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Space Hulk Terminator Modification (Reworked)

Justin Kase

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Not being a BA player, I decided to give converting the wonderful mini's in the Space Hulk box set over to be more fitting with my chapter (Golden Eagles)


So, I set about carving off all those blood drops and chalices - there are quite a plethora of them on these guys, I was tired of it after only 1 :tu:


I also set about swapping the shoulder pads (just a personal preference to have the chapter icon on the left shoulder and squad type on the right).


Anyway, after a lot of shaving and a bit of GS work, here is the first terminator - he still needs more GS work, and I need to take better pictures so the details come out.




The blood drops on the shoulder joint guards were replaced with the imperial eagle and skull (respectively), replaced the symbol on the belt with terminator honors, and the blood drop on the end on the chain on the chest with a bolter shell (which you can't really see :P ). I also added an antenna, and brass etched imperial eagle to the back of the model.


I'm debating what to do about the feet - as of yet I have not shaved them down to be normal height - do you think they would look better shaved down to look like a standard termy, or to leave the extra height and fill it in with GS to make a slightly taller terminator? I think it adds about 2 mm in height.


Criticism is welcome - harsh or not, but, if you're going to be harsh, please try to tell me what you would do different so I can make it better ;)


Edit : Here is the first round of fixes:





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For the feets, you can just add some GS to do a terrain elevation under the feet. And you can do the same thing for regular terminators

Agree with the GS on the base, extra height will make them more imposing and add to the dynamics of the figures.

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First off, thank you all for the comments and suggestions.


I agree with Doghouse that the feet looked a bit slipper-esque, so I filed down the feet a bit to make them even and flat, then added some Brown Stuff to fill them out. This does make them a little taller then a standard terminator, but not too much so. In the end, I think I will go back and fix this element on all my old terminators to match (if the end result looks good once painted).


As for the basing, I may well be taking Nobu and Jambowang's suggestions on adding some GS terrain, but, I think that will be with some of the other model poses to level them out more.


@ Commander Alexander : No offense taken, and critisism is more then welcome. I had debated leaving the bases alone, and just making a round base that they could slot into, and I may still do that for the remaining models, but, as I aquired 2 sets of the terminators, I'm not too concerned about chopping one set up, then using the other solely for Space Hulk.


Though, I must say, even with their standard bases, the Terminators and Genestealers do not fit exceptionally well on the board squares. I really wish GW would have up-scaled the squares to fit a Terminator sized base, rather then the standard sized infantry bases.


Hmmm, maybe I'll mount them all on the smaller bases and have them slot into the larger circle bases for 40k..


@ St. Renen : I'd like to try to reproduce some of the deck plating seen in the game tiles - though I will likely stick with one style of deck plate to be consistant. Alternatively, I was in Lowes today and saw some fine mesh that I think might make convincing deck grates - going to test that out and see what it looks like. Yup - 1 down, far too many to go :P But, they should get easier with each new one :unsure:


Anyway, I did make some changes :




First off, I added a laurel wreath to the Power Fist, it just looked too blank (and I suck at freehand).


Next I added a bionic eye or targetting reticle over the right eye, figured it would be linked in to a lens or targeter on the Assault Cannon - which I brought down into a lower more reasonable firing position, rather then taking shots at the ceiling. I also adjusted the power cables at the back and coming from the mouth of the skull.


I also fixed the name plate on the left pauldron to be more 3D, rather then the way it was cast - which kind of blended it into the pad.


And, of course, I Brown Stuffed out the soles of the feet.


I will likely fix up the little skull on the left shoulder joint and add another purity seal or two to him.

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Looks good. YOu know I don't like Space Marines with "flair" so the doo-dads and trinkets your boys like to carry around seem silly to me but the GS work is top-notch. The laurel looks good, and I agree with the extra beef to the boots.


Promise you will stick with this project through painting with regular updates to show progress and I will subscribe to the thread. :D


hey this might be my first post.

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