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Seems this place died and moved to warseer and other sites.


Just to poke around I thought I'd put up a small series of batreps with my tzeentch army. Shocking results against one force in particular.


1500 Point games (still building my custom horrors out of twisted-melted unused sprue parts ~ cheaply)


*Primary Wave (Scribes is in the 15 horror unit counting as part of their unit)

Bluescribes: (see codex) 130

15 Horrors: Icon = 280

5 Horrors: Bolt = 95

5 Horrors: Bolt = 95

4 Flamers: 140

4 Flamers: 140


*Secondary Wave

15 Horrors: Icon, Bolt = 290

5 Horrors: Bolt = 95

5 Horrors: Bolt = 95

4 Flamers: 140


The 15 horror units stay back and try to wipe out entire units while the small horror units pick on tanks and hard units. Scribes has pavane (which if I'm lucky he can use twice on diff targets) for the flamers of tzeentch to do their worst. Push stuff away if my scatters go bad. One icon in each wave, so I will have one out no matter what.


Weak melee, weak with shooting to an extent, it surprised me how well it does. Now mind you these models are just a bunch of sottering wire attached to sprue frame pieces melted after being glued. (The sottering melts almost as fast) Its a crazy army thats just for laughs and not to be taken seriously. Though I seriously made 50 horrors out of old frames sitting around that I would hate dumping. Flamers of tzeentch are like termicide in a way, so its all fine to me. Mishaps arent THAT bad since they are demi-ranged or flight.



First battle was against guard. Though, I was lucky and got dawn of war+seize ground+my first wave, I did something different when I placed all the objectives closer to his table edge. He got first turn and I got it with a sieze the initiative. He was going to give me first turn anyways, he was baffled why I did it. I deep strike most of my units near his table edge and with little mishap and decent run I claimed most of the objectives right off the bat with a decent unit spread. He started to catch on at this point. With a grin he brought everything onto the table. He has 6 leman russes (ouchy right?) but they were all battle cannon preds with str5+ guns, and with about, I think 60 guardsmen. He would have done better with almost any other predator, he only killed 7 out of the scribes unit.


My second turn (of course he has the officer of the fleet) I made in the 5 horror and last flamer unit. Two of my flamer units that he thankfully ignored because he fears the scribes unit. They jump right on in and make themselves cozy wipingout his HQ's Chimera, and the second flamer unit blocked off the exit, so I got to fire two of them on a leman russ squadron of 2, destroying one and stunning(shaking) the other one. *Squadron rules still applied even if its reduced to 1. My horrors, having a good portion of my army around forces half his guardsmen to either die, or run away below 50%.


With missing I guess 1/3rd of his army by now, he gets desperate and starts hammering my flamers, all of them die off surprisingly. (No shame there) With my units spread nice and wide for his battle cannons, I have little to fear losing a few more horrors.


My third turn, gleefully everything is out of reserves and I rip into the side of one squadron, removing both battle cannons and the third unharmed squadron suffer 2 shakens on the same model. Peh squadron rules... The rest of the game whithers down, and I end up killing all his troops bouncing around his leman russes, and having 8 horrors left at the end of turn 6 on two objectives and 1-2 leman russes standing. (I dont remember much else)




Next game was against marines, vanilla. Your going to laugh when you hear this..... A sniper scout army. I don't want to humiliate the guy here, it was a terrible mismatch. I killed all 50 of his scouts before turn 3. He should have combat squadded them, was a mistake he admitted. His noble twin dreadnoughts had both of my 15 units tied up on turn 3+, damn venerables. The rest of his force didn't like my flamers. I forgot who got first turn but it was a capture+pitched, with the irony I didnt make my primary wave roll.




Third game was against nids, a zilla army. (Yeah, right at 1500, big joy) I really got lucky with scribes in this one. Seize+spearhead+first wave+first turn(again!). I realized that a shooty daemon army likes first turns, which is against the normal doctrine. Having noticed that to take more of an advantage beyond experimenting this time, I set up to wipe out his two without-number squads and his only tyrant. (Also notice I mention I have few mishaps in my games, they're shooty!) ~ Beating his scoring units down, I happen to get two pavanes to abuse pushing back two of his three monstrous melee carnifexes. His shooty fexes close in, hoping to tie me up in melee I bet. All three are dakka fexes (not boom, thankfully I didnt want to run to spread out and just shoot).


First turn for him does not amount to much, I happened to make far too many saves and I forget if he killed 2 or 3 flamers. One fex draws near to a first turn assault on his end. My second turn I get just the 15 horror unit in (I really wanted flamers!). My leftover flamers from turn 1 wipe out a shooty fex off to the side. My horrors wipe out the nearest melee fex (damn 5 wounds at 2+ is rough!) and I seperated bluescribes to do something weird. I get close to another melee fex (he has flight) and I tried a boon of mutation. I failed, but I rolled a 2 and used the power again and I got a 6.... (yeah I was laughing hard on that one, I happened to have a spawn model laying around). Also, I would like to mention that it was standing 8" away from the nearest melee fex, and the spawn was between them.


He was split, a melee fex ran after the flamers and charged, the dakka fexes chose to shoot down the scribes and some horrors. The melee fex that took out the flamers walked away from my army (Just as planned... I always wanted to say that!) so I continued the gunwar with bolts on my end to bypass his toughness and armor. I wiped him out by turn 5 but the game lasted until turn 7 and I just traded shots with his one without number devourer gaunt unit, wiping it out one more time.



Fourth game was against another tyranid player. This dude had all 72 stealers in trools, all armed somewhat differently. With a tyrant.... (Yeah I thought it was weird too but he wanted the tyrant guard to keep it alive+warp blast). I for the life dont remember if he had a lictor though, he outflanked everything but the tyrant. The game was annihilation, but because we all started off the table I don't remember the deployment! Which, is sort of weird for me.


He got first turn and gave it to me (I failed the seize, haha). I deployed everything in the middle with a mishap he put into a corner, he instantly saw his failure here, his tyrant was far out of reach. I got everything else on my second turn, and his tyrant guard was toast from all the bolts by the time he got 2 genestealer squads in. They shockingly came in from a side of terrain, and that squad covered half of another unit and being a dummy I fired at the wrong unit first and he kept good cover saves. They managed to charge, remove 9 horrors (yikes, 4 stealers did that? - I wish my stealers had that luck). The rest of the game he kept pouring in from the same side but I managed to move and fire to great effect, and the game eneded on turn 5 as a draw. He did something weird, he would hang back and hope on rolling a 6 with his fleet roll to get the assault on me because of my range. Tactful terrain hugging stealers I must say!


So with three wins and one draw, I feel guilty I made this army for so cheap. And without a single monstrous critter or points efficient HQ! I only wanted scribes for the spells and pavane+flamer combo.


This force is made out of GW bits, just not the bits they expect me to use. So many jokes floated around they ignored the fact I made it for almost nothing. (just the glue and leftover sottering wire from an old plumbing job was as much as it costed me)


I don't think I'll drag that army around much, it's not even painted yet. - I don't consider a undercoat and three dips a paint job.

Gladly contributing.


I'll be posting another topic of interest. (One that by rights, involves something related to daemons of 40k, but in another light)


My daemons lost today to a daemonhunter force that spammed 50 grey knights, I kid you not... lol

about time someone brought this pup back to life! ^^

well done mate *pats corpse on the back* for bringing this part of the forum back with a sparkle of life :tu:.

EDIT: do not face a guard army with a fully kitted out exercutioner squadron with 4 squads of msytic retinues.... you won't even get a shot or move an inch before getting a minimum of 15 plasma shots and 3 lascannon shots per mystic that sees you.





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