more or putting the straight leg more on the vertical board bit hope this helps :tu:

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The scouts are built using torsos from Beastmen Gors and Chaos Marauders. Legs are made of Catachan legs cut at the knee, with Space Marine greaves. Heads are mostly from the Chaos Marauder sets. Arms (and some of the axes) are from Beastmen Gors, with hand swaps with various Space Marine bits here and there. The the extra bits and pieces are mixmatched from lots of different sets, with a fair bit taken out of the new Space Wolf sets.


I think you've done a fantastic job of capturing the feel of the SWs in your models -- though somehow having power leggins and bare torsos is pretty funny.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Since I suck so hard at updating frequently...

Hi! Welcome to my Space Wolves thread for the very first time ever!

(When I first posted this thread the board was flooded with Space Wolves fever...)

I have finished painting the scouts, and all I need to do now is touch up their bases and bust out the tweezers to pluck off the cat hair.

I have five Wolf Guard and a Wolf Lord being painted, and am in early converting stages for a Rune Priest and a Wolf Guard Battle Leader, representing Erik Morkai before his ascension to the rank of Wolf Lord. He's gonna look so Heavy Metal, you might go blind.







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