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DH Grey Knights Blue Heraldry.....


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I hate red and am not fond of warm colors in general. I love blue. However, I'm also a fiction/cannon nut. So my question is, can anyone think of an in cannon reason why a couple of GK squads may deviate from the standard heraldry colors to use blue instead of red?
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Maybe red is a colour in favour at this time in the Grey Knights history. It is possible, in the past, that blue was a favoured colour and red was not used. Could have been only in the recent past (couple centuries) that red replaced blue. Unless the colours have some very specific meanings (like some colours in European heraldry), there should be no problem in using a different colour.


Using canon is great but remember that a lot of what GW has produced is incomplete, contradictory or plain wrong. And they have admitted it. Why? So players can do their own thing (with reason). Using blue is entirely within reason. Maybe the GK use heraldry colours to designate certain things. Who knows?

I actually paint my GK light metallic blue instead of silver, and have red and white heraldry with no black. Also have red guns, so really nothing like the fluff/GW minis at all.


Fluff reason = if a GK said he was going to paint his armour differently, I challenge any GW staff member to argue with him ;) The GK work in misterious ways, who are they to think they can understand the ramifications of a colour scheme when fighting the foul spawns of chaos?

  Ozybonza said:
Fluff reason = if a GK said he was going to paint his armour differently, I challenge any GW staff member to argue with him :) The GK work in misterious ways, who are they to think they can understand the ramifications of a colour scheme when fighting the foul spawns of chaos?



Ozybonza FTW!!! ;)

  Ozybonza said:
I actually paint my GK light metallic blue instead of silver, and have red and white heraldry with no black. Also have red guns, so really nothing like the fluff/GW minis at all.


Fluff reason = if a GK said he was going to paint his armour differently, I challenge any GW staff member to argue with him ;) The GK work in misterious ways, who are they to think they can understand the ramifications of a colour scheme when fighting the foul spawns of chaos?

In the novel "Killing Fields" (do not have page handy) Grey Knight armour is described as 'burnished blue-steel silver', which sounds like what you have done. So I double-dare any GW staff to argue with it. And the IA article on Grey Knights show them with black/very dark grey armour


If GW has given several different colour schemes for GK main armour, they really do not have a leg to stand on to argue with heraldry. Go HARD!!!!

It's well within canon. Justicars and Terminators are allowed to don their own personal heraldry, which can be anything. GW just uses black white and red on their minis because they are standard Inq. colors and contrast well. A GK who has earned the right to be a Justicar may wear (and by doing so force their squad to wear) a bright pink field with a green fish if they so choose. Although there might be some questions asked about Slaanesh and/or color blindness if that were their choice.
The masses have spoken and I am convinced. I will go with blue. I will post pics when they are done. I am not a great painter and swear by the army painter so it shouldn't be too long. I plan to do the spay on primer this weekend and some of the base coat details as well.
  fuzbuckle said:
The masses have spoken and I am convinced. I will go with blue. I will post pics when they are done. I am not a great painter and swear by the army painter so it shouldn't be too long. I plan to do the spay on primer this weekend and some of the base coat details as well.

Yes. Please post pics. I am interested in seeing how it looks. My GK are sitting in a box (either as metal figs or plastic biz) waiting to be assembled and painted. And they are way back on my list of thing to do.


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