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Inquisitor Scale Blood Angels Honor Guard WIP


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one minor thing, and it might just be the angle/lighting of the pics but it looks like the glow is brighter than the lenses... for obvious reasons the light source should be brighter than the reflected light... as i say this could be just the lighting in the pic, the eyes do seem to be in a bit of shadow, but in case it isn', you might want to brighten up the lenses a bit...

other than that, i'd say this is looking very, very nice, a good looking conversion (a nice idea to use the eviscerator :D ) and one that i will definately keep an eye on

Cheers for looking!

i think its just the pic, my painting table isn't well lit. Here is a slightly better pic with the model laid down so that the light ls shining over the front of the helmet instead of over the top of it. The image looks quite pale and noisy because it was cropped from a much larger image, but you get the idea. I think i will have to set up a light box and take some proper shots when its completed.


the next thing i plan to do is the shoulder pad with the chapter icon on it. I was toying with the idea of doing some freehand work on it but i think i might just use a vehicle decal to keep it looking a bit plain.



Hello all,

Time for another update. Well, hes quite close to being finished so i decised to start on the base and hopefully the model will be done at the same time as the base. Currently he is attatched to a 40mm tempory base for painting but when hes done he will be on a resin 60mm base from resinforge.com ( LINK )

The bases they make are fantastic and i opted for a slightly plain looking one so i could add some stuff to it but also so that it wouldnt distract from the model. Here is a pic of the resin base with sand, chain, brass bolter casings and greenstuff wich i used to get the model standing straight on uneven ground:


Here is a better pic of the back pack completely finished with some further weathering and chips


Here is a pic of the completed helmet and chest eagle. I decided to go with a white eagle to make the armor look a little more ornate and artisticly designed. It is also a good pic of the lense glow and the extra thigh plates wich i liked from the Sterguard and Terminator models.


Originaly i didnt want him looking too OTT so i was keen to just use a vehicle decal for the Blood Angels chapter symbol. I am really bad at using decals and after 4 attempts i decided to just do a freehand design, im happy with how it came out though.


lastly i decided to leave off the traditional squad markings from the right knee pad and opted for a slightly more pre-herest looking lift knee pad design that i stole from the dark angels ;)


Thanks for looking! Hes not quite finished and the whole model needs some final touchups and varnish as well as some mud slpatter around the feet but hes getting close! Let me know what you think!



Incredible work, especially on the small details like battle damage and the freehand.

Did all of your copies come with helmeted heads? I've onyl ever seen ONE helmeted head for Artemis on eBay, and it sold for like $15 USD...too rich for my blood!


Incredible work, especially on the small details like battle damage and the freehand.

Did all of your copies come with helmeted heads? I've onyl ever seen ONE helmeted head for Artemis on eBay, and it sold for like $15 USD...too rich for my blood!


Thanks alot! Ive found 3 Artemis's on eBay but all have been in various states of construction and this one was the only one that came with a helmet. I managed to find 2 helmets from another seller and they were $20USD for the pair. Im trying to locate a heavy bolter, i rekon that would be cool! :)


also, one of the other Artemis's came with a really nice power fist, and i have absolutly no idea where its from but its the perfect size...


High Marshal Sigfeird

Simpley impressive those angel wings on the shoulder pad superb!. I wonder im dying to find the inquisitor marine head for a project of my own. Best bet Ebay?


Thanks mate!

Yep, id recomend eBay for all your needs reguarding parts. It takes a little hunting around, but its well worth it! Im not sure if in allowed to post links to ebay sellers???


I hate to be the "bad guy", but the bit I dislike so far is the eye-glow. Don't get me wrong, it's really good. It's just somehow it's leaked all over the helm and it kinda ruins it. Apart from that well done :)


Thanks! C&C always welcome mate, there are no bad guys! I was going for a slightly higher level of glow to because the helmet, being gold is more reflective of the light, so thats why i went onto the hoses and the collar and all that. Not everyone is into the eye glow but Im happy with how its turned out, but next time i'll have a better idea what im doing ( this was my first eye glow attempt :) )


forgotten soul

are you going to make a jump-pack for him?


I did actualy think about that but I had intended to keep this guy fairly tame as far as converting went, although i did get into it a bit! I might do it on another one, i think it owuld look really cool and would make him alot of fun to use in games!


Thanks for the comments everyone, i really appreciate your intrest! does anyone play Inquisitor? I was thinking of opening a thread asking for some help with coming up with rules for this guy, any one interested in helping?






Well here's the pictures of the completed model!


And here is a size comparison pic of him next to a Tactical marine and a Dread


Ive decided to call him 'Tydaeus'

I had a lot of fun with this guy and am quite keen on doing some more large scale projects!

Let me know what you think, thanks for looking!

C&C welcome!




I hate to be the "bad guy", but the bit I dislike so far is the eye-glow. Don't get me wrong, it's really good. It's just somehow it's leaked all over the helm and it kinda ruins it. Apart from that well done :P


Thanks! C&C always welcome mate, there are no bad guys! I was going for a slightly higher level of glow to because the helmet, being gold is more reflective of the light, so thats why i went onto the hoses and the collar and all that. Not everyone is into the eye glow but Im happy with how its turned out, but next time i'll have a better idea what im doing ( this was my first eye glow attempt :) )

Yay I'm safe :P It's pretty impressive for your first attempt, really well done. But no more um overkill please :P


And the finished model is brillinat :) How many more of these did you say you were doing?

High Marshal Sigfeird

Top class work man and i took your advice and managed to aquire one on ebay now to Templarise him but as for your BA Honour guard marine simpley aces in my book wd!.


Thanks mate,

Nice work getting an Artemis, did you get a helmet too? if not, i might be able to help track one down for ya




And the finished model is brillinat smile.gif How many more of these did you say you were doing?



Im doing another 2, they wil all be Blood Angels but i think i might do another honor guard and somthing else, deathcompany perhaps, im not sure yet!





Nice! Like I said on the finalized model thread I think the gold on the bolter looks a little flat compared to the rest of the model but otherwise top notch work! I also like the weathering and think the glow effect looks fantastic from a whole-model view, which I think is a bit more important in such a showcase model. The artistic touches definitely help a great deal to tie him in with the Blood Angels, and the gold helm, knee heraldry, and older armor really mark him out as a vet.


Also like I said in the other thread, I'm turning an Artemis model into a Daemon Prince. Funnily enough, the rogue Chapter he's in are Blood Angels descendants... thank you for that link to the bases, by the way, those bases will do nicely. But the Deathwatch pad does present a problem. I like the scrollwork and feel it wouldn't be out of place on artificer armor but the icon is out of place as my Chapter Master was unlikely to serve in the Deathwatch. Do you suppose filing down the icon alone and finding something else to put in its place would look okay, or is it still too distinctly Inquisitorial?


EDIT: Oh! A Death Company model! Are you going to give him a helmet or no? Could be a sweet opportunity to model the wasting effects of the Flaw. Weapons? Victims? Or you could be really super ambitious and make a Chaplain or Sanguinary Priest!


...okay, waaaay too excited about someone else's project. A thousand pardons.


Nice! Like I said on the finalized model thread I think the gold on the bolter looks a little flat compared to the rest of the model but otherwise top notch work! I also like the weathering and think the glow effect looks fantastic from a whole-model view, which I think is a bit more important in such a showcase model. The artistic touches definitely help a great deal to tie him in with the Blood Angels, and the gold helm, knee heraldry, and older armor really mark him out as a vet.


Also like I said in the other thread, I'm turning an Artemis model into a Daemon Prince. Funnily enough, the rogue Chapter he's in are Blood Angels descendants... thank you for that link to the bases, by the way, those bases will do nicely. But the Deathwatch pad does present a problem. I like the scrollwork and feel it wouldn't be out of place on artificer armor but the icon is out of place as my Chapter Master was unlikely to serve in the Deathwatch. Do you suppose filing down the icon alone and finding something else to put in its place would look okay, or is it still too distinctly Inquisitorial?


EDIT: Oh! A Death Company model! Are you going to give him a helmet or no? Could be a sweet opportunity to model the wasting effects of the Flaw. Weapons? Victims? Or you could be really super ambitious and make a Chaplain or Sanguinary Priest!


...okay, waaaay too excited about someone else's project. A thousand pardons.


Thanks again for the praise! I took my time with him and thought out a lot of the details before putting them on, i could probably write a, essay on this guy! I'm glad you like the eye glow, it has had mixed responses but judging by other threads and chatting to people it is a matter of personal opinion and some people just aren't into it, but I'm happy with how it turned out.


As i said too i like the Daemon idea but yeah the =I= on the shoulder pad should go if hes originally a BA. The left shoulder pad had the chapter icon on it so I'd recommend filing it down a bit and covering it with a green stuff emblem or something to that effect. You could add a big paper scroll, like a giant (im)purity seal to cover it perhaps? or maybe you could add a mutation to that pad alone showing that matbe the chaos powers are trying to snuff out the traces of imperial creed from the armor quickly and are focusing their energies on corrupting that pad first? I don't know, just a few quick thoughts but its gonna be a nice build no doubt!


And yeah, those bases are quite good, a fair bit of bubbling but if you intend to cover it with pva and sand then it wont matter at all!


I had thought about having the Deathcompany marine charging forward with his bolt pistol still holstered as though, in his rage he didn't even consider ranged attacks. A helmet-less one would be quite good, pale skin, blazing eyes and bearing his fangs! If i did him i might leave him with his power sword, or might pick up another chainsword (i love them!)


I had a few other ideas on the drawing board but first I'm gonna make another honor guard with a power fist and bolt pistol and try a few other things out on him before doing my big project last!


Be sure to post a WIP thread for your Daemon prince so that i too may get over excited! :o




You could add a big paper scroll, like a giant (im)purity seal to cover it perhaps


Precisely what I was thinking. I am going to use one of the Lion Helm wings on his left pad for the Chapter symbol (he's an Angel Ascendant, one of my DIYs, their symbol is a golden wing), so I'm thinking just file down the skull/=][= and use a scroll.


I had thought about having the Deathcompany marine charging forward with his bolt pistol still holstered as though, in his rage he didn't even consider ranged attacks. A helmet-less one would be quite good, pale skin, blazing eyes and bearing his fangs! If i did him i might leave him with his power sword, or might pick up another chainsword (i love them!)


Yes! This was my first thought pretty much. Frothing at the mouth and vampiric, with a nice chain weapon. You could give him a chainaxe, some loyalists still go for them (whaddup Flesh Tearers?).


Be sure to post a WIP thread for your Daemon prince so that i too may get over excited! :D


Excellent! I think I'm going to do an army WiP log where I build and paint towards a specific list- it's what I tried to do before but I ended up with a sprawling collection nonetheless.


EDIT: The WiP. :P


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