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Alpha Legion For the Emperor!


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So after I quick pop by Dan's Excellent thread I was given an ok for this! So now it's not just me who is gonna get to see my armies progress. As the title says I want to start an Imperial Alpha Legion Force. I started with the Command squad strangely enough, they weren't origionaly the command squad but after going through my ideas and plans for the army and it's theme I decided theese guys were best fit as a command squad. I first did some thinking, I read the book legion and thought about how they would have grown and developed to a more modern force, So I figured the rest of the legion took Alpharius' tactic of being in control and worked it into thier tactics, which will lead to me employing drop pods in a large amount, also from the old chaos codex cultist caught my imagination now I won't be using cultist but scouts as my main troops choice, I will explain my strategies more later if others are interested so now for some pictures.









And I know this has been done 1000 times and please don't kill me for it there is even a thread up right now for it my bikers idea...


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Looks good, but you broke one of the main rules about the Alpha Legion..


You have stylish and stylized gear. In their battlebarge, Beta, the only embellishment was one door had the Hydra on it. Everything else was practical and unadorned. Aside from the scales on their armour, there was no indication they actually wore anything fancy at all.

Those are Indeed Corsair Capes! =) ANd painting is something I'm not sure about. I am not sure what a loyal Alpha Legion color scheme would be, Any Ideas?

BAH! I really don't think the way I model would let me unadorn them I am too much of a nit picker, I like having fancier models, sure the fluff for pre-heresy and chaos had no detail but I am thinking fully modernized and who knows what they would do? After all a modern loyalist force has never exsisted for the Alpha Legion.

I could see a good force for the alpha legion being lots of scouts, an assasin from DH force and fast moving units used to herd the enemy towards some powerful tanks to finish the job.


I dunno how the tactics of the alpha legion work on the battle field, from what ive read they are always in control and always edging their enemy towards a larger trap. and like you said cultists or informants usualy play a part.


ive not got to legion yet but its deffinetly on my to do list after reading all their fluff i love them... If i wasnt already knee deep in my wip force id have done them instead.

Hahaha Yeah, My basic strategy Ideas is drop pods of sterngaurd and marines to cut off acces to areas safe from my heavy fire, so Funneling them into the firing lanes of tanks and heavy weapons is my main idea. Like you said when they had thier Primarch it was all about being in control so thats my plan when developing the army.

Don't let 10k year old fluff dictate anything other that what you let it. Some people may come in here shaking a stick at you for all sorts of reasons. Remember this is your army and when it's on the table you control them.


I like the idea of using drop pods and tanks to punish the enemy from any and all angles. You could just say instead of being set up for an ambush three days before the fight starts, they set up drop pod beacons instead.


About the Alpha legion being unadorned and very practical. This is set up by GW and some black library books, however we know that standard space marine armor was often embellished with all sorts of devotional prayers, script, engravings, and so forth. The big thing i would remember if you wanted to keep them utilitarian ( IF )I would keep the sergeants and lords from standing out too much from the basic marines. Other than that most GW bits and kits should fit Alpha's just fine.


One thing i want to ask before being able to give you some modeling advice is, what kind of tools do you have available for cutting, pinning, gluing, sawing, and so forth. With that in mind i have some tricks using very little to accomplish a lot.

My interpretation for a loyalist AL army goes like this:


Alpharius: Relic blade, artificier armour. (In Legion he had standard line trooper armour, and a gladius)

Hq squad: Relic blades, all. No flags, nothing fancy.


Omegon: Relic blade, artificier armour. Alternatively, he and his command squad could be a vanguard squad.

Hq squad: Same as above


The relic blades would all be shaped like Falx's. The hq squad would have bare arms and robes over their armour.


The troops would probably all be scouts, maybe even all snipers, but bolters are also a possibility. In the book, they didn't actually use any troops. They only seemed to use two squads.


Elites would be sternguard.


Heavy support would be either devistators or whirlwinds.



Ironically, I thought that the Alpha Legion would have been green and white instead of dark blue and green. I just figured that they'd really stand out when compared to the rest of the Chaos armies (black, red, gold, silver)


Oh, and razorbacks. I forgot to mention those.

Don't let 10k year old fluff dictate anything other that what you let it. Some people may come in here shaking a stick at you for all sorts of reasons. Remember this is your army and when it's on the table you control them.


2nd'd on that




theres nothing wrong with having a few fancy bits on the guys. as you said, who knows what a "loyalist" alpha force looks like.


I am not sure what a loyal Alpha Legion color scheme would be, Any Ideas?


Hmm. tough one. i am also planing somthong similar at some point. i did a test model with ultra marine blue, black wash, then highlighted with ultra blue and ice blue, and a few scales here and there.


a pic can be found here pic


also if you follow the link in my sig there is heaps of alpha legion goodness, a few have even done some loyalist alphas too, wich could give you some ideas.

One thing i want to ask before being able to give you some modeling advice is, what kind of tools do you have available for cutting, pinning, gluing, sawing, and so forth. With that in mind i have some tricks using very little to accomplish a lot.

I have greenstuff, basic sculpting tools, a hobby saw drummel and some drills that have proven too big to drill through the hands or bolters of spacemarines. I could probably do pinning though I never have before.


To the Loyalist force I'm not doing pre heresy i'm doing Left over legion brothers who remained loyal, for my purposes I am gonna say about a chapters worth of Alpha's remained loyal and @ NemFX I have though about incorporating an Omegon character but not Alpharius (He was killed by Gullimen supposedly) The reason being is I have some kinda dramatic fluff in my head for such a thing.

@Ageis I like that scheme I might do a spin off of it incorporating some omore green and scales but as the thread said he was infiltrating a loyalist chapter. :(


I have more stuff done on the command squad and I now have a chaplain for the command squad. More pictures soon... I hope.

Modeling wise.. hmm personaly id try keep all the models looking very similar. Infact an amazingly fluffy idea for the alpha legion would be to make your command squad blend in with all your squads of regular marines and only mark on the under side of the base that they are your command squad. Supposedly the alpha legion all wore the same identical armour pre hersey to confuse the enemy. Assasination of officers was difficult because no one could tell who was an officer and who wasnt and if one was taken out the army still seemed to function where others would be crippled.



The way I figure it is you could keep your chapter masters and command squads secret untill they reach close combat (where their stats matter), show your enemy the markings under his base to prove you wernt lying ect.


It would be ass hattery in a tournament setting, but in a beer and pretzels game it could be entertaining, aslong as you dont cheat. The wargear could still be accuratly modeled just make them more discreat then your usual chapter master.


Id imagine their colours would be the same as pre heresy as all the founding legions kept their colours, which is blue and green isnt it?


Thats how i would do it, though every ones view of the alpha legion will be different.

Actually The founding legions changed thier colours Like world eaters were white and blue and deathgaurd wherI e greyish white dark angels were black etc. And I am planning on using this army in a few tournaments so I am one enjoying the decorated look and two want to keep things obvious enough for the oppenent to not have to ask tons of questions or feel I cheated in some way.

And when the lord said update the Forum gained an update... Pics Included!


So the command squad so far, when it's done the command squad will have to men with flamers and power swords and two men with meltaguns and power swords and an apothecary.



And My Chaplain who is pretty much done save needing to attach his plasma pistol somehow.










:lol: ..... :huh: ok maybe not....

One of my near future projects is to do an Alpha Legion army from the Legion book. I will build the list using the Tempus Fugitives list because it has a bunch of cool individual options that are fluffy, but not necessarily game winning.


Something that I would offer for consideration. Everyone does their AL in the blue/green. Well, not everyone, I did a couple of squads in a Ultramarines scheme (per that battle in the IA article), but Abnett makes a big point about describing their armor as "purple" with silver trim. Now given Abnett's command of the English language, I think he knows the difference between purple and indigo or dark blue. Suffice to say that discussion is probably still going on. I intend to use Hormagaunt Purple on my AL.


So a lot of stuff, but mostly I want to encourage you to listen to advice, but in the end it is your army and you should run with the ideas that you think are best. After all, no one will see the army more than you do, so enjoy building, painting it, and playing with it.


I like what you've done so far.


Also, I really liked the idea of the "hidden" command squad.



Hiding a command squad is an interesting idea but rather hard for my army, since thier weapons themselves stand out, but they ar eon of my drop pod units so they aren't even going to be on table untill either my first turn or reserves roll. The blue and green is used a lot but I think I could deal with that as it seems like an interesting scheme as well as one that I won't get bored of painting, but cloaks on models will be different colors I think which will denote thier posistion within thier own squad.


Also My Master of the forge with conversion beamer, VERY unfluffy but very useful as ranged heavy support.





This techmarine was my WIP in the thread Conversion Beamer! you can see his evolution there if you like. Also painting updates for him will be there.

'Hugs all who have a PH Alpha army, including self'

I am liking the style apart from the cloaks. Give the cappy a cloak by all means. But it doesnt work to well for the file marines. You cant use the Imperial Eagle either. Only the EC were permitted to wear it on their armour. Sorry! Also what rules are you using?


A tip for the purple. To make it stealthier looking, I use regal blue with a liche purple highlight on a black undercoat.

You cant use the Imperial Eagle either. Only the EC were permitted to wear it on their armour.


that would be true if he was doing a pre-heresy army,...but hes not. see below.


I'm not doing pre heresy i'm doing Left over legion brothers who remained loyal
Indeed Ageis Has it, I am thinking after going through extensive amounts of painstaking tasks trials and punishments the Imperium of Man has allowed these followers of the Alpha Legion to Tentively rejoin the ranks of the god-emperor's space marines, though they are not accepted by thier brothers and are genneraly distrusted they are still loyal servants to the emperor and nothing will stop them from proving such a thing.

Ah. Sorry. I didnt read that bit :). But the Ealges were only added really when Mk7 (aka. Aquilia Armour) was instated into the chapters.


Have you tried looking at the Tempus Fugitives Ruleset for Alpha Legion? The armies are very balanced and give a good view of the times they would have fought in.

I honestly don't even know what that is, I'm going by the spacemarine codex and plan on building a tournament army. As a writen updat I shaved of all the details from all the chest plates of my marines and soon to be terminators so they all have an empty chest plate.
Everything on the chests so the eagles or pipes or whatever would be on the specific peice, I would put up more pictures of the terminators and things but they are just regualr terminators without the eagles and such, I am keepign the eagles on my basice marines because on the specific squad they are all exactly the same so no need to het rid of them to make them the same. Umm this weekend some more converting and some paitning will be done so after this weekend you can expect a full update.
Everything on the chests so the eagles or pipes or whatever would be on the specific peice, I would put up more pictures of the terminators and things but they are just regualr terminators without the eagles and such, I am keepign the eagles on my basice marines because on the specific squad they are all exactly the same so no need to het rid of them to make them the same. Umm this weekend some more converting and some paitning will be done so after this weekend you can expect a full update.

idk if you ever read the alternative heresy fluff in the librarium, but there is one member who is do an entire series of IA articles for a vise-verse heresy where the loyalist we know are the traitors and the traitors we know are loyal, they are actually a good read (and before i actually read your post i thought thats what you were doing haha)



anyway on to the models, i like them, especially the tech marine, very ancient technology looking, but i stand by my statement from the thread about him, it'll be a pain in the rear to paint around all those necron rods!


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