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Some WIP Dark Angels


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Something new for my 5th Company and the honorable Deathwing:


Brother Ashriel - Veteran-Sergeant from 4th Tactial-Squad "Absolution" (5th Company)








Brother Donachiel - Veteran-Sergeant from 2nd Terminator-Squad "Liberator"




Brother Nachiel - Veteran-Sergeant from Terminator-Command-Squad "Salvation"




Scriptor-Magister Malachim






Venerable-Dreadnought Varas





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Brother Ashriel - Veteran-Sergeant from 4th Tactial-Squad "Absolution" (5th Company)


Just wow. A model with a lot of character. Shows how much you can do with simple plastics and some imagination!


I might have to steal that idea for my upcoming Chaos Chosen squad if you don't mind ^^

How did you make him?


It´s easy for the most part. The only problem (for me) was the positioning of arms and hands. The right arm was the standardbearer-arm from the Space Marine Command Sprue and the left a normal bolterholding arm. The rest goes with cutting and green stuff.


The sword is from the Ravenwing-Sprue and the Rest normal parts from the Dark Angels Sprue.


Oh, the Banner is from WHF Empire Flagellant Warband Sprue.

  • 2 weeks later...
Could you take a pic from the other side too? Seems like there's metallic shoulderpad and some extra modding done?


Nothing special, its only the normal GW Dark Angel shoulderpad and some green stuff to fill the moulds.


In the moment i´ve been working on a Fallen Angel for my Iron Warriors and some more battle-brothers for Sergeant Ashriels squad.


Pictures following soon.


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