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Brown Marines?


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Brown goes well with cammo, cammo means your marines cant be picked off a mile off by a toddler with a sniper rifle :lol:


Ive seen one brown marine army but i cant remeber where but im pretty sure it was an offical chapter.


I like the idea but then I big up any potnetial colour scheme that makes sence in a warzone.

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I have always prefered shooty armies, but i like my jump packs with a chappy too, maybe this could be a ravenguard successor that lives on a death world/ash world, hence the need to blend in a little bit maybe the chapter master sees the need for long range to soften up the target before all out assault, or should I go with a more traditonal shooty chapter say the fists or someone like that. Also I found this guy the Ursa Brothers, they look pretty good if you ask me but they look like Space Wolves sorta, I dont play SW so I dont know but I always thought they were not real good at shooting


(thanks dazzo for the complilation... but i do not know the creator as of yet, i am looking though if anyone knows who this guy belongs to please let me know)

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The raptors are also a cool all brown chapter. Origionally I thought theywere referring to the dinosaur or a Sally sucessor , but actually their a Raven Guard sucessor, lol! Very cool dude, can't wait to see what your coming up with!
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