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How would you beat this IG list?


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so my friend is a little cocky, and has given me his 1500 Imp Guard list saying that its flexible enough that he can beat me with it. What would you guys put together to beat this?




Medusa with bastion breachers




2 sentinels with plasma cannons


senior command squad with 2 plasmas and a lascannon in a chimera, also astropath and officer of the fleet


junior cmd squad with al rahem, melta gun, medic


3 combined infantry squads with a power weapon in each and a single commisar with power sword


2 heavy weapons squads, 1 with 3 lascannons, 1 with 3 missile launchers


veteran squad with 3 meltas and demolitions doctrine

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I was thinking a highly-mechanised but only in cheap rhinos sort of rush army. 3 tacticals, maybe a sternguard, possibly an empty LRC or LRR for a distraction of his heavier anti-tank.

Also possibly a single drop pod, but any more will just be delayed by his officer of the fleet. Maybe put a dreadnought in there

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Does that Vet squad have a transport?


I wouldn't bother reserving anything against IG, except maybe a couple of Scoring units (delayed reserves can't be shot... Fleet Officer is definitely a mixed blessing)


A whirlwind would do well against that list. Thunderfire too (and the TFire has a STR6 round for dealing with Heavy Weapon teams).

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I'm assuming the Demo Vets are in the Vendetta. Al Rehm or whoever forces him to outflank his big Platoon, so be aware of that. I don't see a lot of meltas, so one DP Ironclad will wreck his day (especially if you couple that with a TFC so he has to split his anti-tank fire). Overall, any Mech Marine list should get close enough to mess him up, especially since half his army HAS to outflank and won't be coming in until Turn 2+. Turbo-boosting Bikes with a Bike Captain will also get the job done pretty easily.
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If it's an objective game, his Master of the Fleet will just shoot him in the backside if you have some Fast Attack units in reserve. The longer they're off the table, the less time he has to shoot them. Turbo-bosting bikes coming on from reserve can capture an objective in Turn 5 (auto-arrival!) if the Master of the Fleet pushes them back that far.


The IG list seems schizophrenic, with no real theme or point to it. Big blocks of footslogging troops won't do a lot of damage with their sad range and movement. One sniper round pins the whole block of troops!

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The IG list seems schizophrenic, with no real theme or point to it.

From what I've been able to tell, that's a general issue with the IG codex. It allows you to have any and all of the units without regards to theme or focus. What the IG player has to do is select a focus and write a list around that.


When they try to do everything in one list, they generally fail, and fail hard.


They also need multiple redundancy in a list. One unit of anything the IG can field isn't reliable enough.

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A drop podding ironclad with 2 heavy flamers (perhaps 2 HK too) will really mess him up.


Id consider running scout bikes and/or LSS for highly mobile cc units, IG have a hard time with T5 bikers in CC and speeders with heavy flamers will cause some headaches for his troops.


Perhaps a small scout squad with Telion for dropping special Chars and upgrades from his units.



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Personally? Id run DPs.... DS in and rapid fire his scoring units to death and meltagun one of the tanks and the sentinels.


Then weather the hail of gunfire that returns, hope that being so close to his lines deters him from using his template weapons, and drop the rest in.


I play SWs... so alot of cheap GH squads for me.


If your runing C:SMs then Id say alot of tacticals with a couple of small sterngaurd units and a dread. Probly take Tigurius for the reroll on reserves too. And maybe a thunderfire in cover to give him something to target.

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This is truly a garbage IG list. You should have no issue taking this list out. Just make sure to keep your boys in as much cover as possible, roll up, and smash them in the face. I wouldn't suicide drop, because you'll end up giving him free points, and there's really nothing valuable enough to smash on the receiving end. Make sure to take the Vendetta out ASAP, you'll immobilize the dangerous portion of his list. I play all AirCav IG, and I can't tell you how much damage I've inflicted with Vendettas. It's honestly embarrassing how inexpensive they are. People tend to underestimate Valkyries and Vendettas, to their own misfortune. You should take a LR o LRC and standard Tac Squads to fill out your points. Make sure to equip them with a PF, Flamers and Meltas. And, 1, 8 man assault squad or Vanguard squad will put massive hurt onto the 30 man combined unit of pure stupid -_- I would also recommend taking Vindicators, people fear them, and against they're invaluable.
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Yeah, Vendetta and Valkyries are dangerous in ANY game you play against IG, no matter the mission style. In objective missions, their AV12 armor can soak some serious fire. They also have the mobility to get around the board, jumping from LOS blocker to LOS blocker. Late in the game they can swoop in and park on an objective with a squad of Veterans inside, scoring or contesting.

The Vendetta puts out a lot of twin-linked lascannon fire for so few points. Very hurty.


The only obstacle to their use is the price tag on the shelf.

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Yeah, Vendetta and Valkyries are dangerous in ANY game you play against IG, no matter the mission style. In objective missions, their AV12 armor can soak some serious fire. They also have the mobility to get around the board, jumping from LOS blocker to LOS blocker. Late in the game they can swoop in and park on an objective with a squad of Veterans inside, scoring or contesting.

The Vendetta puts out a lot of twin-linked lascannon fire for so few points. Very hurty.


The only obstacle to their use is the price tag on the shelf.

100 points per Valkyrie with maybe 100 points of Veterans inside is not many points. It's only 30 points more for the Tri-Las Vendetta.


I take it the "air cav" list is the same as what I think of as the "Apocalypse Now" list - 6 Valkyries/Vendettas with a Command Squad w/ Straken and 5 Veteran Squads with various armament.


Straken, btw, is a horrible, horrible prospect. He is WS5, S6, I3 A3(+1 for second CCW) with Furious Charge and Counter Attack, comes in a Squad of 4 sacrificial wounds, who you can give FNP and Meltaguns. Staken himself counts as having a Power Weapon and rolls an extra D6 for armour penetration.


And he's Fearless and has a 3+ save and T4.

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No, but you were very close ^_^ I hadn't thought of using stracken. He would make an excellent commander for my all vet air cav. If you're interested, my list is as follows. . .



CCS, body guard x2, regimental standard, Melta Gun x3, Power Fist



Vets, Melta Gun x3, power fist

Vets, Heavy Flamer, Flamer x2, power fist

Vets, Melta Gun x3, power fist

Vets, Heavy Flamer, Flamer x2, power fist

Vets, Heavy Flamer, Flamer x2, power fist



Valkyrie x2, Rocket Pods x2

Vendetta x2

Vendetta x2


Works like a charm, every time. And you're right, it's very expensive to build this army ;) But, also very much worth it. It looks awesome on the table, very intimidating. The use of rocket pods is a must, especially against hordes. It's like automatically hitting with bolters 40 some times :D Anything that's left gets to eat volumes of flame, in the face.


To stay on topic, take Vulkan and burn him to death. . .

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