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Salamander's Chaplain


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Update: I feel close to done, though to be honest a lot of this is still coming back to me after my break, so there might still be things to get done that I'm not seeing.

To Do: Power pack, gun, clean up and final highlights. Not really sure about basing, not sure what to do...ideas?


Thanks for the comments so far, and the encouragement^^


Hey everyone! Been away from the hobby (both gaming & painting) for a few years. Been breaking out the mini's and paints of late and am building a 1k to 1.5k Salamanders list. Anyways, just in case I use him, I'm preparing Chaplain Lo'Kar and thought I'd get opinions and C&Cs on him.


I'll update here when possible and keep the newest pics at the bottom.




Had to temporarily remove the first to steps but they'll be back up soon.

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