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Ultras commander I NEED HELP GUYS!

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Oki so went gw shopping today and went nuts, for the new space wolf stuff. Seriously amazing stuff, next project will be a wolf lord, but getting of topic thats work to come.


Magnus here coming along well, i think i got a suitable cloak which im working on with gs to fill in the hold of where an tear on. It but it seriously works for me, aswell as his back pack. So got some pics to show what he looks like with cape and backback note there not in place just blue tac atm to give you all an idea c+c as always guys and gals =].



Looking good, Just a suggestion: Are you going to be using g-s fur to 'attach' the cloak to the body ( like over the shoulders, if you know what i mean)


Cant wait to see it finished, its gonna make a mean centre piece for an army :huh:



Keep it up

Excatly right My brother Marine, when the shoulder pads arrivework on them then part fur over then connecting the cloak, now im toying with paint idea whatcha think. Should he look shiney and new or a lil paint chipped and all?

Hey all just a quick update, still waiting on the shoulderpads so i can continue on him, but the shields arrived today so i molded it and affixed in place, i think personally it looks sweet, very romanesque.



Oki one and all i finally got an update for you,forgeworld finally sent e the shoulder pads. This is just a pic of them on now i can get it all together and have him painted up so hopefully more to follow =].



Hey B@C thanks for all the support for this guy so far, appreciate it i really do. Anyway a little update im halfway through painting him up just thought id let you see what i've done so far on his colour scheme thanks all!.





Your thread should die if you post three times in a row to get a response.


First of all, I don't know why no one pointed you to the search function to get your inspiration.


Second of all, your commander looks like he is wearing the equivalent to armored parachute pants. He doesn't need so much clutter. I don't even know why he has a Ultra icon belt buckle. It reminds me of a country guy. Simple is, most of the time, better. It looks cleaner, ect.


There are dozens of GS tutorials online. I would look into one so you can improve. Green stuffing changed my modeling career entirely.

@ Alpha PTP - What a ridiculous post! Why would you bother posting on this thread?? You may be an awesome modeler/painter but we all have to start somewhere. We all read tutorials and others' posts but it is nice to get some advice from others more experienced. One's own criticism is no where near as useful in most cases! I for one am actually interested in this thread but as I hadn't noticed it at the top of the thread list I hadn't read it/replied for a while - I would have if I would have known!


It has been pointed out previously that the legs may be too large but it. Why not put it in a constructive format so a next attempt may be a bit better.


If you have nothing constructive to say, DON'T BOTHER!!!!


I'm not particularly experienced on these forums and neither am a great painter, but at least I have some manners and common courtesy!


@ High Marshal - I really like the paint job so far! Although I do think the legs are a little large, I've always though GW ones are a little small so... I think the painting has blended the shoulder pad on the knee a little too!


Keep the updates coming!!!

i have to agree that post was less than neccisary alpha, im sorry i missed this thread!


i think its going great i thought the shoulder pad looked to large at first but now its painted up i think its a very dashing model indeed, well done!!



Oh wow thankyou so much guys this means so much, as always im learning and i agree his legs are beefy, but tbh i went for that. Again this is my test design model for my smufs, what i learn now will be well worth knowing, and help me in the future, Ok as promised another painting up date Magnus is done himself im working on the cloak and further now.



Well I seem to be a bit late to put any input in.


Overall I like the model, I think you've done a fantastic job. There were only a couple of things that stand out that bug me.


The first was the shield's placement. Minor, I just think it would have looked better a litte further back, that is if I'm looking at it right. Could be a size issue but I think it would look better if you didn't have it covering his pistol hand.


The other was something that keeps nagging me also on that side. The upper portion of the armor, it's trim seems to have two kind of end tail bits. Could just be me, but I swear that it's not the same width all the way round. It just looks like it needs a tad more greenstuff to even it out is all. :)


Anyway, like I said I like the model overal. I really like what you did with the helmet's face bit and I also did like that you put a comparison to a normal scale marine. Helps me out as I havn't found a picture of the two side by side. Hope to do a true scale army at some point...

@ Alpha PTP - What a ridiculous post! Why would you bother posting on this thread?? You may be an awesome modeler/painter but we all have to start somewhere. We all read tutorials and others' posts but it is nice to get some advice from others more experienced. One's own criticism is no where near as useful in most cases! I for one am actually interested in this thread but as I hadn't noticed it at the top of the thread list I hadn't read it/replied for a while - I would have if I would have known!

Thank you for the compliment, I guess. Let me quote myself:


First of all, I don't know why no one pointed you to the search function to get your inspiration.

This is quite the valid statement. In my time on the B&C 99% of the time people point posts like this to the search function. He is looking for inspiration, and I'm sure there is one Ultramarine player out there that would inspire him. How is this even a WIP if he is looking for just inspiration at the time? Shouldn't he be in the general PCA section for that?


Your thread should die if you post three times in a row to get a response.

He was pretty much just bumping his thread, which is on the list of "What not to do at the B&C."


Second of all, your commander looks like he is wearing the equivalent to armored parachute pants. He doesn't need so much clutter. I don't even know why he has a Ultra icon belt buckle. It reminds me of a country guy. Simple is, most of the time, better. It looks cleaner, ect.


There are dozens of GS tutorials online. I would look into one so you can improve. Green stuffing changed my modeling career entirely.

How is this not constructive criticism? I'm not telling him that his model sucks, I'm giving my two bits as to how he could improve the model. If I didn't get advice on how to improve my models throughout my time on here, I wouldn't be half the modeler I am today. If the model looks strange, don't beat around the bush and tell him it looks fantastic. Throwing on a fake smile and posting some fake, positive criticism is doing him no good as an artist.


This being said, I'm going to shut up and leave the topic before it gets closed because of some petty argument.

Right one and all final post here as hes done and finished and im proud of him reguardless of what some modelers would contest after all, isnt this art all about the observer so some will say good, or bad and frankly, i thank Alpha in his way, it inspires me to do bigger greater things =], infact i thank you all.


Anyway final update of the finished model =].





Hi there, I must say I'm really impressed. I saw this thread earlier on today, and hadn't had chance to comment. At the time, I wasn't too sure about the whole chest area, the legs I actually don't mind. However, you have totally changed my mind with that paint job. it is clean and very effective :) and really does look like a Roman-Ultramarine.


If I may say, there is just one area where I think a slight change would create an even better image, the vertically flipped Omega sigil on the banner. I think it would look great if you were to repaint the circle white, until it is as solid a colour as the helmet, and thin, using a graphic/mechanical pencil, carefully sketch the out line of the sigil, then fill it in with black, or, use a transfer (I suck at using them!) but it might work well here. Do that, and it would go from an A to an A* in my book :)


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