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Space Hulk Dead Captain/Priest


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looking REaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLY nce :D serisouly keep it up man!!!!! looking awesome!!!!!

Only criticism i have would be to make the blue gems on him a little "bluer" coz blue and red contrast very well together.

so yeah, thats it pretty much, if the gems are a little bluer i think that this model would be damn close to perfect:D





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  • 3 weeks later...
Nice deep red there, the cloth on the dead dude looks great, smooth and nice. The gold could use a wash of devlan and then a highlight of mithril or chainmail mixed with gold paint. I personally love the purple gems, looks so much better than blue as that is so very contrasting. Looks great and I will keep an eye on this ^^
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Test with the white.....and update





I think I need to add one more lamp overhead as I am getting one weird spike when I am doing the levels correction.

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Yeah, the Sergeant's flesh is rather...ghoulish. Supposing that's not how you intended it to be, my only other real suggestion is that you try and find a good wash for those larger metallic pieces (i.e., the winged chalices on the Sergeant, etc). Perhaps the brown one?
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